One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

One Piece: 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Don’t Make Sense


There are some facets of the story which blatantly don’t make sense. These errors may seem insignificant, but are still big errors in the narrative.

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One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

The East Blue arc was a series of stories that heralded the beginning of the One Piece universe. Not only would it set up many fundamental characters for future development (such as Mihawk, Zoro, and even Luffy himself), it would also provide the foundation for the world’s rules and gimmicks (including the mysterious power of the devil fruit).

However, there are some facets of the story which blatantly don’t make sense. These errors may seem insignificant, though are still monumental errors in the narrative. By analyzing and acknowledging them, we can appreciate the story’s flaws as well as its strengths.

10 Kuro’s Plan

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Captain Kuro was tired of a life on the run and devised a scheme to rid himself of it. After slaughtering an entire town and claiming Kaya’s fortune, he would then turn his swords on his comrades, murdering them and preventing the secret of his survival from getting out.

However, there are a number of flaws with this strategy. Not only was he obsessed with obtaining her wealth the legal way (by getting her to sign a contract), only a single escaped villager would be necessary to ruin it entirely ~ such as Usopp, whose dishonest reputation had not yet reached other villages.

9 Buggy’s Predicament

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Buggy the Clown was the first devil fruit user Luffy encountered, able to mutilate his own body without harm to himself. After their first fight, he was separated from a majority of his body parts for an extended amount of time.

Devil fruit or not, this entailed that Buggy was operating either without a functional heart or intestines for a prolonged period. It made his survival as he attempted to find his crew particularly wacky and inexplicable, given that he did not have the biological faculties to do so.

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8 Nami’s Tattoo

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Initially, Nami’s tattoo indicated her as a member of Arlong’s gang. After his defeat at the hands of the Strawhat crew, she immediately opted to have it removed but instead decided to get a pinwheel in its place.

The artist warned her that there would be scarring after the fact even if she decided to modify the tattoo rather than remove it entirely, though this was a concern which would never become visibly evident on her body. It cheapened the significance of the moment and reduced the lasting effects of the Fish Man’s brutal reign on her psyche.

7 Sanji’s Unusual Durability

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

When Sanji faced off against Don Krieg’s top commander, he immediately made his skills known. His maces were powerful enough to shatter Pearl’s impervious shell in a single hit (which could in turn soak Luffy’s attacks that were strong enough to destroy a battleship).

When the cook faced off with him directly, the man was able to connect a brutal strike to his torso. Though this realistically should have ended the battle in his favor instantly if not kill him outright, he was able to power through this and continue the struggle to save the restaurant.

6 Alvida’s Devil Fruit

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

When Alvida debuted in the series, she was an enormous woman with equally massive physical strength. However, her first encounter with Luffy would reveal that size alone would not be enough to excel on the high seas. This prompted her to eat a devil fruit to even the odds.

After its consumption, she became significantly more slender to the extent where many did not even recognize her. This was an after effect that the other devil fruits depicted have never had (save ones that explicitly have transformative effects), making the woman’s evolution inexplicable.

5 Letting Kuro Live

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

As a diabolical mastermind and a murdering monster, it reasons that Luffy might decide to finish Kuro off after he had defeated him. However, he instead forced him back to his boat (which he destroyed the front of), sending him on his way before departing Syrup Village himself.

Given that Usopp came with him, the village was now even less prepared to withstand Kuro’s invasion than before, especially since they were still never informed such a pirate attack might be imminent. All Kuro would need to do to succeed in his plan is simply return to the island after they left.

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4 Arlong’s End-game

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Arlong was the leader of the Fish Men and a man hellbent on conquering the entirety of the East Blue. He intended to use Nami’s excellent navigation skills to accomplish this, having her chart a course of anywhere he’d need to go for his convenience.

However, even under the generous consideration that Arlong might be able to dominate whichever village he comes across, he still does not have nearly enough Fish Men to occupy these territories and would inevitably spread himself thin. It makes his dreams of supremacy completely untenable.

3 Zeff’s Fortitude

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Zeff was a former pirate that was marooned on an island alongside Sanji. Though it was initially implied that he had hoarded most of the rations himself, it was later revealed after about a month that he in actuality had given all of the food he had to the young boy and kept nothing to eat.

The maximum a human might be able to survive without food is three weeks, only going a pitiful four days without water. It entailed that Zeff should have been dead long before any ship showed up.

2 Eric’s Sickle Strength

One Piece 10 Things About The East Blue Arc That Dont Make Sense

Eric’s devil fruit allowed him to conjure intense gusts of wind, ones which could slice through solid rock. It made him a formidable adversary for both Zoro and Luffy in their quest to prevent the marines from harvesting dragonite.

In their climactic battle, Eric was able to bombard Monkey with these intense currents in a continuously agonizing stream. Considering that the pirate captain’s devil fruit does not protect him from piercing attacks, this should have ripped him apart instantly.

1 Going Merry’s Survival

During their quest to save an elder dragon, the Going Merry was surrounded on all sides by marine battleships. They opened fire on it instantly, though inexplicably, even an entire armada of trained soldiers could not successfully hit it. Granted, Luffy was forced to absorb a few cannonballs to save his ship, though many more should have impacted it even despite Nami’s impressive navigational prowess.

It is especially egregious since the only consideration their adversaries had to take was by not striking the dragon himself. This gave them free rein to unleash their full might on the ship’s hull.

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