New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

New Girl: 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates


Throughout the series, New Girl, Jess employs her “teacher” voice numerous times with her roommates, though it’s never addressed overtly.

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New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When Winston becomes a police officer in New Girl, it prompts a discussion of what is called “style-shifting” in speech in the real world. He and Schmidt talk about using a “cop voice” to have more authority in a situation. It’s true that people use different tones and vocabulary depending on social situations. If a person works in retail, or another customer service related job, for example, they use a different tone with friends than they do with customers. It’s a natural part of vocal styles in the world.

Long before Winston becomes a police officer, however, another character does the same thing. Jess employs her “teacher” voice numerous times throughout the series, though it’s never addressed in the same way. In fact, Jess has two voices when it comes to being a teacher. One is her authoritative tone to get people to follow her instructions. The other is a gentler approach, like using a cautious tone with a small child. Both get used quite a bit on her roommates, especially in the early seasons of New Girl.

10 The First Time Jess Tells Schmidt “Jar!”

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

It’s hard to imagine that Jess teaches middle school in the pilot episode. That’s largely due to the fact that she’s so naive herself. It doesn’t seem like she’d be able to command a classroom of tweens.

That changes near the end of the episode, however, as Schmidt tries to give Jess a compliment. He tells Jess that, despite what he’s seen of her so far in their brief time as roommates, he would “totally still do her.” While Jess first remarks that he’s being sweet, she quickly shifts her tone to command, “Jar!” Schmidt, of course, has to put money in the do*chebag jar every time his roommates tell him to, but it’s the first time Jess has the authority to make him do it.

9 Jess Discusses Caroline With Nick At A Wedding

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

The first wedding themed episode of New Girl involves Jess being Nick’s pretend girlfriend to help keep him away from Caroline. It doesn’t go as well as Schmidt and Winston hope it will. Instead, Nick treats Jess horribly and spends most of his evening with Caroline, only to find out that she has a boyfriend.

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Jess talks to him after he’s made his way through most of a bottle of alcohol in a photo booth. She doesn’t try to bark orders at him, but instead is sympathetic, approaching him the same way she would approach a student who’s made a mistake and needs a little encouragement. Her tone as she explains to him that now, he has a choice to make, is very much that of a patient teacher.

8 Jess Forces Nick To See A Doctor

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

There are a lot of changes made to the script for the episode “Injured,” but one thing that doesn’t change is Jess forcing Nick to see a doctor. Nick is pretty adamant after Jess slams into him during a game of football that he doesn’t want to get his back checked out.

Jess, of course, isn’t having that. She puts on her teacher voice to demand that he get in her car. She also uses her teacher voice on him when he tries to back out at the office after realizing Sadie is a gynecologist. She instructs him to go through a magazine and circle the things he likes while he waits to see her. She does a lot of both instructing and ordering for his own good in the episode.

7 She Calls The Shots In True American

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

True American is a highly entertaining pastime for the New Girl audience. A drinking game that’s themed around American history, True American is described as having a “loose, Candy Land structure,” but only a handful of rules remain the same in every version the audience sees.

Jess seems to take to the game very quickly. She is, after all, the one who seems to take charge of most of the games, calling out quotes and giving instructions to new players. In fact, it’s Jess who keeps tabs on Schmidt’s antics when she’s trying to help Nick connect with another woman in the episode “Cooler,” forcing Schmidt to follow her version of the rules.

6 Jess Tries To Talk Nick Out Of A Relationship With Caroline

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When they aren’t dating one another, Nick and Jess spend a lot of time helping one another with their other relationships. The one relationship Jess doesn’t ever encourage Nick to pursue is his with Caroline. In the episodes “Backslide” and “See Ya,” she actively discourages him from dating Caroline.

While their conversations tend to bounce between friendly advice and whining on the part of Jess because Nick won’t listen to her, one does see her attempt the same gentle approach she takes in “Wedding.” When she attempts to talk to Nick about his admission that he doesn’t want to be alone, she’s both supportive and encouraging, promising to be there for him. Unfortunately, Nick has already decided to move in with Caroline at that point, so her teacher voice doesn’t work.

5 Jess Gives Schmidt And Winston Funeral Tasks

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When Nick’s father dies in the season two episode “Chicago,” it proves to be one of the most emotional episodes of the show, but also a great one to show who the characters are under pressure. While Nick spends the episode taking care of his family before he cracks, Jess goes out of her way to help him.

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Schmidt and Winston are too caught up in their own insecurities (Schmidt) and grief (Winston) to help Nick. It’s Jess who gives them specific jobs to do when Nick shows up at the funeral drunk. She takes charge of the situation, whispering orders to them while she sobers Nick up. It’s the hushed-version of her commanding teacher voice.

4 Jess Gives Schmidt Breathing Exercises

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When Jess wants to move her own pieces of found furniture into the loft, she takes it upon herself to attempt to relax Schmidt’s control issues. It goes a little too well, but during that time, the audience does get to see some of her teacher persona.

When Jess and Schmidt return to the loft together, for example, and Schmidt starts to clean up Nick’s spill, Jess asks him what he’s doing and instructs him to do his “exercises,” which involve deep breaths and counting. Her tone here is definitely more of the gentle and encouraging variety rather than the strict and commanding.

3 She Gets Her Stuff Back

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When the series begins, Jess has a difficult time standing up for herself in certain situations. One of those is getting her belongings from her ex-boyfriend. It takes some encouragement from her roommates for her to be able to do it.

When Jess and her roommates go to the house she used to share with Spencer, Jess has to be very angry in order to even attempt to get her stuff back. When Nick tries to step in between Jess and Spencer, however, Jess is quick to tell him, “I got this,” in a tone that brokers no arguments. That’s very much the tone a teacher would use on a student in trouble, and Jess stops Nick in his tracks.

2 She Instructs Winston In Faking A Robbery

New Girl 10 Times Jess Uses Her Teacher Voice On Her Roommates

When Jess and Winston team up to get a bathtub, they make a mistake and end up flooding Schmidt’s room, damaging his clothes. Instead of owning up to it, they create a complicated plan that involves pretending the loft was robbed and committing insurance fraud, which definitely should have gotten them in trouble.

During the course of finding things someone would steal, it’s Jess who instructs Winston. It’s like a teacher giving a frantic, timed, pop quiz.

1 Jess Tells Schmidt, “No.”

If there’s one character in the show that Jess shuts down more than anyone else, it’s Schmidt. This isn’t always done with witty one-liners, but sometimes, simply with a firm, “No.”

Jess doesn’t always successfully stop Schmidt from the things he wants to do, but the tone she employs with him is absolutely that of a teacher in an elementary school classroom trying to stop a rowdy student from coloring on the walls.

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