Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

Once Upon A Time: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)


Once Upon A Time’s best character was arguably Regina Mills. She was both the Evil Queen and someone we grew to love over the course of the show.

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Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

When she was first introduced, Regina Mills seemed like a despicable villain. Once Upon A Time quickly cemented her as a cunning antagonist and a character who fans loved to hate. As the story continued, though, tragic flashbacks and incredible character development in the present made Regina a much more sympathetic and complex character who eventually became a fan-favorite hero.

Regina ultimately endured one of the most grueling, yet rewarding character arcs of the show. From the pilot episode to the series finale, no character endured as much hardship and experienced as much growth as Regina did. In her past and present storylines, she committed many horrific deeds. Yet, she also resolved to become a better person and worked tirelessly to achieve this goal and earn her happy ending.

10 Hated Her: Massacring A Village

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

Regina terrorized many villagers in the Enchanted Forest in order to find Snow White and finally have the vengeance she desperately desired. After a certain group of villagers harbored the fugitive Snow White, Regina confronted them for information about her whereabouts. Even after offering them a reward, none of the villagers divulged any information.

In response, Regina commanded her knights to massacre all the villagers. This ruthless slaughter wasn’t just about intimidation and power. It was also about Regina’s jealousy that the people of the Enchanted Forest loved Snow White and were more loyal to her.

9 Felt Bad: Cora Erased Her Childhood Memories With Zelena

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

When a girl named Zelena healed Regina and entered her life, Regina and Zelena quickly formed a close bond, with both girls finding the kind of companionship they’d always wanted. When they learned they might actually be sisters, they confronted Cora about it.

She admitted that they were sisters, but she erased their beautiful childhood memories together. Without these memories of the important and meaningful relationship they shared when they were younger, Zelena became deeply resentful and hateful toward Regina later in life. Regina and Zelena could’ve avoided so much pain, anger, and isolation and reconciled much sooner if Cora hadn’t erased those memories.

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8 Hated Her: Mistreating Henry

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

While Regina and Henry ultimately formed a beautiful relationship, it was much more problematic in the show’s earlier days. Regina made her own son believe he was crazy for thinking that everyone in Storybrooke was a fairy tale character and that they were cursed, even though this was the truth.

Once the curse was broken and Henry no longer wanted to live with her, she even ensnared him in tree vines to prevent him from leaving, treating him like he was a prisoner.

7 Felt Bad: Not Knowing Who Henry Was In Season 7

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

The final season featured another Dark Curse, with the characters in Hyperion Heights unable to remember their pasts or their real identities. Fans felt particularly bad for Regina this time as she had no memory of her beloved son Henry.

She frequently interacted with an adult Henry, but it was often heartbreaking as she didn’t know this man was her son she sacrificed so much for and loved fiercely. Regina got her memories back much sooner than Henry, but couldn’t tell him the truth in order to protect him. Despite all of this, Regina and Henry still formed a close bond, but it was difficult to see them connecting without both of them knowing the true depth and history of their special relationship until the final episodes.

6 Hated Her: Keeping Belle Captive For Years

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

In order to hurt Rumplestiltskin, Regina took Belle captive and led Rumplestiltskin to believe that she was dead. Not only did Regina keep Belle prisoner while they were still in the Enchanted Forest, but she also kept Belle hostage during the 28 years that the first Dark Curse lasted in Storybrooke.

Keeping the sweet and compassionate Belle prisoner for so long would be cruel under any circumstances, but it’s even worse when considering that it was never about Belle. She punished Belle because of her importance to Rumplestiltskin, a move that was unforgivable.

5 Felt Bad: Cora’s Final Words

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

As a young woman, Cora removed her heart because she believed that love was weakness and she wanted to make herself more powerful and less vulnerable. Many years later, only moments after her heart was put back into her body, Cora collapsed into Regina’s arms. Before dying, Cora told Regina, “This would’ve been enough. You would’ve been enough.”

Not only did Regina just lose her mother, but she also just learned that her mother did love her and that in the end, Cora cared more about her daughter than her power. Regina finally got what she always wanted from her mother, but now it was too late for them to share that kind of positive relationship.

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4 Hated Her: Killing Graham

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

When Sheriff Graham started remembering pieces of his life in the Enchanted Forest, he became a serious threat to Regina and everything she had built. He also deeply wounded Regina when he ended his relationship with her.

Angry and desperate to protect herself, Regina literally crushed his heart into ash, thereby killing him. This was the first death of a major character in Once Upon A Time. He was a likable character and it was a brutal way for him to die.

3 Felt Bad: Watched Her Mother Kill Daniel

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

Regina loved the stableboy named Daniel and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. When Regina was about to be forced into a marriage with King Leopold, Regina and Daniel planned to run away so they could be together instead.

Cora didn’t want this as she wanted her daughter to become a powerful queen. In front of Regina, Cora ripped out Daniel’s heart and crushed it. It can’t get much worse than a mother murdering her daughter’s lover in front of her. This trauma devastated Regina and was an injustice that led her down a dark road of vengeance.

2 Hated Her: Killing Her Father To Cast The Dark Curse

Once Upon A Time 5 Times We Felt Bad For Regina (And 5 Times We Hated Her)

In order to cast the first Dark Curse, Regina needed to crush the heart of the person she loved most. Regina’s father was always kind to her and always tried to help her be her best self. He stood by her side and showed unconditional love all throughout her life.

Regina did go through with killing her father so she could cast the Dark Curse. Even though it was a difficult decision for her, it confirmed Regina’s ruthlessness and that she would be willing to eliminate anyone to get what she wanted.

1 Felt Bad: Robin Hood’s Death

Regina worked so hard to become a better person. She even opened herself up to the possibility of true love and found it in her relationship with Robin Hood. That made it all the more tragic for Robin Hood to leap in front of her to protect her and be stabbed the Olympian Crystal.

While several deaths were undone on Once Upon A Time, this was a different story as the Olympian Crystal permanently obliterated a person’s life and their soul. Regina saw her lover Daniel killed in front of her when she was a young woman and now she had to watch her true love Robin Hood die in front of her as well.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/once-upon-a-time-regina-sympathetic-villain-moments/

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