No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

No Time To Die: 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCU’s Tony Stark


Daniel Craig left a lasting legacy as James Bond, but Bond’s story resembles in many ways like MCU’s Tony Stark, including their growth and ending.

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No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

This article contains spoilers for James Bond: No Time To Die

Daniel Craig appeared one last time as James Bond and did it on a high note. He changed the perception of James Bond with a grittier and grounded portrayal and showcased himself as one of the best Bond actors in history.

As No Time to Die serves as his swan song, it is fascinating to see that Bond’s story in the Craig films oddly resembles in many ways like Tony Stark, portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. These include some of his story arc and conclusion.

7 Over Decade Long Portrayal From The Same Actor

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

Although six actors have portrayed James Bond since 1962, Craig played Bond for 15 years, holding the record for the longest time served as Bond. Downey Jr. portrayed Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, for 11 years, which is also a long time for playing a superhero and holds the record for being the most successful actor playing a superhero.

When actors like Craig and Downey Jr. portray their characters for over a decade, viewers develop a close relationship with them because they watched their arduous and emotional journey in saving the world and the pain and suffering encountered. It makes for incredible storytelling and becomes difficult to imagine a world without them as they set a whole legacy as their prominent characters.

6 Character’s Growth From Being Womanizers

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

James Bond is notorious for being a womanizer, seducing women for information. It became Bond’s distinctive trait for almost every film. However, Craig’s films elevated his womanizing characteristics differently, in which he sometimes would feel empathetic and guilty for the women he slept with, such as Strawberry Fields and Solange Dimitrios. Similarly, Tony Stark also started as a womanizer in the films, showing little concern for the ladies he slept with and having one-night stands like Christine Everhart and Maya Hansen.

Of course, part of their undesirable nature as womanizers allowed them to grow and mature as time advanced. Both characters managed to have their hearts stolen by women they loved, and it gave them the motive to do something meaningful with their beloved. Bond had fallen in love with Vesper Lynd and Madeleine Swann, while Tony Stark loved Pepper Potts. Furthermore, it allowed them to see a world where they aren’t just a 007 agent or a superhero and escape their extraordinary worlds for a peaceful one.

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5 Stubbornness In Doing Their Own Thing

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

Perhaps, the one trait they never failed to show is their stubbornness to listen to rules and commands while doing their own thing. James Bond always broke into his M’s computers and accounts to access classified information, and on missions, he failed to follow directives like in Spectre. Similarly, Tony Stark was secretly investigating SHIELD’s motives in The Avengers, realizing that they were up to no good, and sometimes, made impulsive decisions, such as creating Ultron.

Of course, these traits do not show Stark or Bond as bad people, and they are characters with flaws. They want to do what they believe is right, even if it means breaking the rules and making rash decisions. It helped them being attentive, but they also needed to control this stubbornness before it got too far and dangerous.

4 Attempted Retirement From Profession

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

Funny enough, James Bond and Tony Starks have tried to retire from their profession multiple times. Bond attempted to retire in Casino Royale, Skyfall, and No Time to Die. Tony Stark also tried to retire as Iron Man in Iron Man 3 and took a hiatus as the superhero between Infinity War and Endgame. At one part, their reasons for retirement were for the woman they loved, such as Vesper Lynd and Madeleine Swann in Casino Royale and Spectre and Pepper Potts in Iron Man 3.

It shows that even 007 agents and superheroes want to take a break or indefinitely leave their professions. Some reasons for moving on include building a family of their own or moving on from a dangerous lifestyle like facing villains for one that is relaxing and harmonious. Of course, once they are in their professions, it is hard to leave that life for good, as they still managed to return to their fields when the world needed them the most.

3 Unsettled With Life-Changing Trauma

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

Bond’s trauma stems from losing his first love in Casino Royale, which set the rest of his story in taking down a hidden entity responsible for her death. Tony Stark realized the high-scale dangers of the world beyond Earth. His near-death experience in The Avengers was a trauma that resulted in him tirelessly finding solutions to protect his planet when he is no longer around. Of course, his fears sets up the direction of Infinity War and his encounter with Thanos.

Whether they are superheroes or suave agents, the things that Bond and Stark face are dangerous and terrifying that it even leaves a lasting trauma on them. It is their trauma that sets the direction and tone for the rest of their story arc. Furthermore, these traumatic experiences become their lasting motivation to find peace and absolve their fears and guilt.

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2 Fast Forward Five Years With A Daughter

No Time To Die 7 Ways James Bond Is Like MCUs Tony Stark

One of the surprising moments in No Time to Die was that James Bond had a daughter with Madeleine. Although Bond has a child in the book, this is the first time in a Bond film. This nice moment feels oddly similar to Tony Stark having a daughter as well in Avengers: Endgame. Furthermore, their daughters are introduced approximately five years after a significant event.

Of course, the arrangement for the revelation is different. Bond never knew he had a daughter until his reunion with Madeleine, whereas Tony Stark built a family with Pepper after failing to stop Thanos in Infinity War. Nevertheless, it is becoming a standard that long-lasting and famous characters would eventually have a child, and the moment happens within five years. Doing so showcases them as humans, despite the incredible lifestyles they have experienced. Furthermore, these moments give them more motivation and paternal instincts to protect their family, even if it means their own life.

1 Ultimate Sacrificial Death

Every story has a conclusion, and this was the case for James Bond and Tony Stark. Both characters were beloved by fans, so it is hard to imagine closure to their stories. Of course, such growth and maturity in multiple films and a decade-long portrayal meant finding a suitable conclusion.

Shockingly, James Bond dies in No Time to Die. Not only did he ran out of time to escape, but he knew that he could never come near Madeleine and his daughter again without killing them with the poison injected into him and found death was the only way to protect them. In Avengers: Endgame, Tony Stark gained possession of the infinity stones and made the final move to snap Thanos and the Chitauri army from existence. He also did it knowing that a snap by him would kill himself, but he made the sacrifice for the betterment of the world and his daughter.

Their sacrificial death was a fitting ending, given how the characters matured in each film and the trauma they experienced. Furthermore, they were motivated to sacrifice themselves to protect their daughters and loved ones. It also leaves many viewers with strong emotions, knowing how these characters have impacted them for many years. While many people would have hoped for a happier ending, death seemed inevitable and was the most fitting way to conclude their arc. Nevertheless, it helps to celebrate the legacy that they leave for years to come.

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