Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

Mad Men: The 10 Best Pitches From The Series, Ranked


Mad Men is about the employees and executives of an advertising agency. Naturally, the show provided viewers with a number of excellent ads.

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Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

Mad Men was many things at once. It was an intense and personal meditation on themes of identity and imposter syndrome. It was a wacky workplace comedy filled with memorable characters and outlandish situations. It was also a deeply intimate glimpse into the creative process.

In many ways, Mad Men is about the art of creating something. And because these characters work in an advertising agency, that something is advertisements. Viewers are afforded a look into how iconic ads are manufactured, from brainstorming to final product. The result is many great pitches and many richly creative ideas.

10 Hershey’s

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

The Hershey’s pitch is such a monumentally important aspect of the show and the character arc of Don that all Mad Men viewers need is one simple word to understand.

The Hershey’s pitch itself isn’t all that brilliant, as Don goes off on a weirdly personal tangent that saddens his clients and nearly gets him fired from the company. But it’s integral to his development, and his personal arc nearly concludes with this dramatic opening up. For once, Don finds inner peace by shedding his demons and sharing his past.

9 Hilton

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

The third season sees Sterling Cooper attempting to get Hilton Hotels. Don performs a magnificent pitch to Hilton himself, playing on the universality of the Hilton brand and its association with tourism in exotic countries.

While the pitch was genius and highly creative, Hilton himself wasn’t particularly satisfied and ended up rejecting Don’s idea. It’s a shame, because Don’s tagline really was a bit of inspired genius.

8 Playtex

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

One of the most unique pitches comes in season one’s “Maidenform,” which sees Paul Kinsey creating the Jackie/Marilyn idea. Most of the brilliant ideas come from either Don or Peggy, so it was interesting to see one coming from Kinsey.

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To help advertise Playtex, Kinsey comes up with the idea to compare women to either Jackie Kennedy or Marilyn Monroe. Kennedy is the conservative and professional woman, whereas Monroe is the more liberal sex symbol.

7 Jantzen

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

In November of 1964, Jantzen swimwear hired SCDP to create an advertising strategy for their new bathing suit. It displays a black bar over a woman’s chest, with the words “So well built, we can’t show you the second floor.”

It’s a creative pitch that plays on the conservative dress code of the mid 1960s, yet it signals an approaching acceptance of the more liberal tone of late ’60s America. Unfortunately, it proves a little too racy for Jantzen, and they firmly decline Don’s idea (resulting in them getting kicked out of the office).

6 Belle Jolie

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

The Belle Jolie pitch is another great one from the first season of the show. Not only does it establish Peggy as a marketing talent, but it effectively turns her into a major character of the show.

Her idea of “a basket of kisses” is genius, and it’s what inspires Don and Freddy Rumsen to create the pitch. The pitch itself also goes quite well, with Don once again proving his off-the-cuff brilliance to rescue Freddy and turn a potential disaster into a success. The Belle Jolie account displays the best of both Don and Peggy, promising the beautiful friendship and creative collaboration that follows.

5 Lucky Strike

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

Lucky Strike goes all the way back to the pilot. Sterling Cooper is largely built on the profits from Lucky Strike cigarettes, and when it comes time to merge into SCDP, Lucky Strike accounts for a very large portion of their income. And they only have Lucky Strike because of Don’s brilliant “It’s toasted” pitch.

This was actually Lucky Strike’s tagline, but its history was re-contextualized within the show to portray Don’s quick thinking and gifted talent for advertising.

4 Life

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

One of the saddest things about Don Draper is his seeming struggle to manage his alcohol consumption. Don is a functioning alcoholic, but even he goes off the rails at times. One of those times was during the awards show ceremony.

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Don shows up at work half falling over from inebriation before launching into a pitch for Life cereal. And it’s actually pretty good, complete with the punchy tagline “The cure for the common breakfast.” The only problem is that he plagiarized the idea from Danny, and he is forced to reluctantly hire him as a result.

3 Heinz Beans

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

Some things about Megan Draper make no sense, but she had an undeniable talent for advertising. Unfortunately for Don, she eventually left the firm to pursue a career in soap operas.

Her Heinz beans pitch is surely a thing of genius. The idea itself is brilliant, with families through the ages (from cavemen to moon people) enjoying a warm bowl of Heinz beans. “Some things never change.” The pitch is also brilliant, with the executive quickly changing his mind on the qualities of SCDP and deciding not to fire them.

2 Burger Chef

Mad Men The 10 Best Pitches From The Series Ranked

The first half of season seven builds to the Burger Chef presentation. And it’s a great one. In many ways, this is Peggy’s Carousel, the pitch that makes her an advertising genius.

It was indeed the creative high point for Peggy, the point where the mentor officially overthrew the boss. Much of this half-season was devoted to the creative clash between Don and Peggy. Don was on the outs at the company, and Peggy was its fast-rising star. With the immaculate Burger Chef presentation, Don finally knew that he had been supplanted.

1 Carousel

The carousel pitch and its episode helped make Mad Men iconic. This is the culmination of Don’s character arc, at least when it’s contained to the first season. By marketing the Kodak carousel projector as a family unit, he finally realizes what he has in Betty and his children.

It’s the perfect marriage between work, art, and the personal, and that’s exactly why Mad Men is so good. It makes us realize the humanity that is often put into the best pieces of art – even if they’re ads meant to sell products.

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