Olivia Holt Interview Cruel Summer

Olivia Holt Interview: Cruel Summer

Star Olivia Holt chats about digging beneath the surface of her upcoming thriller series, Cruel Summer, coming to Freeform on April 16.

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Cruel Summer brings YA thrillers back to Freeform in a big way on April 16, kicking off its first season with two episodes that dive into the secret lives of two very different girls. Olivia Holt (Cloak & Dagger) plays Kate, the popular girl who seems to have it all but struggles in her personal life, while Chiara Aurelia (Tell Me Your Secrets) plays Jeanette, the outsider looking in and wishing she could switch places.

That opportunity may very well come, but at a cost. Cruel Summer makes full use of its unusual format: contrasting the same day on three consecutive years to highlight how Jeanette’s life is turned upside down and inside out when Kate goes missing. As for what happens to Kate herself? That’s for the series to reveal over the course of its first season.

Holt spoke to Screen Rant about the excitement of taking one character through various stages and the importance of digging beneath the surface of first impressions and stereotypes.

What I found really fascinating about Cruel Summer is the different timelines and how you get to play around in each of the with different hairstyles and different attitudes. What is it like juggling that for you as an actress?

Olivia Holt: It was honestly very challenging, but so fun at the same time. As an actor, you want something that’s challenging; you want something that is going to push you to the next level. And this show really did that for me.

I found myself in a lot of tricky moments, but to be able to jump over all of those hurdles, and to feel like I actually succeeded in a lot of ways, is really rewarding. I had so much fun making the show and and making the choices for my character.

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Speaking of your character, I really love how she’s so much more complex than we first imagine. You see her one way in the first episode, and she’s the kind of popular girl you might stereotype from the first look. But in the second episode, we see so much more of her life. What was it like diving into her and fleshing her out?

Olivia Holt: That’s a really good question, and you make a really valid point. We do that as humans: we see people and we already have an opinion. We judge them not necessarily just by the way that they look, but even by who they surround themselves with, or what their past looks like, or where they live and what their home looks like. It’s so interesting that we do that.

But as humans, we have so many layers, and we’re not just one note. I think that’s something really important for everybody watching this show to understand, not just with my character, but every single character. Because it is in a timeline of three different years, we do see an evolution, but I also think it’s important to know that in each year, there’s not just one specific thing about them.

We see Kate in the first year, and we think she has it all together: she has the perfect life, she has the boyfriend, she is comes from a wealthy family, she is dressed very sophisticated. But I think there is a lot more going on underneath, and I think that she is really struggling with who she is and what her identity is; where she fits in. As the show continues on, we get to see a little bit more of who Kate finds herself to be and what her future looks like from there.

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As a female watching this show, or as Olivia portraying this character and making those choices, it was a very incredible journey for me because I got to really dive in and dissect what those little things were that made Kate Kate in each year.

Kate and Jeanette are obviously mirror images of each other in more ways than one. But they both have these different allies and enemies floating in and out of their story. Do you think that there’s anyone Kate views as a genuine ally, or someone that she really thinks is on her side?

Olivia Holt: I think watching the show as an audience viewer, you go back and forth. And I think that’s what makes this show so interesting. You have to really question question, “Do I believe her? Is this who she is going to be completely transparent with?” And I think that’s what makes this show so interesting; you really question a lot of your opinions.

I love watching shows, and then in the next episode being like, “Oh, I was completely wrong about that theory.” I really love that, or just completely gloating and being like, “I knew I was right. I totally knew it!” But I really love the way that this show is played out, because it really makes you question your beliefs in figuring out who is the victim and who is the villain. Is it both or is it none?

I think “Who do you believe?” is the theme of our show, and I’m so excited for everybody to go on this journey with us.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/cruel-summer-show-olivia-holt-interview/

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