Netflixs Ragnarok Has A Major Problem With Its Norse Gods

Netflix’s Ragnarok Has A Major Problem With Its Norse Gods

Season 1 of Netflix’s Ragnarok has a major issue when it comes to the Norse Gods and the upcoming battle to save Earth from Frost Giants.

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Netflixs Ragnarok Has A Major Problem With Its Norse Gods

WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for Season 1 of Ragnarok, now streaming on Netflix.

As much as the early trailers for Netflix’s Ragnarok hinted at trouble coming to Earth in the form of various Norse gods, the series really doesn’t follow that direction. Sure, we get a full dive into Magne (David Stakston) as he and his family move to the industrial Norwegian town of Edda to eke out a new life, but it revolves mostly around him monitoring a family of Frost Giants known as the Jutuls, who are polluting the town and also have sinister plans for the world.

But while Magne is on a journey of self-discovery as he holds the power of Thor within, for some reason the series doesn’t bother to dive into the full pantheon of gods, creating a problem that honestly leaves the six episodes so far a bit lacking.

Netflixs Ragnarok Has A Major Problem With Its Norse Gods

We knew Magne would be awakening his powers but it also seemed like the teen drama would follow Marvel’s route of him finding other gods in human bodies as per when New Asgard was created in Oklahoma after Ragnarok. Here, though, it’s just Thor 2.0 going to war with the Jutuls as he wants to expose them for harming the planet and for killing the gods of old.

But apart from him figuring out how to harness his lightning and thunder, we don’t see the likes of the seer Heimdall, the war god Tyr, Lady Sif, or even Balder the Brave. In fact, we don’t even get insight into Odin and what happened to the king. Many assumed Wenche, the woman who awakened Magne’s powers after she deemed him kind and worthy, might have been a female version of Odin. Especially as she transformed into a raven when Magne fought off Vidar in the Season 1 finale. However, in her own words, she’s a watcher meant to observe how the old world forms and the new one begins. Some even thought she might have been Thor’s mother, Gaea, as the series is keen on him protecting Mother Earth, but that hasn’t been the case.

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It’s disappointing because, while the human-first approach is interesting and Thor becomes a true messiah for mankind, having been a human for all his conscious life, seeing Magne as a high-schooler meeting other gods would have been such an intriguing dynamic. Watching them learn to use their powers while also accepting their responsibility would have had a lot of potential. And seeing as the Jutuls can kill gods, we wouldn’t have to worry about them becoming too overpowered.

Hints have been dropped, though, that Laurits, Magne’s brother, could actually be Loki in disguise and he doesn’t even know. After all, Jonas Strand Gravli does look like Loki, especially the Tom Hiddleston version, and he was seen canoodling with the Jutuls, enjoying their popularity and power. Ultimately, he helped expose them because he hates their arrogance but still, Loki always manipulates things for his own good. The fact he was a key player in the high-school bullying of Magne for his dyslexia and introverted ways shows he is willing to betray his own family when it benefits him.

That said, until all this is confirmed, one can only hope the other gods come into play. Seeing Hela with her teenage angst, and other gods acting like villains — not just allies — would make the show more intriguing and cultivate something other than just a Frost Giant vendetta. This will add a whole new dimension to the story and give Magne a more wholesome coming-of-age story as the millennial Thor who is struggling to come to terms with his identity in a massive crisis of the heart and soul.

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Ragnarok stars David Stakston, Jonas Strand Gravli, Theresa Tømmeraas, Frostad Eggesbø, Emma Bones, Henriette Steenstrup, Gísli Örn Garðarsson, Synnøve Macody Lund, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Tani Dibasey, Kornelia Eline Skogseth, Eli Anne Linnestad and Jeppe Beck Laursen. Season 1 is currently available on Netflix.

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