MCU Recap Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals

MCU Recap: Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals


Eternals is the launch of a brand new MCU franchise, but the Celestials mean you’ll want to have checked out four previous Marvel movies.

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MCU Recap Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding once again in Eternals, which will introduce a whole new range of superhuman beings – yet, even though they’re making their MCU debut, there are still Marvel movies that serve as setup. The lockdown has caused tremendous disruption for Hollywood, with even Marvel Studios skipping 2020 altogether. Because of this, Marvel has returned in 2021 with a vengeance, and Eternals is their third blockbuster to release this year.

Eternals introduces viewers to a whole new superhero team, a group of ancient aliens who were sent to Earth thousands of years ago by a powerful race of beings known as the Celestials. For millennia the Eternals have protected humanity from the threat of the monstrous demons, who they believed they had wiped out five thousand years ago. They’ve since retreated into the shadows, absorbed into human society, but in Eternals the appearance of a powerful new Deviant named Kro forces them to band together once again. Trailers for Eternals have teased an impending cosmic event called the Emergence, that could prove to be an extinction level event for humanity – and the Eternals are the only ones who can prevent it.

Eternals may be the launch of a new MCU franchise, but like all Marvel movies it builds on the seeds that have been sown before it. The Celestials, the Eternals’ creators, have already appeared in the MCU after a fashion, and Eternals may well explain their fate. Meanwhile, trailers has confirmed the Eternals are aware of key events that recently took place on Earth. Here are all the movies you need to watch to fully appreciate Eternals and understand its place in the MCU.

Guardians of the Galaxy

MCU Recap Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals

The Celestials first appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy, in a memorable scene where the Collector projected an image of the past of the Power Stone. He revealed this particular Infinity Stone had once been used by the Celestials to judge entire worlds and civilizations, with footage shown of it being used to destroy a city and, presumably, every living being on the planet. The Celestial in question was recognizable as a being created by Jack Kirby, Eson the Searcher, who in the comics was indeed one of the Celestials who judged worlds in accordance with his own mysterious agenda. This wasn’t the only reference to the Celestials, though, as Guardians of the Galaxy also introduced the mining planet Knowhere, the disembodied head of a Celestial. This clearly hinted at the Celestials suffering some sort of tragic fate, while also indicating they varied in size, because Knowhere was far larger than Eson the Searcher’s head in the Collector’s recording.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

MCU Recap Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 built upon this by introducing a being who believed himself to be the last surviving Celestial – Ego. This film reinvented the Celestials somewhat, revealing they are beings who are composed of “living light” and who possess the power to restructure reality itself. Ego created an entire world for himself, with the living light at its core, and then fashioned a body for himself to live in. This presumably explains why Celestials can manifest in such a range of sizes, because, in truth, they are formless beings who create a shell to sustain their energy. According to Ego, his race had been wiped out millennia ago, and he had been unable to find any like him in the cosmos.

Avengers: Infinity War

MCU Recap Which Marvel Movies To Watch To Understand Eternals

The Infinity Saga built towards its climax in Avengers: Infinity War, the culmination of Thanos’ insane plan to rebalance the universe by erasing half of all living creatures. The Mad Titan sought the Infinity Stones, visiting Knowhere and the barren, forgotten planet Vormir, where the Soul Stone was hidden. The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy united in an attempt to stop him, but sadly they were unsuccessful, with Thanos cutting a swathe through the heroes and collecting the final Infinity Stone by tearing it from Vision’s head. He then snapped his fingers, reducing half the life in the universe to dust. This is one of the key events in galactic history, because it didn’t just affect Earth: every planet, every world, every race, was affected by Thanos’ snap. Marvel is currently refusing to comment as to how the Eternals were affected by it, but certainly their continued inaction even in the face of a catastrophe on this scale is shocking. Eternals will need to address this directly.

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Avengers: Endgame

The Avengers used time travel to undo Thanos’ actions, collecting the Infinity Stones from the past and creating a nano-gauntlet to hold them, with the Hulk snapping his fingers and bringing back everyone who Thanos had killed. Trailers for Eternals have confirmed the Hulk’s snap is directly relevant to Eternals, releasing so much energy it triggered the cosmic event the Eternals call the “Emergence.” The Emergence appears to be the proximate cause of Eternals, drawing the Deviants out of the shadows and, thus, causing the Eternals to come together once again.

However, the Hulk’s snap is important in another way, because it serves as a demonstration of the potential of humanity. The Eternals were sent to Earth to protect the human race, and the Avengers’ actions in Avengers: Endgame validate that mission. Thanos may have wiped out life across half the universe, but only humans found a way to bring everybody back. There’s no way this won’t have had a profound effect on the different Eternals, some of whom had given up their mission in despair at humanity’s destructive nature.

Meanwhile, it’s perhaps important that Nebula had clearly spent some time researching the planet Vormir, trying to find out what had happened to her sister Gamora, who had been sacrificed by Thanos in order to obtain the Soul Stone. She had no knowledge of this world in Avengers: Infinity War, but by Avengers: Endgame she was openly referring to it as “the center of Celestial civilization.” This suggests the Celestials were connected to the Soul Stone as well as the Power Stone, and sets up Vormir as a crucial world to the Eternals’ creators.

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