MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

MCU: 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore


From dealing with Clint’s inner guilt to Yelena’s vendetta against the superhero, the Disney+ Hawkeye series needs to bring certain arcs to the MCU.

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MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

The Disney+ Hawkeye series has the potential to be the most grounded show in the MCU yet. Following Clint Barton after the events of Avengers: Endgame, the main plot is about the titular character training Kate Bishop to be his successor.

Although the general outline of the series is known, there are plenty of personal arcs the characters can follow to make up the overall presentation of the story. These range from things like Clint’s past, to how his mind works and setting up the rest of the MCU after the show concludes. It’s interesting to see just how many answers can be provided should these plot threads be pursued.

10 Hawkeye’s Difficult Family Life During Childhood

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

Although he’s gone through several challenges during his decade-long stay in the series, sad things about MCU’s Hawkeye are mainly tied to other characters’ tragedies rather than exclusively his own. In the comics, his childhood was supposed to have been at a carnival where he grew up with his brother.

The Hawkeye series should similarly feature a storyline that shows Clint as a child and how his family life played out. This can run parallel with the present-day story and reveal how Clint became Hawkeye, with the potential plots surrounding the difficulties he faced in his upbringing.

9 Hawkeye Coping With The Loss Of Black Widow

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

The confrontation with Yelena Belova will be one of the several questions Hawkeye will answer about the MCU, although there also needs to be a storyline about Natasha. This should detail how Hawkeye got over the loss of his best friend, or if he ever did.

The story can have him recall the big moment on Vormir where Natasha sacrificed herself, with Hawkeye plagued by guilt and a sense of loss. It can tie into the appearance of Yelena, as the latter and Clint can put aside their difference and be united in grief over Natasha’s passing.

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8 Yelena’s Conflict With Being An Assassin And Natasha’s Successor

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

The show needs to turn Yelena’s appearance into an arc of its own, as a one-off appearance won’t do her character justice. Ideally, her story should fully portray Yelena’s struggles with becoming an assassin and the conflict she feels over taking down Natasha’s best friend.

With no Black Widow announced as of yet, the Hawkeye series can be the launching pad for Yelena to embrace the identity her sister carried for so long. This can be shown after she learns more about Natasha through Clint and puts her vendetta against him to rest.

7 Hawkeye’s Identity Crisis Between Being A Hero And A Retired Spy

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

Even after he retired in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Clint has never been permanently away from a fight. He was brought back for the Civil War arc followed by the Infinity War, which would mean that his place in Hawkeye is the first time he’s truly retired.

To this end, Clint can have a personal arc of reconciling the fact that he’s done with all the battles but having to go through an identity crisis beforehand. The story could see him try and live vicariously through Kate Bishop, as Clint would find it difficult to give up being a hero.

6 The Origins Of Lucky

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

Lucky the Pizza Dog is set to appear in Hawkeye, and he was a notable pet of the superhero in the comics. However, the dog shouldn’t just appear as a side character but has his own origin story about how he came to be with Clint.

This can set up Lucky to be a recurring element in Kate Bishop’s story after she fully takes over the role of Hawkeye. In addition, Lucky’s origin will provide viewers with a reason to be connected to the dog, and the story should ideally have Clint save Lucky after his struggles as a stray.

5 Echo Teaching Clint To Live With His Loss Of Hearing

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

Maya Lopez will be taking on the identity of Echo in Hawkeye, making her the second deaf superhero in the MCU after Makkari in Eternals. However, Clint is also supposed to be deaf in the comics and needs to have a storyline dedicated to coming to terms with it in this series.

The arc will give Echo something to bond over with Clint, and she can be shown teaching him how to live a normal life after losing his hearing. This will simultaneously set up Echo’s future in the MCU while providing another deeply personal story for Clint in the show.

4 The Fallout From Hawkeye’s Time As A Vigilante

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

After his turn as Ronin in Avengers: Endgame, one of the most recurring questions about MCU’s Hawkeye has been how the Blip will affect him. After all, Clint killed off scores of organized crime members during the five-year gap and the return of the Snapped criminals can result in many coming to settle the score with him.

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To this end, the Disney+ series can place the main backdrop as Clint and Kate having to fight off the mafia who threaten the heroes’ families. This way, the arc of Clint’s turn as Ronin will be brought to a close and reveal how many lives he had taken back then.

3 Hawkeye’s Estrangement With His Mentor

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

Jack Duquesne is set to appear in Hawkeye as Clint’s childhood mentor, and it’s more than likely that the comics’ storyline will be followed. Here, Duquesne had the alter-identity of the Swordsman who taught the young Clint how to use weaponry at the carnival.

Similar to the source material, the TV series can play out the story as Clint becoming estranged from Duquesne after learning about the latter’s thievery. The plotline can be portrayed through the use of flashbacks, with the child Clint’s skills detailed and his dynamic with Duquesne during this time also seen from start to finish.

2 The World Settling From The Result Of The Blip

MCU 10 Storylines The Hawkeye Series Needs To Explore

This was the main plot of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, with the Flag Smashers refusing to accept the world becoming what it was like before the Blip. As the Hawkeye series takes place sometime after everything has settled down, one of the overarching themes can be about people coming to terms with the new normal.

The resulting plotline could be about people wanting to be heroes like Hawkeye after learning from the debacle of the Flag Smashers. This might be the basis for Kate being a fan of Hawkeye, as the positive consequences of the Blip make the latter out to be a legend for helping to bring everyone back.

1 Yelena & Kate’s Growing Friendship

With Yelena becoming the next Black Widow and Kate as the successor to Clint, the thing fans want to see most in Hawkeye is another friendship that can carry the MCU into the future. Black Widow and Hawkeye’s friendship was a vital aspect of the series for a decade, and the Disney+ series is well set to replicate that.

This particular plotline can follow Kate and Yelena’s clash after the latter attempts to take Clint’s life. Once the two are acquainted, the story could see them team up potentially against Valentina for ordering the hit on Clint, following which the two women form a friendship.

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