Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

Mank: 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics


From Chloé Zhao to Charlie Kaufman, these famous screenwriters deserve their own biopics just like Mank.

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Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

With David Fincher’s latest critical darling Mank gaining more mainstream awareness after receiving several Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, it only makes sense to look through the dense and fascinating history of the craft of screenwriting to shine a light on other screenwriters who are deserving of having their story told on the big screen.

The innovative manner in which Mank interweaved with Citizen Kane once again proved the massive potential of the cinematic medium to bring the world of the film writer to life in fresh and interesting ways. That being said, here are the ten screenwriters we think are most primed for their own biopic.

10 Chloé Zhao

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

The newest and most up-and-coming writer to appear here is recent Best Director winner Chloé Zhao. While Zhao’s win spells nothing but good things for Hollywood’s acknowledgment of women and POC filmmakers, it is also an incredible boon to what is sure to be a long and storied career for the filmmaker. Acknowledged mostly for their directing work on Nomadland, Zhao’s achievements as a screenwriter are equally impressive. Their nuanced and wise-beyond-their-years writing is indicative of long-awaited changes to modern Hollywood that are finally beginning to take root, the inspiring story writes itself.

9 John Hughes

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

One can easily imagine a film based around the stratospheric career of writer John Hughes between 1980-1989 being a huge crowd-pleaser. Hughes essentially created his own brand of films featuring a similar troupe of cast members, overarching themes of coming-of-age, and a healthy dose of adult humor in most cases.

A film about the man behind The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Home Alone, and many more iconic films could be both fun and bittersweet, as Hughes led a semi-tragic life before unfortunately passing away fairly young.

8 The Wachowskis

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

A potential biopic on The Wachowskis could either be a broad overview of their work, the various extreme highs and lows the siblings have faced both professionally and personally over the course of their admittedly hit-or-miss career as writers/directors, or the film could strictly follow them as they crafted one of the most game-changing films in the history of the format with The Matrix. The film was such a gamble at the time, yet such an organic blockbuster and next evolutionary step in the action film genre, the story of its creation is worthy of its own film.

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7 Frank Darabont

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

The story that a Frank Darabont biopic could follow is the incredibly inspiring story of how he got to direct his own script for his feature film debut. That film would go on to be The Shawshank Redemption, widely regarded as one of the finest films ever made. Darabont made a short film adaption of a Stephen King story, which led to an unofficial deal and lifelong friendship between the young filmmaker and the novelist. Darabont’s success is every screenwriter’s dream–a mixture of a great project and a little bit of luck.

6 Shonda Rhimes

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

Shonda Rhimes may be more well known, and invaluable, in the television landscape. That being said, she is a powerhouse writer/creator and bonafide head of a small screen empire.

With hits like Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder, and of course Grey’s Anatomy under her “Shondaverse” umbrella, Rhimes is one of the big kahunas in the land of tv writing. A story of her success would chart the evoltuion of modern television and some of its most progressive achievements.

5 Mel Brooks

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

One of the ultimate kings of the comedic genre, Mel Brooks has been around for what seems like forever. A master of parody and slapstick, Brooks has gone on to achieve a rare kind of reverence in the film world that very very few get, let alone in their lifetime. Brooks has had such a storied and well-documented life in show business that it is surprising a film about him hasn’t been made yet. By combining the right lead performance with a script infused with his trademark style of humor, a Brooks biopic could be a huge success.

4 Lawrence Kasdan

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

One simply has to take a brief overview glance of Kasdan’s filmography to see what earns him the spot on the list; really it all comes down to one iconic line: “No. I am your father!”. Kasdan was the screenwriter behind The Empire Strikes Back and many of the following sequels in the main series.

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However, a film solely about the creation of one of cinema’s best twists and best blockbusters of all time would be an amazing snapshot of history in the making. The history behind the masterpiece is almost as fascinating as what happens on screen. Almost.

3 Nora Ephron

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

The late great Nora Ephron is an undeniable icon of modern screenwriting. Ephron was nominated three times for her screenwriting work, including for the Gold Standard in rom-com When Harry Met Sally… Ephron had a distinctly humorous edge to her films that led them above the pack in nearly every case, especially mid-way through her career when she took up directing as well. A brilliant writer whose story as a trailblazer, not only in Hollywood but also in the world of journalism, would be amazing fodder for a biopic.

2 Charlie Kaufman

Mank 10 Best Screenwriters Who Deserve Their Own Biopics

While it is true that Adaption is technically something of an autobiography, it is far from a proper biopic. Kaufman is not only one of the most imaginative and acclaimed screenwriters on this side of Aaron Sorkin, but he is also one of cinema’s most mysterious minds. The creator of endlessly engaging and innovative screenplays such as Being John Malkovich, Anomalisa, and last year’s divisive opus I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Kaufman would be a pitch-perfect choice for a biopic that delves into the world of one of our most brilliant literary madmen.

1 Troy Duffy

A Troy Duffy film would be much more like The Disaster Artist than Mank, but what a film it would be. One would only need to view the documentary Overnight to see the obvious potential in a film about the disastrous rise and almost immediate fall of Troy Duffy, a bartender who was given a chance at the dream of writing and directing a major feature film (The Boondock Saints), only to squander every opportunity he had with disturbing behavior and bad decisions. While the final film wasn’t the worst thing ever, the journey to get there is a story that is a million times riper for a biopic.

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