Magneto & Professor X Dethroned by Emma Frost In New XMen Cover

Magneto & Professor X Dethroned by Emma Frost In New X-Men Cover

The cover of X-Men: Inferno #2 reveals Emma Frost is about to dethrone Magneto and Professor X as leaders of the mutant nation of Krakoa.

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Magneto & Professor X Dethroned by Emma Frost In New XMen Cover

Magneto and Professor X are dethroned by Emma Frost, the former White Queen, in the cover for X-Men: Inferno #2. Jonathan Hickman’s upcoming X-Men: Inferno miniseries threatens to burn the mutant nation of Krakoa to the ground. The former mutant terrorist Mystique has been manipulated by Charles Xavier and Magneto, but they have been playing with fire; years ago Mystique’s precognitive wife Destiny charged her to destroy Krakoa if its leaders would not resurrect her.

Magneto and Professor X have been keeping a lot of secrets from Krakoa’s ruling Quiet Council, not least the fact they have been advised by the reincarnating mutant Moira MacTaggert. But all these secrets are about to explode to the surface, rocking Krakoan society to the core, and potentially spelling the doom of the entire mutant race. Covers have repeatedly shown Moira MacTaggert standing over the bodies of the fallen X-Men, suggesting she may not be as reliable as her old friends believe.

Marvel has just released a cover and synopsis for X-Men: Inferno #2 by Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli. The cover – by Jerome Opena – suggests the White Queen will overthrow Krakoa’s two most notable leaders, Magneto and Professor X; and the synopsis cautions, “Secrets. Lies. They have a way of coming out when you least expect them.”

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Originally introduced as an X-Men enemy, Emma Frost has become an A-list superhero over the years. Her central motivation is her love of children – she’s a teacher at heart – and Emma is delighted at the prospect of building a mutant nation where young mutants can be safe. She’s naturally manipulative and Machiavellian, and has already learned the days of mutants turning on one another are far from over. If this cover is any indication, that mutant-on-mutant conflict may be starting sooner than fans expected as it seems Emma will be dethroning the two supreme leaders of Krakoa – a coup that is frankly much deserved.

But this is only the second issue of X-Men: Inferno, meaning the firestorm is far from over. Mystique doesn’t aim to overthrow Krakoa’s leaders – she wants to burn the island down. That task will be far easier with Magneto and Charles Xavier out of the picture – and no doubt the aftermath of Emma Frost’s coup will leave the Quiet Council in chaos, creating countless opportunities for Mystique to sow even further chaos. Krakoa has never been in greater danger – and that’s even assuming Mystique is the greatest threat, not Moira MacTaggert herself.

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