My Hero Academias Real Traitor Reveals How Deku Could Have Turned Evil

My Hero Academia’s Real Traitor Reveals How Deku Could Have Turned Evil

The real traitor revealed in chapter 336 of My Hero Academia shares many qualities with Deku, shedding light on how he was at risk of turning bad.

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My Hero Academias Real Traitor Reveals How Deku Could Have Turned Evil

Warning! Spoilers ahead for My Hero Academia chapter 336!

In a sudden twist, My Hero Academia has revealed that Yuga Aoyama is the actual traitor to U.A. High, and the reason why he chose to betray everyone proves Deku could have succumbed to the same fate had circumstances been just a little different.

After exonerating Invisible Girl from the previous installment’s misleading cliffhanger, chapter 336 delves into why Yuga chose to double-cross hero society. He was actually born quirkless, and wanting their son to live a normal life, Yuga’s parents were willing to do anything to ensure he wouldn’t be shunned by society. Unfortunately, All For One’s eponymous quirk allows him to both take and give quirks to anyone. The villain eventually bestowed upon their child the odd Navel Laser quirk, but not out of the kindness of his heart. In return, their son had to serve as a spy for him. Failure would result in their deaths.

It’s easy to see how Deku could have been easily targeted by All For One instead of Yuga and not just because he was born quirkless like Yuga. Based on Yuga’s parents’ reactions in chapter 336, they had been clearly tortured by the prospect of their son living quirkless in a quirk-driven world. Deku’s situation was no different. His mother obviously cared a great deal as well. In fact, there’s a famous scene in the series’ debut chapter depicting the moment they learn the truth. Deku’s crying mother is holding her stunned son as he stares off in devastated disbelief, tears streaming down his face. The fact that her son would most likely never live out his dream of becoming like his hero All Might obviously tortured her, making her more susceptible to rash decisions like falling under the influence of All For One just so her beloved boy could live his dream.

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Unfortunately, not much is known about Yagu’s parents or his background, for that matter, to explain how the two parties intersected. For example, does Yagu come from a prestigious or noble family that benefits from vast connections? This would explain why Yagu received this “honor” instead of Deku whose family isn’t noble. This theory is warranted since Yagu wears high-end clothing and possesses mannerisms that suggest he lives a privileged life. The unofficial fan translation also doesn’t clarify whether Yagu’s parents sought All For One or the other way around, which would have helped fans make more informed theories. Possibly, Shonen Jump’s translator will help fill in this gap when the chapter officially drops.

Regardless, it’s also likely that Deku’s clear fixation on becoming a hero like All Might may have actually saved him from Yagu’s fate in My Hero Academia. All great shonen heroes always articulate their dreams to an absurd (almost annoying) degree, and Deku is by no means an exception. He made it abundantly clear at any early age his hero was All Might. So could his mother really have put her boy in a position where he would one day learn that the arch nemesis of his beloved hero gave him powers? That would have been cruel in hindsight. But, as they say, hindsight is 20/20, and she, just like Yuga Aoyama’s family, was desperate.

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