Marvels The Amazing SpiderMan #1 Comic Review

Marvel’s The Amazing Spider-Man #1 Comic Review


Peter Parker’s newest adventure is off to an intense, excellently drawn start in Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr’s The Amazing Spider-Man #1

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Marvels The Amazing SpiderMan #1 Comic ReviewMarvels The Amazing SpiderMan #1 Comic Review

Amazing Spider-Man #1

Ever since his first appearance in Stan Lee and Steve Ditko’s 1962 Amazing Fantasy #15 — Spider-Man has been one of the most well-loved heroes in comic book history. But the lovable Peter Parker seems to have burned all his bridges in Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr’s The Amazing Spider-Man #1. The first issue of the Spider-Man relaunch is an intense, entertaining story that details a particularly difficult period in the iconic hero’s life.

The Amazing Spider-Man #1 begins with a beaten and battered Peter Parker kneeling at the center of a gigantic crater somewhere outside of York, Pennsylvania. Then, six months later, the audience catches up with Peter after a mysterious and tumultuous period of time that has left him buried in debt and at odds with everyone in his life. The hero seems determined to pick up the pieces of his life, but it’s clear that he has burned a lot of bridges since fans last saw him, and to make matters worse, he is about to get pulled into the middle of a turf war between two rival gangs of super-criminals.

Marvels The Amazing SpiderMan #1 Comic Review

Zeb Wells does a masterful job of establishing the difficult nature of Peter’s situation without revealing any information about how things got this bad. By the end of The Amazing Spider-Man #1, fans will be as curious about what happened before the issue started as they will be about what’s coming next. By skipping six months into the future, Wells is able to start the series on a fresh note while still acknowledging the continuity of the Marvel Universe. As odd as the titular hero’s situation seems, he’s still the same old Spider-Man fans love. The character’s sense of humor helps balance the otherwise dark tone of the story.

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John Romita Jr.’s triumphant return to drawing Marvel’s web-slinger is absolutely flawless. Working with his longtime Spider-Man collaborator inker Scott Hanna, Romita brings life to Wells’ writing. Each page is composed perfectly to lead the reader through the subtle emotional beats of the story before jumping into some excellent action sequences. Spider-Man’s battle with Digger is particularly exciting. The fight flows smoothly, and Romita does a great job highlighting the most breathtaking elements of the choreography. Colorist Marcio Menyz’s work complements the art perfectly and add a realistic, grounded tone to the wild proceedings.

The Amazing Spider-Man #1 ends with a confounding surprise that is sure to leave readers scratching their heads. Wells seems determined to put poor Peter through the wringer in this series, but it is sure to be an exciting ride. The entire creative team does an excellent job adding a healthy amount of fun to the intense, brooding story while crafting an intriguing mystery. Longtime Spider-Man readers will be delighted by the start of a new series, and this issue is a perfect place for new readers to start.

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