Marvels Secret Invasion 10 Awesome Moments From The Comics We Hope To See

Marvel’s Secret Invasion: 10 Awesome Moments From The Comics We Hope To See


The Marvel Cinematic Universe is bringing Secret Invasion to Disney+ as a special event series. Here are some great comic moments fans hope to see.

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Marvels Secret Invasion 10 Awesome Moments From The Comics We Hope To See

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is bringing Secret Invasion to Disney+ as a special event series. Based on the Marvel Comics event series by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu, the story reveals the Skrulls had infiltrated Earth. They planned an eventual invasion that launched in this series. The angle saw some of Earth’s mightiest heroes replaced by the Skrulls, including Spider-Woman, Black Bolt, Elektra, and more.

With no heroes knowing who to trust, the Skrull Queen led an attack on Earth. It all ended with Norman Osborn helping save the world. Nothing in Marvel Comics looked the same. With the Secret Invasion series serving as a smaller-scale version of the comics, there are still things from that story that could make the series legendary.

10 The Illuminati

The entire Secret Invasion started because of the continued interference by the secret Illuminati. These were the most powerful heroes in the world, operating in secret to control everything.

They traveled to the Skrull homeworld, telling them to keep away from Earth. That was all it took for the aliens to set their sights on Earth. They took out Illuminati member Black Bolt early on. Bringing in this secret organization could set up big things in the MCU’s future.

9 Introduction Of Spider-Woman

One of the biggest shocks in Marvel’s Secret Invasion was when Spider-Woman ended up as the Skrull Queen. This was a massive revelation since Jessica Drew had the trust of Nick Fury and the Avengers.

Her betrayal helped the Skrulls take control in the war for Earth. Spider-Woman is someone who has yet to appear in a movie. While it is confusing if Sony, Marvel, or both studios have the rights to Spider-Woman, it would be great to see Jessica Drew on the big-screen.

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8 Nick Fury Betrayed From Within

Spider-Woman was one hero who earned Nick Fury’s complete trust. When she turned out to be the Skrull Queen, it shattered the trust anyone had in Fury. This turned the tides of the Skrull war.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Fury is on a spacecraft in outer space as two Skrulls on Earth impersonate him and Maria Hill. After Captain Marvel, Skrulls earned trust from Earth’s heroes. A betrayal by the aliens that Fury placed his trust in would be a perfect start to the Secret Invasion.

7 Quake Joins MCU

There have been no hints that Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a home in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show took the characters to alternate Earths and worked best when separating itself from the MCU movies. However, it doesn’t mean they never will return.

Quake from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. made her debut in comics during the Secret War storyline, which led to Secret Invasion. It was Quake that Nick Fury used to recruit descendants of superheroes to help battle in the war. It could be a great way to bring Quake back into the MCU.

6 Registration Act Cripples Superheroes

The biggest reason the Secret Invasion caused so much destruction and splintered the superheroes was that Civil War already divided them. There are thoughts that Thanos might have failed in Avengers: Infinity War if Iron Man and Captain America worked together.

That could still play out, as the accords are still in effect in the MCU. If there are heroes hiding out and if there is dissension between them, the Skrulls can infiltrate Earth much more easily.

5 Skrulls Possess Earth’s Heroes Powers

Right now, there are no major Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes appearing in Secret Invasion outside of Nick Fury. But if the Skrulls are impersonating heroes, it would be cool to see them take on the appearance of all kinds of powerful foes.

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It would be great to see some major names return only to find out they are really skrulls.

4 The Return Of Dead Characters

Marvels Secret Invasion 10 Awesome Moments From The Comics We Hope To See

There were characters that returned from the dead in Secret Invasion. One example of this was when the Skrulls attacked the Savage Land, and one included Mockingbird, who everyone thought was dead.

By the end, these replaced heroes ended up alive after all. Though there haven’t been many dead heroes in the MCU, this could open the door for a return of names like Quicksilver when the dust settles.

3 Contessa Valentina De La Fontaine Is A Skrull

Julia Louis-Dreyfus made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier as Contessa Valentina De La Fontaine. She announced her plans to start something, and her first target here was John Walker, the U.S. Agent.

There are rumors she is starting her own team of the Thunderbolts. She might bring in names like Yelena Belova and maybe old villains like Abomination. In Secret Invasion, Fontaine was a Skrull, and having her already assembling a team could give the Skrulls weapons in the fight.

2 Thunderbolts Join The Fight

Even if Fontaine brings in The Thunderbolts, there is no reason to think this team of antiheroes and former villains will remain on the Skrull’s side. In the Secret Invasion comics, the Thunderbolts came to the aid of Earth, fighting the good fight.

If it wasn’t for the Thunderbolts, the Skrulls could have won. This could give redemption arcs for characters like U.S. Agent and Baron Zemo if they join the war.

1 Norman Osborn Saves The World

Contessa Valentina De La Fontaine is reportedly bringing the Thunderbolts together, but the leader could be a very different person at the end. Norman Osborn has yet to debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Rumors claim Willem Dafoe could reprise the role in Spider-Man: No Way Home, and that could just be the start.

Norman is the person who fired the shot that killed the Skrull Queen. He used the fame to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. and ran it with former supervillains at his behest, becoming Marvel’s next big bad.

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