Mob Psycho 100 How Do Mob’s Powers Actually Work

Mob Psycho 100: How Do Mob’s Powers Actually Work?

Mob, the titular protagonist of the hit anime Mob Psycho 100, has incredible psychic powers, and these are the basics of how they work.

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Mob Psycho 100 How Do Mob’s Powers Actually Work

Warning: Contains spoilers for volumes 13 through 16 of Mob Psycho 100.

Mob Psycho 100’s protagonist Shigeo Kageyama, AKA the titular Mob, has incredible psychic powers, and this is an explanation for how they work. Mob’s powers, and the powers used in the series, allow for a wide variety of spectacular sights and techniques to be beheld in the universe and out. As such, this is designed to explain the ins and outs of it all, especially in regards to what makes Mob’s powers so special.

The supernatural and psychic powers in Mob Psycho 100 revolve around psychokinesis, possession of which makes one an esper. An esper comes into their psychic powers either through an emotional trigger at some point in their life or by being born with it, and while all espers possess telekinesis and the ability to create psychic barriers, it’s also possible for an esper to train themselves to develop their own unique ability. Mob, naturally, is one of these people, and his powers work in a way that’s completely unique to the series.

The core element of Mob’s powers is how they’re tied to his emotional state. Due to an incident where Mob accidentally injured his brother and two bullies with his powers in a fit of rage, Mob actively keeps his emotions in check to the point of stoicism in order to prevent his powers from going out of control. As such, while espers in the Mob Psycho 100 anime are usually able to unleash their full power right from the start in battle, Mob has to gradually build up to it as he gets more and more emotional, which is represented by the series adding percentage values to his various emotional states.

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Once Mob hits 100% for whatever emotion he’s feeling, his already powerful abilities become even stronger. Lower percentages, even zero percent, already have Mob being powerful, but 100% puts him in the same league as people like Keiji Mogami and Toichiro Suzuki, two of the strongest espers in the entire series. Additionally, an arc of the manga that will be covered in Mob Psycho 100 season 3 has Mob fighting Dimple in his ultimate form of God Dimple, and it’s clear that if it weren’t for certain circumstances deflating his emotional state, Mob would have wiped the floor with him at 100%.

Of course, the most crucial aspect of Mob’s powers is how they’ve taken on a life of their own as a split personality. Due to Mob’s constant rejection of his powers and unwillingness to make them a part of his life, his psychic powers developed their own consciousness separate from Mob that is only able to take control when Mob’s life is put in jeopardy while he has unfinished business, a phenomenon that’s represented by Mob’s terrifying ???% state of being. When that happens, all of Mob’s latent abilities are unleashed in full force, surpassing even his normal 100% state, and he becomes truly unmatched. So much so that the final arc of the story is just various characters trying and failing to defeat Mob when he’s trapped in his ???% state after getting hit by a car and is destroying everything around him while on his way to confess his feelings to Tsubomi.

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All in all, Mob’s powers being tied to emotional triggers truly make them stand out amongst all of the other powers used by espers in the Mob Psycho 100 anime series. Incredible power aside, his emotions being such a crucial factor creates a unique representation of power. It also serves to tie into Mob’s ongoing character arc about finding his place in the world and figuring out the kind of person he wants to be. With season three around the corner, it’ll be nice to see how all of that comes to a close.

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