Mass Effect Legendary Editions Easiest Secrets To Miss

Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s Easiest Secrets To Miss


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is full of fun hidden secrets that players can find only through extensive exploration. Here are some of the best.

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Mass Effect Legendary Editions Easiest Secrets To Miss

Player choices and exploration are focal features of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which includes dozens of planets to probe and traverse and various side quests that Shepard can pick up on their way across the galaxy. With so much content to experience, most players won’t encounter every secret in the Mass Effect trilogy in just one playthrough – in fact, the games are designed so that even small decisions have an impact. Players have almost limitless combinations of characters, dialogue choices and key story decisions to experiment with. Aiming to fully explore Mass Effect Legendary Edition can lead to the discovery of some well-hidden secrets within the series.

Many characters in the Mass Effect series will have different dialogue depending on who’s with them. Mass Effect 1 features regular banter between crewmates in elevator trips on the Citadel, and in Mass Effect 2 some companions get into arguments that can jeopardize their loyalty, such as the Jack and Miranda confrontation. This helps to create an ever-changing experience, prompting players to bring along different characters to hear what they have to say to one another.

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Dialogue isn’t the only area where Mass Effect players can find secrets, however. The galaxy is an expansive place, and all three games across the series feature multiple planets that players can land on to explore. Probing areas is also a gameplay element across the trilogy, one that can yield interesting artifacts or useful materials and war assets as the games progress. Mass Effect Legendary Edition makes a point of making some things difficult to find – but actively working toward finding these secrets can be rewarding to returning fans of the series.

Mass Effect Secret: EDI’s Hilarious Planet Probing Dialogue

Mass Effect Legendary Editions Easiest Secrets To Miss

In Mass Effect 2, Shepard can gather resources for upgrades and encounter new missions by scanning the surface of various planets across the galaxy. Each sector is marked with a percentage that shows how thoroughly players have explored any given area. Because of this, it can be easy to skip over the Local Cluster, which is marked with 100% from the start of the game. There, players can visit the human solar system and even probe its planets, though there isn’t much to be found. They can also probe the planet Uranus – though trying to do so will result in EDI asking “Really, Commander?” followed by a long-suffering sigh. Compared to her usual emotionless delivery in ME2, it’s a fun change of pace.

Mass Effect Secret: Shifty Looking Cow

Mass Effect Legendary Editions Easiest Secrets To Miss

If players travel to the planet Ontarom, located in the Newton system of the Kepler Verge, they can encounter a creature named Shifty Looking Cow. It can be located in the southwestern corner of the map. Targeting the animal gives Shepard the ability to talk to it, though doing so does nothing. However, as soon as players turn around they’ll probably notice credits being taken out of their inventory – the notification will pop up on the right-hand side of the screen as Shepard’s money is slowly drained. If that wasn’t enough, the Shifty Looking Cow will even follow Shepard around, and killing it won’t return any of the lost credits. As it turns out, fully exploring every planet in Mass Effect can be costly.

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Mass Effect Secret: Legion’s Robot Dance

The Geth companion introduced in Mass Effect 2, Legion, is normally fairly inexpressive. He does, however, have a unique idle animation that can be triggered if players stand around long enough to watch him. Occasionally, Legion will switch from his standard idle animations and start dancing – and appropriately enough, his dance style mimics the Robot Dance. While this isn’t as involved as some other Mass Effect secrets, at least from a gameplay perspective, it adds charm to Legion’s character and can be a fun reward for players who hang around their companions long enough to observe their idle behavior.

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