New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

New Girl: 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick


Nick Miller goes through his fair share of struggles throughout New Girl, but many amazing things also happen to him too.

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New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

It was apparent that Nick ended up going through a lot of bad things in New Girl. His entire life was rather difficult in a lot of ways, but it was important for his character, as it helped build him a great fanbase in the process. He grew immensely as the series progressed, and thankfully, would also have a lot of great things happen too. He very well deserved it, as he was a wonderful friend to everyone in the loft, even if he had his moments of being closed off and cold to them.

Nick’s journey was definitely one of the most intriguing too, as he experienced a lot of big changes as the show continued. Therefore, it was stupendous that wonderful things happened to him. Fans were also introduced to Nick when he was in a very rough time, as he was heartbroken over Caroline dumping him and was struggling professionally and it was fantastic that the series gave him a lot of wonderful moments from it.

10 Schmidt Showed Up In His Dorm

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Nick and Schmidt met in college in a very strange manner. In fact, it was not planned whatsoever. Nick woke up to the sound of Schmidt eating his ramen. To make things even stranger, Schmidt ate it dry.

Although Nick was standoffish at first, he quickly warmed up to Schmidt. From there, perhaps the strongest friendship of the series formed. With that being stated, this was a fantastic moment for Nick, as he gained his strange best friend for life.

9 Jess Moved Into The Loft

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

When Jess moved into the loft, it was huge for Nick. Besides the fact that the two ended up getting together, she was also a huge influence on him when they were just friends. Had Spencer never cheated on Jess, this connection would not have been possible.

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Jess helped Nick become more positive, as he began to express his feelings far more with her. Also, the number of amazing times they had together had a marvelous impact on Nick’s life in general.

8 He Didn’t Move In With Caroline

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Nearing the completion of the first season, Nick started to date Caroline again. This was bad enough, but things became even worse when he was inches away from moving in with her. He even packed and rented a moving truck.

However, after a crazy night in the desert and some persuasion from Jess, Nick changed his mind. This was a massive decision, as from there, the group became even closer. Living with Caroline was a horrible idea from the very start.

7 He Left A Career In Law

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Nick told the group that he finished law school and even passed the bar exam. However, he ended up staying away from that path, as he felt that it changed him for the worst. This was a great move, as his heart was not in it.

It also was outstanding to see how humble Nick was. Nick clearly was a genuine character, as he was aware that law school made him become pretentious, His life worked out avoiding this, as the series showed later on.

6 He Met Tran At The Park

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

When Nick met Tran, it was right after his father passed away. It was perfect timing, as Tran essentially became the replacement. Nick opened up to Tran about everything on his mind, which was quite rare for him.

The relationship became even stronger later on. Tran attended big events, such as Nick’s wedding and Thanksgiving. This type of friendship was truly a gift for Nick because it came at the perfect time in his life.

5 The Gang Paid For His Hospital Bill

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

After Nick had a cancer scare, the gang paid for his hospital bill. This was such a generous gesture, as it showed just how much they all cared about him. Nick was taken aback by it, naturally, as he did not have the funds to pay it.

This was just another massive example of how amazing the group was for Nick. They cared for him so deeply and did not hesitate to help him when in a horrible spot. It also was an episode where Nick and Jess really got closer after their talk on the beach.

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4 He Was Schmidt’s Best Man

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Schmidt chose Nick as his best man, and it was a great moment for the latter. This displayed how much Schmidt appreciated having Nick as a friend. It’s an honor to be chosen as anyone’s best man, so Nick was happy about it for sure.

As Schmidt’s best man, Nick did a lot, as he performed in a Bollywood dance and kept the guests distracted when Schmidt was stuck on a plane during the wedding day. Overall, it was just a fantastic experience for Nick, as he did so much in the process.

3 His Break-Up With Kai

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Break-ups are always hard, yes, but Kai dumping Nick ended up being the best thing for him. She left him because she was not happy with how hard he was working. This did not disgruntle Nick though, as continued to move up professionally.

He worked hard as a bar owner, while also being quite focused on his writing career. After this break-up, Nick matured immensely and became far more driven. It was great to see him progress in this type of manner.

2 He Became A Highly Successful Author

New Girl 10 Best Things That Happened To Nick

Nick struck gold when he created Julius Pepperwood. His career blossomed from here, as he wrote a handful of stories that made him become rather famous in the literature world. It was his true beginning in that said career path.

Nick showed that he was able to very successful away from the law, as he dominated in an entirely different field. All his professional decisions paid off once he became a published writer too. Therefore, this was easily one of the best things that happened to Nick in the show.

1 He Married Jess

Fans were ecstatic when Nick and Jess finally got back together. Their initial break-up seemed rather forced and the connection between them never faded away. Thus, it was not too surprising when Nick and Jess ended up married.

This was massive for Nick, though, as he fell in love with Jess the very first moment he saw her. After everything they went through, it was marvelous to see these two work it out. It certainly was a bumpy road, but ultimately, it did not matter in the end, as Nick got his happy ending with her.

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