My Hero Academias Himiko Toga Is UA High’s Biggest Threat

My Hero Academia’s Himiko Toga Is U.A. High’s Biggest Threat

In chapter 325 of My Hero Academia, Aizawa confirms Himiko Toga is a major threat to U.A. High’s new role as a protective fortress.

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My Hero Academias Himiko Toga Is UA High’s Biggest Threat

Warning: contains spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 325!

Principal Nezu might have upgraded U.A. High mostly to prepare for All For One’s wrath, but a recent comment uttered by one of the campus’ teachers in My Hero Academia chapter 325 reveals that a major contingency plan is in effect at the school because of Himiko Toga’s terrifying abilities.

A member of the League of Villains, Toga possesses the Transform quirk, which allows her to not only look and sound like the person whose blood she sucks, but to gain their quirks as well for a limited amount of time. It was originally believed that she only performed the unsettling act for these very reasons, but it is later revealed that she’s compelled to suck the blood of those she likes so she can become them.

Toga proves how formidable an enemy she can be during the Shie Hassaikai Raid when she redirects many of the hero squads who had infiltrated the organization’s hideout, going on to cause major headaches for Eraser Head during the same mission. But her most defining moment occurs when she first realizes the true capability of her quirk when she successfully replicates Ochako Uraraka’s Zero Gravity ability during the Paranormal Liberation War. My Hero Academia chapter 325 reveals that Toga’s capabilities are therefore a major concern in protecting the school.

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In chapter 325, Shota Aizawa asks to confirm whether their counter measures against Toga are still in effect. The school apparently spent a considerable amount of time observing Toga during their engagements with the villain, as they somehow acquired enough data to calculate how much blood she can absorb and how long her transformations can last in accordance with the amount of blood she has consumed. Based on these calculations, the school only allows evacuees onto campus grounds once they have been in observation for longer than Toga can hold a transformation to ensure none of them are Toga in disguise.

As of this moment in My Hero Academia, no other contingency plans based on the rest of the League of Villains have been revealed, further underscoring the danger posed by Himiko Toga in this siege scenario. This realization only confirms how crucial Ochako Uraraka is to the heroes’ efforts against All For One, given her connection to Toga. The manga even juxtaposes Toga’s image with Ochako as she makes her emotional plea to the citizens sheltering at U.A. High to accept Deku.

Earlier on in My Hero Academia, Ochako achieved an incredible feat by connecting with Toga to the point where the villain was so overwhelmed by her need to become the hero that she actually articulated her affection for Ochako. This ability to sway the mind of a strong-willed villain like Toga was believed to only be something that Deku could achieve when he softened the heart of the assassin Lady Nagant. The fact that Ochako could get the same results without even trying underscores her truly heroic nature. Ochako, however, will have to reconcile with Toga for U.A. High to benefit from this – the last time they met, Ochako expressed disgust for Toga wanting to be like her, upsetting the villain profoundly. However, based on Ochako’s ability to appeal to an angry mob, My Hero Academia fans can remain hopeful that she’ll be able to reconnect with Himiko Toga when the time comes, perhaps helping to defeat All For One by taking this major enemy off the board – or even recruiting her to the side of the heroes.

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