MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

MCU: 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer


From Hawkeye’s place in the MCU’s timeline to his role in the Budapest mission, there are several unresolved questions that fans want answers to.

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MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

The Hawkeye Disney+ series is set to place Clint Barton in the main role after the character has spent the last decade as a supporting player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While it has a fresh plot that has Hawkeye training Kate Bishop to take up his mantle, there are many things about Clint and the overall movie universe that need to be addressed here.

These range from the gaps in Hawkeye’s timeline to the story arcs that have been set up to conclude here, such as the appearance of Yelena Belova from Black Widow. With the show having a November 2021 release date set, it’s worth taking a recap of the questions that fans want to be addressed.

10 When Did Yelena Become An Assassin?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

The end credits scene of Black Widow set up Yelena’s MCU future, as it was revealed she was still active after Natasha’s death. However, it was also shown that she’d become an assassin in the five years after the movie’s events – the reason for which wasn’t detailed.

This leaves Hawkeye as the best backdrop for the gap in Yelena’s timeline to play out. It’s not only the most plausible scenario but fans will no doubt be irked if the Disney+ series chooses to overlook an explanation over this matter since Yelena had finally managed to free herself from being an assassin in Black Widow.

9 Which Factions Did Ronin Eliminate During His Vigilante Period?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

Taking on the moniker of Ronin, Barton began targeting criminal organizations as a form of violent vigilantism following Thanos’ Snap. Before Black Widow tracked him down, Ronin had recently wiped out the Mexican Cartel and then did the same to the Yakuza.

Yet, this was only what had happened in 2023, meaning the movie left the previous five years of Ronin’s activities unanswered. It was implied he’d been to other places around the world, leaving Hawkeye’s job to detail exactly whose blood Ronin had on his hand since Clint considered himself to be unredeemable when he wanted to sacrifice himself on Vormir.

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8 Why Didn’t Hawkeye Reach Out To The Other Avengers During The Blip?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

The immediate aftermath of the Snap was shown for Hawkeye in Avengers: Endgame, but it was never explained how he came to find out who Thanos was and what he did after realizing half of the world had been disintegrated.

Moreover, the movie didn’t address why Hawkeye’s first act wasn’t to get into contact with the Avengers, seeing as they were his only allies. The Disney+ series will need to flashback to the mindset Hawkeye was in straight after the Snap, along with his reasons as to why he didn’t meet up with the Avengers.

7 When Did Hawkeye Get Married?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

The reveal of Hawkeye’s family in Avengers: Age of Ultron was significant as it showed he had a normal life in addition to being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Still, the movies never addressed how he met Laura since Hawkeye was an international assassin, whose identity was supposed to remain a secret.

Along with that, the TV series should make reference to the circumstances around Clint’s marriage, as this will fill in the large gap of his backstory prior to meeting the Avengers. It would also provide a timeline for his activities after meeting Natasha and his first appearance in the MCU.

6 What Was Hawkeye’s Contribution During The Budapest Mission?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

This is information that not even comic book fans know about Hawkeye since the MCU adapted the story into Natasha’s attack on Dreykov. Black Widow showed this to be her greatest regret since she used Dreykov’s daughter, Antonia, to blow up his residence (although Hawkeye’s role was ambiguous).

It’s known that he accompanied her during this mission and their eventual escape was also revealed, but his role in attacking the innocent Antonia sounds very much out of character. Now that Natasha’s point of view is known, it’s time for the Disney+ series to explain what Hawkeye’s role in this mission was.

5 How Did Hawkeye Deal With The Aftermath Of Loki’s Mind Control?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

Hawkeye’s greatest burden was his role in aiding Loki in The Avengers when the latter used his mind control on Clint to kill people. This guilt was his driving factor in the Battle of New York, although he still wasn’t able to get over the “red on his ledger” – even after defeating Loki.

His next appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron was three years later, meaning the movie didn’t explore his trauma, with Hawkeye only making a small reference to it. As the TV series is set to show his characterization in greater detail, his mentality following Loki’s mind control should be explored.

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4 How Did Hawkeye Accept His House Arrest After Breaking Out Of The Raft?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

Hawkeye was missing in the conflict against Thanos due to being under house arrest. However, the ending of Captain America: Civil War and Black Widow showed that he had broken out, meaning Hawkeye had to have met Thaddeus Ross to bargain for the deal.

It’s hard to understand why Ross wouldn’t just throw Hawkeye back into jail or not interrogate him over where Captain America’s remaining faction was. The TV series should clear out doubts over this, especially since Ross was out for Natasha’s head in Black Widow. It didn’t seem to have any intentions to talk things over, which he no doubt did with Hawkeye.

3 Why Does Valentina Want Hawkeye Eliminated?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

Valentina’s first appearance in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier saw her approach John Walker with the intention to use him as her superhero. However, this clashed with her role in Black Widow where she gave Yelena the job to kill Hawkeye.

It’s unclear what Valentina’s intentions are, as she was earlier made out to be an anti-hero figure only to then become a villainous one. There has to be a deeper reason for her to want Hawkeye eliminated since Valentina didn’t have any connections to Natasha and Clint is supposed to be retired anyway.

2 What Was Hawkeye Doing At The Compound When Thor First Arrived?

MCU 10 Unresolved Questions From The Movies That The Hawkeye Series Needs To Answer

By mainly attaching his characterization with Natasha’s, this is one of the mistakes the MCU has made with Hawkeye, as his relationships with other Avengers aren’t known as much. In Thor, Hawkeye had his first appearance when he took aim at the titular hero during his attempts to lift Mjolnir.

Hawkeye wasn’t shown before or after this scene, making it unclear what his role was at the compound, especially since he was the most adept agent present. The TV series needs to confirm how Hawkeye first came to know of the Avengers initiative and what his role was around the time all the members of the team began to surface.

1 When Did Hawkeye Join S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Facts about S.H.I.E.L.D. are usually questions related to Nick Fury, but Hawkeye’s past with the organization is also a mystery as of yet. Unlike Natasha, whose recruitment has been revealed, it’s not known how Hawkeye came to the ranks of an agent.

There’s a bigger question mark over this than it was Natasha, seeing as Hawkeye was already working for S.H.I.E.L.D. when he befriended her. Since the Hawkeye series will be diving into his past, it only makes sense that the show answers how he came in contact with Nick Fury.

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