MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

MCU: 9 Hardest-Hitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes, Ranked


From fighting the Black Panther to facing Thanos’ alien army, Hawkeye has delivered more than several entertaining MCU fights. So which is the best?

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MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

The Disney+ Hawkeye series is set to place the titular character as the main protagonist for the first time. Clint Barton has been active in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for a decade, though, during which time he’s delivered lots of entertaining moments with his archery and fighting skills.

Before Kate Bishop will take over the mantle and Clint’s further experiences are shown in the Hawkeye TV show, it’s worth taking a look back at Clint’s most memorable battles. His role as a normal, human Avenger has meant that Clint has lost some fights, but he’s managed to make even these losses worth as much a watch as his victories.

9 Fighting Off HYDRA Forces (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

Flashbacks to Clint’s time with the Avengers is something fans want to see in Hawkeye and the opening of Avengers: Age of Ultron is the best reason why. In this sequence, Hawkeye partook in the team’s extermination of the last HYDRA cell, with Clint fighting in tandem with the Avengers.

Although his role was smaller compared to the rest, Hawkeye got a great sequence on board a moving jeep with Black Widow driving. Even in the extreme speed and rough terrain, Hawkeye never missed one shot of the attacking enemies and got into close-quarter combat with foes who tried to jump on the vehicle. The final shot of Hawkeye and his teammates altogether closed out this fast-paced fight scene.

8 Facing Ultron’s Sentries (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

Hawkeye assured Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver that they could fight Ultron’s sentries if he could as a man with a bow and arrow. He lived up to this claim as Hawkeye fought the sentries on his own at one point when Sokovia was about to go down.

Here, he switched between ranged and melee combat, holding them off with his usual arrow strikes until the sentries moved in close enough that he had to start picking them apart. It went to show that Hawkeye’s skills were great enough to take on foes who weren’t even human in nature.

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7 Face-Off Against Vision (Captain America: Civil War)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

Although Hawkeye was completely outmatched here, it demonstrated his never-say-die attitude. After ambushing Vision with a trap, Hawkeye attempted to protect Scarlet Witch from him by fighting the synthezoid by himself. All things considered, Hawkeye had better skills as he went for attacking pressure points but Vision used his ability to become incorporeal to counter these moves.

Still, Clint displayed zero fear and went so far as to punch Vision with his bare hand, meaning he had no qualms with hitting solid Vibranium if it meant taking Scarlet Witch to freedom. The flurry of the characters’ moves also made this an entertaining watch even if it was mismatched.

6 Taking Down The Chitauri In Close Ranged Combat (The Avengers)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

It can be argued that Black Widow and Hawkeye are like a battle couple, and many certainly thought so in The Avengers. During the Battle of New York, the pair were surrounded by the Chitauri and teamed up to keep them at bay using ranged weapons.

It was when the enemies came close that Hawkeye and Black Widow relied on their melee skills, with Clint even overpowering the Chitauri to use their own weapons against them. After watching him as Loki’s minion for half of the movie, this scene did a great job in establishing that Hawkeye was a dangerous character and his combination with Black Widow was a deadly one.

5 Shooting Down The Chitauri & Loki In The Battle Of New York (The Avengers)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

Hawkeye placed himself in the best vantage point he could in the Battle of New York and viewers were treated to a shot of him taking down the Chitauri in midair while not even looking at them. He also held off a few of them when they attempted to pin him down, allowing him to retain his preferred position.

The most memorable aspect of this scene came when Hawkeye saw Loki arriving and he took the shot he wanted to gain revenge for his mind control. Clint was dead on target with shooting at Loki, who caught the arrow but didn’t realize it was an explosive, sending him hurtling down.

4 Clash Against Black Panther (Captain America: Civil War)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

There have been times where he knows he has no chance at victory but Hawkeye delivers well-timed badass quotes to let his opponent know he won’t back down. In the airport fight against T’Challa, he saw that Black Panther’s Vibranium was impenetrable with arrows and introduced himself as a way of making T’Challa let his guard down.

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The two then had an interesting exchange where Black Panther was restrained a couple of times by Hawkeye’s use of his staff and the latter was close to winning as well. The fact that he could contend with T’Challa’s Black Panther suit and powers from the heart-shaped herb makes this battle all the more impressive.

3 Mind-Controlled Hawkeye’s Attempt To Kill Black Widow (The Avengers)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

The mind control from Loki led to Clint eliminating many innocent S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that Hawkeye remained sad about later on as well. He almost killed Black Widow at one point, with the two friends engaging in a prolonged fight. In this scene, Hawkeye ambushed Black Widow and countered her trademark head scissors with his agility, also using his knife to keep her at bay.

The pair exchanged big-time moves, such as Hawkeye almost shooting an arrow at point-blank range and Black Widow smacking Clint’s head on the side rail that ultimately brought his mind back. The fight demonstrated how dangerous Hawkeye and Black Widow’s S.H.I.E.L.D. training really was.

2 Escaping The Outriders (Avengers: Endgame)

MCU 9 HardestHitting Hawkeye Fight Scenes Ranked

A spectacular chase sequence was initiated between Hawkeye and dozens of Outriders in the climax of Avengers: Endgame. Realizing these alien creatures would savage him, Hawkeye used his arrows to blow up some of their numbers while other arrows rappeled him to higher ground.

He was still not out of the woods as certain Outriders were fast enough to keep up. This was where his skills with the katana came into play, as Hawkeye used it to slice up the remaining Outriders, all the while ziplining up the tunnel. It was a thrilling scene that had Clint fight for his life in more ways than one.

1 Ronin’s Extermination Of The Yakuza (Avengers: Endgame)

While using the Ronin identity, Hawkeye exterminated crime syndicates around the world to become a vigilante. He ambushed members of the Yakuza and brutally eliminated all of them in an extended scene where Clint was shown slicing them up with his sword. The entertaining aspect of this scene was that his opponents fought back with their own impressive skills, making for several sequences where Clint was given a good challenge.

Facing the final one had him employ his agility and his opponent couldn’t see Clint’s fatal move cut his throat. The latter didn’t even give his victim another look as he wiped the man’s blood on his sleeve. He had definitely lost part of his soul but Hawkeye proved he could be the stuff of nightmares when he had nothing to lose.

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