Mysterio Can Still Hurt SpiderMan Even After No Way Home

Mysterio Can Still Hurt Spider-Man Even After No Way Home

While Spider-Man may restore his secret identity in No Way Home, Mysterio’s actions could still hurt the Webslinger’s reputation all the same.

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Mysterio Can Still Hurt SpiderMan Even After No Way Home

While Peter Parker may be successful in restoring his secret identity in Spider-Man: No Way Home, the Webslinger’s reputation could still be damaged by Mysterio all the same. While Quentin Beck’s final blow to Spider-Man was to expose his secret identity to the entire world, the Webslinger might always be seen as a threat and menace to the public even if he does manage to resecure his anonymity by the end of the final film in the Homecoming trilogy. Furthermore, while Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has always been seen as Iron Man’s protegé and an Avenger, having him struggling with the public’s negative perception of him is a classic dynamic from the comics which Mysterio’s actions could still provide even if the world is made to forget who Spider-Man really is.

In Spider-Man: Far From Home Mysterio has a video doctored before his death, making it look as though Spider-Man was the ultimate perpetrator of the drone attack in London and Beck’s killer, while also exposing his secret identity to the world in a news story covered by the Daily Bugle. As a result, everyone will know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man when No Way Home begins. With the mass public viewing him as a murderer and criminal, Peter will be motivated to seek the help of Doctor Strange as seen in the film’s first trailer.

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However, while Doctor Strange will attempt to cast a spell to make the world forget who Spider-Man is underneath the mask, Peter inadvertently messes it up as seen in the trailer footage, which will lead to multiversal damages to reality. Assuming that the spell will be corrected by the film’s end, there’s still an opportunity for Mysterio to have done significant damage to Spider-Man’s reputation (thanks to the biased reporting of the Daily Bugle). Being the classic newspaper in the comics run by J. Jonah Jameson who constantly bashes Spider-Man despite Peter Parker’s heroism, it’s possible that the Daily Bugle’s biased coverage could continue, seeing Jameson maintaining unfounded suspicions of Spider-Man even if Peter’s secret identity is restored with reality being altered. In this way, Mysterio’s success in ruining Spider-Man’s reputation would still be intact despite Peter’s secret identity potentially being restored with Strange’s help.

Similar to the One More Day storyline which saw Spider-Man’s secret identity being restored after revealing himself to the world in support of Iron Man during the comics’ first Civil War, Peter Parker’s deal with the devil Mephisto to save his dying aunt ultimately led to large portions of his history being erased and rewritten, though Spider-Man had no memory of what had happened. That being said, Peter Parker has had moments since the deal was struck where he’s had unexplained feelings of shame and guilt, seeing as how his marriage to Mary Jane was the cost for Mephisto’s help, as well as the subsequent prevention of their future daughter being born. Likewise, it’s possible that while the public will most likely forget who Spider-Man is and what Mysterio claimed he did, they could still have some similar unexplained feelings of suspicion and mistrust towards the Webslinger (that the Daily Bugle would then perpetuate).

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Dealing with negative perceptions from the public has never been something Spider-Man has ever had to deal with in the MCU. Before No Way Home, he’s always been viewed positively given his close relationship to Iron Man and the Avengers. However, the potential restoration of his secret identity provides the perfect opportunity for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man to face the Webslinger’s iconic struggle of the public not liking him due to wearing a mask. While the anonymity may be restored, the cost from the comics could soon follow where all he’ll get is bad press from the Daily Bugle. As such, while Mysterio exposing Spider-Man to the world may be undone by the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, his reputation could still be irreparably harmed going forward, attaining a classic comics dynamic and relationship with the public and Jameson’s Daily Bugle.

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