MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts


If the worlds of Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe were combined, which villains would line up the most closely?

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Since its inception, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created some iconic movie villains, all of which have a real range of powers and personalities. While each of them has their own evil plots to cause damage and suffering to others, that is one of the only things that connect the characters, with the variety of villains being one of the MCU’s many strengths.

But if they were to be compared to some of the characters from another monster movie franchise, in Star Wars, there are many clear counterparts that can be seen within them. Whether it’s their traits or the manner in which they behave, there are plenty of major similarities between some of the characters from these two very popular movie worlds.

10 Loki – Kylo Ren

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

Loki and Kylo Ren are two very similar characters who go on journeys from evil to eventually finding their place as heroes. Each man has serious inner turmoil in regards to their family, particularly their father figures, which is a big reason for their evil actions.

While Kylo is a little more serious and sinister than Loki, who tends to be more mischievous, they’re both equally skilled fighters within their own worlds. But the fact that they both help out others at points showcases that neither of them is truly evil, despite some of their actions.

9 Kaecilius – Darth Maul

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

When you think about villains from either the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars, neither of these are characters that people gravitate towards instantly. However, that’s mainly down to a lack of screentime to fully flesh out their characters.

However, both Kaecilius and Darth Maul are highly skilled fighters, and each character has a lot of mystery about them, which makes them intriguing. Their fight scenes are some of the most memorable and aesthetically pleasing within their movies as well, which is what links them.

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8 Helmut Zemo – General Hux

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

Not every villain can be about big fight scenes or have massive powers, even within the MCU and Star Wars, where that is commonplace. Both Helmut Zemo and General Hux are great examples of that, with these being two characters who prefer to use their intelligence.

They’re planners, and they strategically aim to pinpoint weaknesses in their enemies to get their advantage. They each have a seriously dark side to them and are two very underrated villains.

7 Obadiah Stane – Count Dooku

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

Obadiah Stane and Count Dooku both massively benefit from having some insider knowledge on the heroes that they’re trying to take down. As a former Jedi, Count Dooku understands the way that his enemies operate, and he tries to use that to his advantage.

Meanwhile, Obadiah Stane originally is a friend of Tony Stark’s before turning on him. Each of these villains is powerful, and they provide great tests to the heroes that they battle against.

6 Red Skull – Grand Moff Tarkin

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

These are two villains who people do not want to mess with, as they’re incredibly evil and intelligent. They’re certainly two of the smarter villains in their respective franchises, and they both operate well within military-style roles.

Both Red Skull and Grand Moff Tarkin are also very effective in actually getting what they want as well, which is purely down to how ruthless they both are. While they might get overlooked by slightly more grand and powerful characters, they’re very effective.

5 Ultron – General Grievous

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

Two machines that are incredible fighters and believe themselves to be great leaders, which is what makes them very good counterparts. While they’re very skilled fighters in their own right, they like to rely on others as well, which is because they’re confident and smart characters.

Their intelligence is a big part of their characters, and while Ultron is certainly the smarter of the two, General Grievous is no slouch in the brains department. They certainly work well as counterparts, even if they both end up being taken down.

4 The Winter Soldier – Boba Fett

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

While Bucky Barnes does manage to regain control of his mind in order to become one of the biggest MCU heroes, during Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he is positioned as the lead villain. He’s someone who lets his actions do the talking for him, as a formidable fighter.

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This is very similar to Boba Fett, who is a fantastic fighter and one of the most skilled people to appear in Star Wars. These two characters prove that lots of talking isn’t always needed to create engaging and popular villains.

3 Trevor Slattery/The Mandarin – Supreme Leader Snoke

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

Both Supreme Leader Snoke and Trevor Slattery (who posed as The Mandarin) are two of the most underwhelming and disappointing villains of their respective franchises. Each character promised so much, but ended up providing very little of note.

While Trevor Slattery’s character was always supposed to be a red herring, the same cannot be said for Supreme Leader Snoke. It’s a shame both characters weren’t fully explored though, as they had a lot of potential, and what wasted opportunity makes them ideal counterparts.

2 Vulture – Darth Vader

MCU Villains & Their Star Wars Counterparts

While Vulture only appears in one MCU movie, he would be an excellent counterpart for Darth Vader. The iconic Star Wars villain is one that everyone fears, but he is also quite relatable and has plenty of human aspects and qualities about him, despite the exterior.

This is the same with Vulture, as Adrian Toomes is certainly someone that can be connected with. The reason he becomes a villain is understandable, and just as Vader does, he gives some interesting advice throughout. They’re also two characters who make all of their big decisions based on their children, which is another reason they’d be great counterparts.

1 Thanos – Darth Sidious

Both Thanos and Darth Sidious are the ultimate villains of their respective franchises, but it isn’t just the position as the ‘final boss’ which makes them great counterparts. While both of them are powerful and have the ability to cause major pain and anguish to others, they each truly believe what they’re doing is for the greater good.

Each character decides to put their faith in other villains, having minions do a lot of their bidding for them, while they sit in the shadows and analyze. That’s because they’re both incredibly smart characters as well, which is what separates them from the typical movie villain.

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