Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Mickey Mouse’s 10 Best Powers & Abilities


Mickey’s cartoon skills have evolved into essentially superpowers rivaling the likes of Deadpool or Doctor Strange.

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Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Mickey Mouse is one of the most recognizable and famous cartoon characters in modern popular culture. With a 90+ year-long career, it’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t been exposed to Mickey’s charm and winning smile. But his popularity and personality aren’t the only reasons he’s stayed around as long as he has.

Mickey is one of the most adaptable characters, allowing for him to fit in a variety of roles, from steamboat captain to sorcerer. But since he’s become so practiced at his craft, his skills have evolved into essential superpowers rivaling the likes of Deadpool or Doctor Strange.

10 Invulnerability

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Outside of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, it’s exceedingly difficult to kill or permanently harm a toon. So, logically, Mickey is exceptionally invulnerable to harm. Not as immune as his pal, Goofy, but he can take a beating better than most.

It’s hard to put down Disney’s most famous character, but Mickey does seem to have a knack for finding a way out every single time. Chalk it up to Disney’s rule of good guys always winning, but it does help contribute to his immortality.

9 Physics Manipulation

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

All toons have some amount of physics manipulation. Whether that be on themselves, their environment, or with props, they can squash, stretch, or otherwise contort things to their comedic effect.

Quite frankly, Mickey has more manipulation than most, especially in the newer shorts by Paul Rudish. He can transform objects into other objects, control concepts like color, shape, and light, even if something as simple as gravity becomes a plaything if given the right conditions.

8 Toon Anatomy

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

As well as being impervious to most mortal wounds, most classic cartoon characters have the ability to shape-shift. Mickey has done this multiple times across the decades, ranging from changing his body to fit into a tight space, or completely altering his appearance to imitate a famous celebrity (showing the range and depth of his abilities).

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This is one of those abilities that push him into superpower territory, because he can do it at will, painlessly, and seemingly without side effects. He’s not as elastic as the Fantastic Four’s Mr. Fantastic, but his aptitude for the skill is certainly remarkable.

7 Multilingual

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

This is a more recent addition to Mickey’s arsenal. Although Mickey is practically a universal character, his interpretation skills are something to be admired.

Along with being able to interpret non-verbal communication, as seen from his dog, Pluto, Mickey has demonstrated an ability to fit in with a multitude of cultures, from French to Portuguese and more. It might be more talent than a superpower, but it’s one that has certainly benefitted his character.

6 Musical Ability

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Through no exaggeration, Mickey has been shown to be gifted on a multitude of musical instruments. From the harmonica to the piano, it seems like all Mickey has to do is sit down to an instrument to instantly become incredibly gifted at it.

This has led to the creation of many different musical cartoons and has definitely helped round out Mickey’s resume. However, the sheer number of different instruments he’s been exposed to over the years alone is absolutely astounding.

5 Hammerspace

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

This is another ability most classic cartoon characters seem to possess, however, it seems to only work by Roger Rabbit’s maxim of ” only when it’s funny.” The ability to pull a needed object from behind one’s back is definitely a useful skill to have, but Mickey and those like him seem to have no limits as to what they can summon.

Mickey has produced things as simple as his car keys to full-on props and setpieces for a comedic bit. Sometimes, he’s even able to magically produce items larger than his own body. There’s comedic and convenient, but then there’s purely OP.

4 Persuasion

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

This is an ability not a lot of fans seem to think about, but Mickey can essentially charm or talk his way out of a pinch better than most of Disney’s cast. The fact that it’s almost impossible not to love him was even addressed in one of the more recent cartoons. He can pretty much solve his problems with his cheerful nature (although this can be a bit of a daunting thought).

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Mickey has been known to get what he wants/needs out of charm alone. It’s easily an ability that could be catastrophic if used by the wrong hands.

3 Keyblade Wielding

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Without going into a ridiculous amount of detail concerning the intricacies of Keyblades and their masters, the fact that Mickey can summon and use this enchanting weapon alone is a powerful move in its own right. Not only is he the king of his own Disney realm in the popular JRPG, but he can wield a reality-bending blade as well.

Sora might be the poster boy for the Keyblade, but Mickey is the big cheese when it comes to abilities, skill, and pure Disney power. He wears the crown for a reason, after all.

2 Reality Manipulation

Mickey Mouses 10 Best Powers & Abilities

Toons using their abilities to manipulate physics and other abstracts in their own universes is one thing, but things get a bit more complicated when they cross over into the human world. As demonstrated in his appearances in ventures like Hollywood Party, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and other minglings of live-action and animation, Mickey’s abilities aren’t limited to Toon Town.

The fact that he can manipulate the physics and reality of the “real world” is a pretty scary thought – especially when his toonish powers have effects on human characters.

1 Magical Abilities

He might have learned all the tricks he knows from Master Yen Sid, but Mickey’s skills in the mystic arts would rival the powers of Doctor Strange if they ever crossed paths in the multiverse. Considering the fact his magical abilities exist outside of Fantasia and bleed into other entries in the Disney canon, the mouse’s powerful magic is permanently inked into his character.

The only drawback is that he can only tap into his magical energies with aid of his Sorcerer’s hat, but even with that fact in mind, Mickey can conjure up some pretty powerful spells. From giving objects life to commanding the forces of nature, he’s one magic user few can compete with.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/mickey-mouses-best-powers-abilities/

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