New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best


Love has always been a main theme of New Amsterdam, but which couples are the best? These are all the major romances, ranked.

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New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Love has always been what New Amsterdam chooses to focus on, but the fourth season has further emphasized this theme. The show’s current tagline is “more joy,” and after the number of hardships the characters were forced to endure, it’s refreshing to see them enjoying life and everything it has to offer.

Because they’re the show’s focal relationship, the artificial distance that formed between Max and Helen caused an aura of gloom to linger in the air. Thankfully, Sharpwin’s fantastic slow-burn romance has reached its destination, and the joy they bring one another is contagious. There are several characters who have managed to find love in New Amsterdam, but some couples are better than others.

10 Reynolds And Bloom

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Reynolds and Bloom weren’t an official couple, but they were hooking up when the series first started. Although Bloom wanted to be more, Reynolds was only interested in having a long-term relationship with a black woman.

There’s obviously nothing wrong with this, yet it feels like something Reynolds should have told Bloom beforehand so she wouldn’t get emotionally attached. Regardless, the two are better off as friends, and they have one of the best dynamics in the series.

9 Bloom And Ligon

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Bloom and Ligon’s relationship never had a healthy foundation. Both characters were recovering drug addicts, and Bloom first started hooking up with Ligon when he became her physical therapist after major surgery. The dynamic between them wasn’t all bad, as Ligon was one of the few people that understood why Bloom would rather suffer than take painkillers.

However, they realized that sleeping together was just an unhealthy way for Bloom to deal with her trauma, and they were right to call it quits. Bloom and Ligon said goodbye for good when he relapsed and went back to rehab.

8 Reynolds And Malvo

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

What Reynolds and Malvo have is complicated, but their romance doesn’t feel worth the effort. Reynolds deserves a love interest with whom he has proper buildup, and because he and Malvo have good chemistry, it’s disappointing that New Amsterdam didn’t drag them out more.

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Reynolds works with Malvo’s husband, which makes the situation a bit awkward. Malvo does have an open marriage, yet Reynolds has always been interested in having a traditional and monogamous relationship. Because they both want different things it’s hard to imagine a scenario in which they would work out.

7 Max And Alice

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Max and Alice’s entire relationship was built on shared trauma. They were both single parents recently left widowed, which caused an immediate connection to form. On one hand, it was nice for Max to have someone who could understand what he was going through.

On the other hand, they seemed to make each other worse rather than better. Their relationship trapped them in grief, and neither was motivated to start the healing process. Max thought he wasn’t ready to take off his wedding ring when in reality, he just needed to find the person who made him want to.

6 Helen And Cassian

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Helen and Cassian had decent chemistry, and Cassian treated her the way that she deserved. There was nothing wrong with their relationship, but there was also nothing right about it.

Because they happened so abruptly, viewers didn’t have time to get invested in what was between them. It was obvious from the start that Helen and Cassian weren’t meant to last, and their main purpose was to spark jealousy in Max and help him come to terms with his feelings for his best friend.

5 Reynolds And Evie

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Reynolds and Evie got together so quickly that it was hard to imagine their relationship being very deep. However, Evie is the best of Reynolds’s romantic interests. Anyone would be lucky to be with someone as loyal and loving as her, and she deserved more screentime in New Amsterdam.

Although Reynolds’s family tried to convince him that Evie wasn’t the one, his actions said otherwise. They were extremely supportive of one another’s careers, and they were both willing to make sacrifices. It’s still difficult to understand why the couple called off their engagement, as there was no prior indication of Reynolds having doubts.

4 Max And Georgia

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Georgia’s death was the most heartbreaking event in the show, and there was a time when it seemed as though Max would never recover from losing his wife. She was there for him during the hardest period of his life, and Georgia forced Max to let her help carry his burdens.

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They face plenty of obstacles, as all couples do, but their marriage was full of unconditional love and support. Max and Georgia were right for one another in so many ways, which is why it was odd that they never quite felt like soulmates.

3 Bloom And Leyla

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

There are several reasons why Bloom and Leyla are one of the greatest couples in the show, but they hit particularly hard because their romance was unexpected. Viewers struggled to relate to Bloom because of her cold exterior, and while she continuously proved she had a good heart, Bloom remained distant and closed-off.

It wasn’t until Leyla came into her life that Bloom became a fully fleshed-out character. The episodes that focus on Bloom and Leyla’s relationship are some of the best installments of New Amsterdam, as they also showcase Bloom’s development. Bloom and Leyla make each other better personally and professionally, which is a sign of a healthy relationship.

2 Iggy And Martin

New Amsterdam Couples Ranked From Worst To Best

Iggy and Martin’s relationship is the one that most closely resembles real life. Their marriage isn’t all rainbows and butterflies, and they both have to put in the same amount of effort in order for it to work. No one is perfect, and Iggy and Martin have made plenty of wrong choices.

Yet, no matter how badly either messes up, the couple’s love is strong enough to overcome anything. Iggy and Martin stand by each other through thick and thin and will do whatever it takes to make their spouse feel loved and cherished.

1 Max And Helen

There are countless reasons why Max and Helen are meant to be in New Amsterdam, but the biggest is that they make each other happier than either thought possible. No matter how beautiful their relationship was, there was always something missing between Max and Georgia.

However, after seeing Max and Helen together, it’s become much more clear. Their connection was present even during the first season, and the unbreakable bond between them is proof that they’re soulmates in every way. Max and Helen are partners, best friends, confidants—and as of New Amsterdam Season 4—relationship goals.

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