MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

MCU: 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did


Steve Rogers in the MCU is often associated with being one of the most upstanding heroes ever. Here are some of the nicest things he’s done.

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MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

Steve Rogers in the MCU is often associated with being one of the most upstanding heroes with a high set of ideals that he sticks to, too. However, he’s also a rather complex character who has selfish moments along with the selfless ones. He makes mistakes, including some rather big ones, and he can be rather stubborn. But, at the end of the day, he does try to do what he thinks is right and to save people.

Steve Rogers has done many heroic things in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he’s also done some kind things that don’t get talked about as often. These are sometimes huge acts of heroism, but they can also be the smaller moments when he’s there for his friends.

9 Broke Sam and the others out of the Raft

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

This entry is a bit lower on the list because, to be fair, Steve was the reason they were in the Raft in the first place to some extent. However, while people like Sam might have mainly supported Steve in Captain America: Civil War because of loyalty, others, like Wanda, had their own reasons for doing so.

Steve was right to break them out of jail, and it would have been really out of character for him to just leave them be.

8 Lent a listening ear to Wanda Maximoff

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

While there aren’t a ton of scenes between Steve and Wanda, the ones fans do see show that they seem to have a good and supportive friendship. In Infinity War, Steve, Sam, and Natasha help Wanda and Vision live their lives together, and in Civil War, Steve is there to lend support after the disaster in Lagos.

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Steve also feels guilty for the loss of civilian life, and he tries to help Wanda see it wasn’t all her fault.

7 Visited Peggy in the hospital

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

While Steve and Peggy’s ending in the MCU is controversial with some fans liking it and others not, their story was rather compelling in the way it was originally wrapped up in Civil War. Steve still cared a lot about Peggy and was glad that she had lived a long, happy life. They were still friends, and they seemed to keep in contact regularly.

It’s not surprising that Steve would come to see her when she was in the hospital and also that he dropped everything to attend her funeral.

6 Took down the Helicarriers

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

This is one of the bigger heroic moments that really define Steve Roger’s character, but it’s still worth noting because he did save millions of lives.

Steve is never one to back down from doing what needs to be done to protect others, and he even was willing to fight Bucky in order to save other people. He also took down S.H.I.E.L.D. which was difficult for him in some ways because of his connection to Peggy.

5 He supports and believes in Natasha Romanoff

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

One of the best friendships in the MCU is between Steve and Natasha. While at first, they seem like they wouldn’t get along given Steve’s more upright morals and Natasha’s spy past, they both are very loyal people who try to look out for others.

Natasha is a very good friend to Steve as well, and Steve also is there to listen to and support her. They get to know each other well in The Winter Soldier, and their friendship remains strong.

4 Believed Bucky and made sure to find a safe place for him

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

The conflict in Civil War was rather complex, and both Steve and Tony had some legitimate reasons for taking the side they did. However, given Steve’s tendency to be very loyal to his friends, it wasn’t surprising that he did everything he could to protect Bucky.

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He believed him when he said he hadn’t let off the bomb at the U.N., and Steve wasn’t going to let him get in trouble for something I didn’t do.

3 Threw himself on the grenade thinking he needed to save others

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

Of all the great Steve Rogers scenes in the franchise, this one might be the most defining moment of them all. This happens before Steve is Captain America, and it shows that what makes him a hero is his heart, not the serum.

While, of course, the grenade turns out to not be real or active, Steve believes it is. He doesn’t hesitate to use his own body as a shield to cover the weapon to try and save everyone else.

2 Repeatedly saved Bucky Barnes’s life

MCU 9 Of The Nicest Things Steve Rogers Did

Steve saves Bucky so many times that there could be multiple lists just about these instances. In fact, much of Steve’s narrative, especially in his own movies, is driven by helping Bucky or reacting to what happens to Bucky. It’s clear that these two have a very strong bond and that Steve is willing to give up a lot to keep his best friend safe.

Whether it was marching into enemy territory to save Bucky and the Howling Commandos or protecting Bucky in Civil War, there are many instances of him saving Bucky’s life.

1 Sacrificed himself and crashed the plane in the ice

This is another moment of heroism that isn’t just a daily act, but it does define the kind of character that Steve Rogers was. He shows once again that he’s willing to give up everything, including his own life, to save innocent people.

He doesn’t even really hesitate to do what needs to be done, and that’s about the nicest thing anyone could do for others.

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