My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

My Hero Academia: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie


Given that Camie’s first appearance in my hero Academia is actually Toga, we don’t much about Camie – and what we do know, doesn’t make much sense!

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My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

My Hero Academia focuses primarily on the students of U.A. High, but there are numerous other hero programs, most of which fans see during the Provisional Hero License Exams in season three. Camie Utsushimi is among the outside students introduced, and she’s proven to be a noteworthy character – if only because Toga stole her identity and used it to infiltrate the students’ ranks.

Given that her supposed first appearance is actually Toga in disguise, fans have only seen the true Camie once. It’s hard to get to know the character in that small amount of time, and there are a few things about her that don’t make much sense after her one-ish appearance. Here are 10 things that make no sense about Camie.

10 Her Desire To Be A Pro Hero

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

From what we’ve seen of Camie, she doesn’t seem particularly eager to help other people. During the Provisional Hero License Exam arc, this can be written off as Toga’s behavior, but even Camie’s fourth-season appearance doesn’t exactly scream do-gooder.

With My Hero Academia, it’s typically easy to understand why the students featured want to become heroes so badly, whether their reasoning is to help or to obtain glory. Camie hardly seems interested in either, so one has to wonder what she’s doing in a hero program in the first place. Perhaps we just need to know her better…

9 Her Admission To Shiketsu

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Not only does Camie seem to be lacking when it comes to motivation to be a Pro Hero, but she’s also incredibly laidback and a bit “out there.”

Mix these attributes with her quirk — which doesn’t seem handy when it comes to the physical ability needed during Entrance Exams — and it’s hard to understand how Camie got into a prestigious hero program like Shiketsu’s at all.

8 Where Was She When Toga Impersonated Her?

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Following the Provisional Hero License Exam arc, it’s revealed that Himiko Toga drugged Camie and took her place in the exams. There are a few holes in this story, starting with the question of where Camie actually was while all of this was going down. It doesn’t seem like she was kept with the League of Villains, but surely her family or classmates would have noticed if she’d suddenly gone unconscious at home or in the middle of class.

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Additionally, how did no one recognize the change? Sure, Camie doesn’t seem to have the chummiest of relationships with her classmates, but one would think someone would have sensed that things were off. Either Toga studied Camie’s behavior really well before this, or there are some plot holes afoot.

7 She Seems Unbothered After Being Targeted By The League

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Speaking of Camie’s experience with the League, it seems one would be somewhat traumatized after undergoing such an event. Even Bakugo nearly broke down following his kidnapping, and he didn’t have a villain parading around in his body.

When fans see her again in season four, however, Camie seems positively unbothered by the chain of events that led her there. Rather than being angry or upset that she’s being forced to take her Provisional Hero License Exam again – or that she was targeted by villains – she seems like her usual laidback self. It doesn’t feel true for any character, but perhaps there just wasn’t time to flesh hers out further.

6 She’s Forced To Do Remedial Lessons

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Pro Heroes on My Hero Academia tend to make some questionable decisions when it comes to students, but one has to wonder why Camie would be forced to take remedial courses after “failing” her Provisional Hero License Exam – and why she’d be subjected to the same punishment as Bakugo, Todoroki, and Inasa.

Given the circumstances surrounding Camie’s exams, it seems obvious that the teachers should have found a reasonable way to help her cope with being targeted by villains – and to make up for the fact that she missed her exams because of it.

5 She Can’t Connect With Younger Students

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

As punishment for their behavior during the Provisional Hero License exams — and for whatever reason in Camie’s case — Bakugo, Todoroki, Inasa, and Camie are forced to calm a rowdy class of children. It’s as disastrous as one might imagine, but it seems strange that Camie wouldn’t be able to connect to the younger students.

For one, Camie outright says beforehand that she’s great with kids. But even if that’s just her own opinion of herself, one of her fellow classmates says during the previous season that she’s “brilliant” at communicating. Likewise, she speaks in slang and gives off the vibe of someone who would be up to date with the younger generation. It’s shocking they don’t relate to her more, even if they can’t find it in them to like the other three.

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4 Her Constant Use Of Slang

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Speaking of Camie’s love of slang, much of what Camie says when she’s using this lingo doesn’t make sense. It’s also never explained why Camie speaks like this in the first place, so we’ll have to assume she’s meant to represent a “typical teenager.”

It seems like an odd trait for a character – even a teenage one – to have, and it doesn’t serve much purpose in the overall story. Maybe Horikoshi was trying to say something here, but it feels like it missed the mark.

3 Her Hero Costume

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Camie’s hero costume is relatively plain, which could work to her advantage when allowing her to fly under the radar. Still, one has to wonder why she chose this particular getup.

With her quirk enabling her to create illusions, it doesn’t seem this outfit adds anything to its power. Additionally, Camie could probably use the help in combat since she doesn’t have a physical quirk, but it doesn’t look like this design enhances her abilities on that front either.

2 Her Hero Name

My Hero Academia 10 Things That Make No Sense About Camie

Perhaps fans are just lacking the proper context, but Camie’s chosen hero name — Maboromicamie — doesn’t seem to have any explanation behind it. The latter half is obviously chosen for her name, but a quick Google search for any meaning behind “Maboromi” comes up empty.

Camie’s hero name has never been explained in the manga or anime, so for now, fans will have to assume it has some personal meaning to the character — even if it doesn’t mean much to us.

1 Her Part In The Story

Despite only having two appearances — one of them an intruder and not actually her — My Hero Academia seems to want us to remember that Camie exists. There’s no other reason for throwing her into the Remedial Course arc, so we have to wonder what her overall role in the story will be.

Perhaps she really is just a throwaway character intended to represent hero students outside of U.A. High. But there are plenty of other characters who could do that, so it’s possible Camie will have a larger role to play going forward.

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