Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Every Megazord, Ranked Lamest To Coolest


In Mighty Morphin, the Power Rangers had several Megazords — how did they rank, though?

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The Power Rangers have a lot of gadgets up their power sleeves. But, when monsters go from making trouble to making “big” trouble, they call upon the power of their Zords and combine into a Megazord.

The Megazord has become one of the most recognized robots in sci-fi history. These machines can take on and destroy just about any monster that Rita, Zedd, or any other villain summon. In Mighty Morphin, the Power Rangers had several Megazords — how did they rank, though?

8 Ninja Megazord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After the Thunder Megazord is destroyed, the Power Rangers upgrade to brand-new Zords to take on Rita’s brother, Rito Repulsa. Individually, the Ninjazords may not be the most appealing as they’re rather simple and blocky in appearance. Their colors are quite dull, their mechanics are simplistic, and they really don’t get to do much on their own. Fans miss out on seeing these mighty Ninjazords in action.

As a combined unit, the Ninja Megazord is unconventional-looking. Its hands are fixed, so there’s no articulation in the fingers — the Blue Wolf Ninjazord hand doesn’t even have fingers as its head is capped off with a gauntlet. The Ninja Megazord is unique, to say the least.

7 White Tigerzord: Warrior Mode

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After Tommy was given the White Ranger’s power, thanks to Zordon and Alpha, the former Green Ranger was back in action with a brand new Zord, the White Tigerzord. Not only was this stronger than any of the other Zords on their own, but it was the first to transform into a Megazord, without the need of other Zords.

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The White Tigerzords Warrior Mode is pretty simplistic when compared to later single Zords that could transform. Much like the Ninja Megazord, the White Tiger Zord looks extremely compact (especially with the shoulders), and the tiger head looks out of place. But it still a sleek-looking Megazord.

6 Shogun Megazord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After Rita and Zedd kidnapped Kimberly and Ninjor, the villainous duo attempted to blackmail the Rangers by forcing them to use these lost evil Zords to destroy Angel Grove. Luckily, Billy was able to gain control of the Zords, and the Shogun Zords were free from Zedd and Rita’s control. Individually, the Shogunzords lose some of the uniqueness of the original Zords, as they’re human-like rather than being different animals. Together, The Shogun Megazord is a very impressive looking giant robot.

Compared to the sleeker Ninja Megazord, the Shogun Megazord is much bulkier and has a distinct Shogun image, whereas the Ninja Megazord looked like a bunch of animals stitched together. The Shogun Megazord does look blocky, but it works as it helps show off its strength. The feet are a little too wide, but that’s only a nitpick.

5 Mega Tigerzord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

When the Tigerzord needs more power, It calls on the powers of its fellow Thunder Zords to get an upgrade. While the Tigerzord’s Warrior mode is a little too simplistic looking, the Mega Tigerzord is a much more defined Megazord.

Adding some much-needed bulkiness to Tigerzord, the Mega Tigerzord also gets a stylish crown attachment and sturdier shoulders, along with an interesting vizor. It’s a much-needed upgrade that still keeps true to the Tigerzord’s original design.

4 Dragonzord Battle Mode

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After the Rangers freed Tommy from Rita’s control, the rangers could combine the Dragonzord with the Yellow Tiger, Blue Triceratops, and Black Mastodon. The Dragonzord’s Battle Mode doesn’t look as cool as the Megazord, with its Torso looking unnecessarily bulkier. The addition of a mouth does give it the same indicating face as the original, as it clashes with the new vizor but still has an imposing look. The Black and Green Coloring managed to match up with the Blue and Yellow, while the vizor was still an interesting choice for a Megazord.

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3 Dino Ultrazord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After Jason and Tommy teamed up to obtain the Thunder Slingers, they also discovered and befriended Titanus. Now, with his immense power, The Megazord and Dragonzord could combine with Titanus to become the all-powerful Dino Ultrazord. This Megazord is essentially a giant tank with the upper body of the Dragonzord, adding to its impressive arsenal. Titanus’ head and neck make a great looking cannon, while the Dragonzords attachment gives the Megazord a combat-armor look to it.

2 Thunder Megazord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Every Megazord Ranked Lamest To Coolest

After Lord Zedd destroyed the Zords, Zordon and Alpha used the remains of the original Zords to create brand new Thunder Zords. From here on out, the Thunder Megazord became the default robot the Rangers would use to defeat whatever creature Zedd could summon. The Thunder Zord stood out from its use of mythical creatures and an impressive Samurai design for its Megazord form. None of the colors clash with each other, the lion Zord’s head surprisingly meshes well and doesn’t look out of place, and the addition of a mouth gives it a human touch. It makes for a worthy successor to the original Megazord.

1 Megazord

When Zordon finds five teenagers with attitude, he gives them the power to become Power Rangers. Along with the gear and weapons, Zordon also bestows upon them the ability to call upon giant robots that can combine into one. The Megazord is a classic for a reason. The look is iconic, the colors don’t feel out of place, and the Megazord was always there for the Rangers. It may not have been the strongest Megazord the Rangers used, but it helped them take out any monster Rita Repulsa threw at them and aided them in becoming household names at the franchise’s peak.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/mighty-morphin-power-rangers-every-megazord-ranked/

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