MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

MCU: 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing


These moments from the MCU’s Black Widow stood out not only on the first viewing but all viewings, making the film really hit home for Marvel fans.

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MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

Natasha Romanoff fans waited a long time for her solo movie, Black Widow, to hit the big screen, a wait made even longer with the COVID-19 pandemic. When the film opened in the summer of 2021, audiences were excited not just for a return to theaters but to see the coolest spy hold down her own story. There is a lot about Black Widow to praise, but as with all movies, there are standout moments as well.

It is a testament to the character of Black Widow and Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of her that many of these moments make that impact the first time audiences see the film. Whether it is her first lunge pose or watching her sacrifice herself, the scenes that impact fans on their first viewing are usually not the action-packed fights but the more emotional moments she hits like no one else in the MCU.

6 The Bond Between Natasha And Yelena

MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

Though audiences had to wait for the movie’s end for the two leading women to really connect, their deep bond and sisterly relationship jump off the screen the second they encounter each other for the first time in that Budapest apartment. Though most sibling rivalries do not include fistfights and guns in the real world, it is somewhat mild in the realm of the MCU.

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The quick banter and harsh barbs between the two move the plot forward and establish what Yelena, who will likely take up the Black Widow mantle for the next few Phases, will bring to the screen. She will be more of an emotional Black Widow but will also have certain traits she picked up from her faux sister, even accidentally posing like her during a fight, which fans can only hope will continue through her tenure on screen much as she may hate it.

5 Yelena’s Emotions

MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

Like Nat, Yelena is a Black Widow operative, and she may have been in the program technically longer than Natasha. However, one of the significant differences she brings to the table is that instead of hiding her emotions, she seems to wear them on her sleeve. Every time she lets her feelings out, it stands out to fans who are used to seeing Nat bottle them up and push them down.

Finally, seeing them truly connect at the end, with Nat breaking down as she admitted it was all real for her as well. Yelena gave Nat the vest she loved so much, so she was with her wherever she went; Yelena used her emotions to help propel her fighting instead of ignoring them was a fact any long-time MCU fan was bound to take special notice of.

4 The Quinjet Rescue

MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

As soon as viewers saw Nat’s short, blonde hairdo at the end of Black Widow, they sat up straighter in their seats. It was the look that Natasha had during Avengers: Infinity War. Her old friend and king of the spy black market inventory game Rick Mason hooks her up with a Quinjet. That Quinjet struck fans as the question to some already established facts in the MCU became answered with this one gift.

With Nat determined to put her other family back together as well, she sets off to, as she says, spring some of her family out of jail and attempt to repair that one as well. This answered a question many fans had going back to the end credit scene of Captain America: Civil War as to how exactly Cap got to The Raft and was able to break his loyal friends out. It also answered the question as to where Team Cap got the Quinjet they had in Infinity War.

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3 The Destruction Of The Red Room

MCU 6 Top Moments In Black Widow That Stood Out On First Viewing

This was a twofold standout moment. The first came around when audiences saw for the first time that Black Widow’s final act to defect and become an Agent of Shield entirely was to destroy the Red Room, and that she blew up his office. The Red Room knowing that Antonia Dreykov was next to her father when she gave the final order to complete the mission.

Devoted fans quickly flash back to Loki and Nat aboard the helicarrier in the first Avengers movie. While talking about Nat’s ledger, Loki throws out a hint about this mission, asking Nat if she could ever clear such a tremendous amount of red, stating, “Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov’s daughter, São Paulo, the hospital fire?” For audiences, realizing that even that early in weaving these worlds, there were clues to things so far in the future reminded them that Marvel will always be 10 steps ahead.

2 Yelena’s Sacrifice

Yelena broke into the MCU in this movie, but her character quickly found a home among fans. From her good-natured ribbing of Natasha to her awesome vest and aggressive fighting style, she will be a great new Black Widow for the franchise. What struck many viewers was that she was willing to sacrifice herself to defeat Drekov and end the Red Room program entirely.

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