MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

MCU: The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)


From Arishem’s apex predators that are the Deviants to the immortal race of the Eternals, the MCU has powerful cosmic beings that up the series’ ante.

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MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

Spoiler Warning: This list contains spoilers for Eternals.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has varied from the comics over what constitutes a cosmic character. The MCU considers Celestials or those created by Celestials to be cosmic in nature, with beings like gods, aliens, and mystical wizards not factoring into this.

Arishem and his subordinates were seen in Eternals, with the movie concerning the impending creation of the Tiamut Celestial. As certain characters like Starfox and Death’s powers haven’t been seen, they can’t be considered just yet. However, there have been others that have showcased their abilities, ranging from the Eternals, Titans, Deviants, and many more whose power levels are worth analyzing.

8 The Deviants

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

Created by Arishem, the Deviants were meant to kill the apex predators on Earth so that life could be developed enough for a new Celestial to be born. The Deviants are created from cosmic energy, but they lack the powers to make much of an impact.

Deviants’ main ability is to absorb power, which Kro was able to do when he fed on Gilgamesh to become more of a sentient being. The Deviants’ lack of powers was also evidenced by the fact that they were effectively terminated by the Eternals, with only Kro remaining during the film’s events.

7 The Eternals

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

The Eternals are the second creation of Arishem and better versions than The Deviants. They have a host of unique powers, such as Makkari’s extreme speed, Sersi’s ability to manipulate matter, and Ikaris’ laser vision and enhanced flight, among others.

They aren’t completely invulnerable, however, and can be beaten by empowered mortals as well. The Eternals also have a weakness of losing their abilities should they lose faith. Still, they are very capable of bringing the world to an end as Ikaris came close to doing so until he was stopped by the rest of the Eternals.

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6 Uatu The Watcher

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

Uatu is from a race of cosmic beings known as The Watchers, with Uatu serving as the lead of What If…? He certainly has an impressive set of powers, with Uatu shown fighting the empowered Ultron across the multiverse and managing to hold his own.

He’s not quite up to a universal level where it comes to being a force, as Uatu needed the help of Doctor Strange and the rest of his assembled team after he was unable to beat Ultron on his own. Then again, the ability to see anything and everything across the multiverse is something to behold.

5 Star-Lord

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

Star-Lord was a Celestial for a short span of time when he had his powers activated by Ego. Star-Lord’s potential was such that he was able to handle the Power Stone by himself at a time when he didn’t even know he was the son of a Celestial.

His abilities were seen in the fight against Ego, where Star-Lord manipulated matter to go toe to toe with his father. Had he sided with Ego, Star-Lord would have been able to assimilate the universe as well. Since he never actually got to explore his powers, his full potential can’t be judged.

4 Ego

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

Ego was born around the time the universe was created and made it his mission to assimilate living planets as part of his purpose. He was so successful that Ego acquired the life forces of thousands of planets across the universe until he ran into the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As a planet himself, Ego was able to create his own atmosphere, organisms, and organic body that stood as stood as his avatar. It took the combined efforts of the Guardians and his own Celestial son to bring Ego down, as he was close to assimilating Earth as well.

3 Thanos

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

As his brother, Eros has been revealed as an Eternal, Thanos qualifies as a cosmic being himself. Thanos’ power level comes from the technology and armor he acquired, along with his ownership of the Infinity Stones. He can boast of defeating everyone including Thor, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, among other powerful beings.

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Thanos’ physiology as a Titan allowed him to live for over a thousand years and still appear as middle-aged man at most. His strength and durability were off the charts, capable of taking hits that would have destroyed cities. When wielding the Infinity Stones, Thanos’ powers were such that he effectively caused a universal calamity with the Snap.

2 Eson The Searcher

MCU The Most Powerful Cosmic Characters So Far (Including The Eternals)

This Celestial hasn’t appeared outside of a flashback but that one glimpse was enough to depict the power he commanded. Eson was revealed to be part of the Celestials by the Collector, with the Guardians watching footage of him destroying an entire planet with the Power Stone.

Eson was a colossal figure who was clearly powerful to the point where nobody on the whole planet could do anything to stop him. His command of the Power Stone’s potential is the greatest seen so far, as not even Thanos was able to destroy a planet on his own as Eson did so casually.

1 Arishem The Judge

As the Prime Celestial, Arishem is unrivaled in power and his abilities are meant to be unfathomable. Arishem supposedly created the sun itself and is credited as the one to bring light to the universe. He’s so powerful that he was able to appear in his enlarged state on Earth without destroying the planet and plucked the Eternals from different continents to take with him.

Arishem can communicate across the universe and perhaps the multiverse as well. Considering he created the Deviants and Eternals, there’s no doubt that Arishem has a greater power that is yet to be seen. As of yet, he’s easily the greatest cosmic being the MCU has presented, and Arishem doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses to suggest he can be defeated.

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