Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Naruto: Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign?


The male characters of Naruto all embody the twelve signs of classic astrology, from Libra and Aries to Virgo and Cancer.

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Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Naruto is populated with a dazzling variety of characters of all shapes and sizes, from the Hidden Leaf Village ninjas to sinister villains to terrifying rogues and far more. There’s a character here for any viewer to sympathize with or root for and sometimes, the world of astrology might get involved, too.

The twelve signs of the zodiac describe a handful of distinct personalities with elements and symbols to match. People are assigned a sign based on their birthday, but the signs can be used in other ways, too. For example, Naruto fans can use their sign as a reference and see which male Naruto character embodies that sign best.

12 Aries (March 21 – April 19): Kiba Inuzuka

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Kiba Inuzuka is a part of the Konoha 11 and he is never seen without the company of his canine partner, Akamaru, named after the real-life Akamaru Jump manga magazine. Kiba may not be as powerful as Neji or Naruto, but he does have the burning heart of an Aries.

The fire sign Aries is known for its courage, reckless ambitions, leadership skills and temper — all that and more describes Kiba. He likes to be top dog: he’ll quickly snap and snarl at anyone who looks down on him. In fact, his dream is to become Hokage, as his Infinite Tsukuyomi vision showed.

11 Taurus (April 20th – May 20th): Shikamaru Nara

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Shikamaru Nara is well-known for being a lazy genius. He once envied clouds since they can drift on the breeze without a care in the world. Despite his slacker attitude Shikamaru Nara is highly reliable and responsible during a mission and he will work tirelessly to take down his enemies.

All this, combined with Shikamaru’s love of naps and shoji, mark him as a Taurus, one of the earth signs. Tauruses enjoy the gentle pleasures of life while also being stubborn, reliable, and stable people, like a true bull.

10 Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Omoi

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Omoi is a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, located in the cloud-swathed mountains on the eastern part of the continent. He is quite loyal to his village and the Raikage, but he also tends to worry since his imagination often gets the better of him. He always means well, though.

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Omoi loosely embodies the sign Gemini, an air sign. Geminis are known for their whimsical and free-spirited ways; they don’t mind exploring the possibilities around them and adapting to new ideas. That’s similar to how Omoi learned to accept Naruto as an ally despite Naruto having personal loyalty to Omoi’s enemy, Sasuke.

9 Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Shino Aburame

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Shino Aburame is another member of the Konoha 11 and he wields his family’s hiden jutsu based on chakra-eating beetles. He is a quiet and aloof fellow who rarely shows much emotion, but he is devoted to Team 8 and will do anything for a friend. He won’t necessarily make many friends in the process, though.

Shino embodies the water sign Cancer, represented by a crab. Cancers are introverted and sympathetic people who are often closed off at first, hiding in their crab shell until they finally let someone in and get to know them. Cancers might also “pinch” anyone who annoys or antagonizes them. Such a sign often describes kuudere characters like Shino.

8 Leo (July 23 – August 22): Might Guy

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Leo is another fire sign of the zodiac and it shares Aries’ fierce passion and self-centered attitude. Leo is represented by a lion, meaning this sign is all about pride, leadership, confidence, and a bit of hedonism. Leos are the life of any party, but they will explode in rage if anyone mocks them or ignores them.

Might Guy the taijutsu master embodies the best aspects of Leo, being a naturally confident and competitive ninja whose enthusiasm and vigor border on obnoxious at times. He is also Kakashi’s sworn rival and Kakashi only reluctantly returns the favor.

7 Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Danzo Shimura

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Danzo Shimura is the founder and commander of the Root/Foundation organization, a hidden cabal dedicated to conservative values and protection of the Hidden Leaf Village, independent of the Hokage’s authority. Danzo puts the Hidden Leaf Village first, but he’s a real antihero about it and Tsunade objects to his methods.

Danzo is a naturally cautious, diligent, and crafty person who would rather operate from the shadows and focus on his job, meaning he embodies the Virgo sign. Virgos are diligent and work-oriented; they are highly productive, but they may also alienate people with their stubborn persistence and inflexibility.

6 Libra (September 23 – October 22): Iruka Umino

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Iruka Umino was Naruto’s instructor at the academy and even though Iruka often fussed at Naruto and punished him for his antics, the two of them were surprisingly close. Iruka sympathized with Naruto’s plight as a lonely orphan and Iruka risked his life to protect Naruto from the scheming Mizuki.

Iruka embodies Libra’s passion for balance, fairness, cooperation, and justice; this air sign detests injustice, conformity, and loudmouths. Iruka is tough but fair and he wants what’s best for everyone, marking him as a fairness-oriented Libra.

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5 Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Orochimaru

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

None of the twelve signs are inherently evil, but the water sign Scorpio, represented by a scorpion, can easily describe a variety of anime villains, such as the mad scientist Orochimaru. It is Orochimaru’s ultimate goal to learn all jutsu and become immortal and he will hatch any scheme to make that happen.

This means Orochimaru embodies Scorpio, a sign known for its secrecy, brilliance, and ambition. Scorpios tend to choose a goal, then “sting” it with all their might; they don’t like compromises or mediocrity. Neither does Orochimaru.

4 Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

The hero himself, Naruto Uzumaki, was born as a Libra and he shares that sign’s sense of justice and fairness. But he also embodies the fire sign Sagittarius and it’s easy to see why. Sagittarius is an adventurous and curious sign that longs to discover new things, just like Naruto.

Sagittarius is also known for its solid sense of humor, its idealistic ways, emphasis on freedom, and impatient nature, all of which describe Naruto accurately. Naruto inherited the Will of Fire, and in particular, it’s the flaming arrows of the Sagittarius sign.

3 Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Kakashi Hatake

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Naruto’s mentor, Kakashi Hatake, was born under the earth sign Virgo, but he also embodies another earth sign — Capricorn. Capricorn is represented by a fish-tailed goat, a responsible and diligent creature that puts duty first. It’s a reliable but stubborn sign.

Kakashi was a total Capricorn in his youth, a duty-bound young ninja who couldn’t stand breaking the rules or violating tradition for any reason, which put him at odds with his teammate, Obito Uchiha. Today, Kakashi is still rule-bound and rigid, but a tad more flexible than before.

2 Aquarius (January 20 – February 18th): Itachi Uchiha

Naruto Which Male Character Are You Based On Your Starsign

Sasuke’s brother Itachi wasn’t what he seemed at first. Naruto set him up as a homicidal maniac, but in reality Itahi is an idealistic and free-thinking ninja who will do whatever he must to protect his beloved Hidden Leaf Village home, even if it means turning on his family.

Itachi doesn’t always show it, but he embodies the air sign Aquarius, known for its idealistic, humanitarian ways. It’s a “power to the people” free thinker sign and Itachi believes in the power of the Hidden Leaf Village’s citizens.

1 Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Minato Namikaze

The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, was also Naruto’s father and he gladly laid down his life to protect the Hidden Leaf Village. He wasn’t just the fastest and strongest ninja — he was also a kind and compassionate fellow who embodied many core shonen values. He has a gentle and selfless soul.

All that makes Minato a model Pisces, the gentlest of the three water signs of the zodiac. These signs may even get overwhelmed by their own empathy, but a Pisces would rather be too kind than close themselves off to others entirely.

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