One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

One Tree Hill: 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)


One Tree Hill threw many obstacles at Nathan and Haley’s relationship during its run, but the beloved couple managed to survive it all.

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One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Opposites often attract in the world of romantic television, especially in the world of high school drama One Tree Hill. Bad boy jock Nathan Scott and proud nerd tutor Haley James couldn’t have come from more different worlds, and couldn’t have made less sense on paper.

But over time, these two found themselves drawn to each other, eventually falling in love, marrying, and building a beautiful family. While almost every romantic relationship in the series is contested by fans to this date, the relationship fondly known as Naley remains one of One Tree Hill’s most beloved storylines, no matter their many ups and downs.

10 Couple Goals: Jamie’s birth

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Though Nathan and Haley’s relationship undoubtedly happened on a less than ideal personal timeline, it’s hard not to feel sentimental and romantic about the birth of their first child.

Haley goes into labor during their high school graduation, and Nathan is there for her every step of the way through the delivery. Their tearful smiles and joyful embraces upon the birth of James Lucas Scott stand out as some of the series’ most loving moments.

9 Toxic: Nathan’s sex tape

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Before Nathan met Haley, he was more than a little bit of a bad boy, and quite a promiscuous one, too. During his previous relationship with Peyton Sawyer, Nathan even slept with Peyton’s best friend, Brooke Davis, and made a sex tape with her.

This would have been bad enough if Nathan didn’t go on to get married to Haley. But it’s made even worse when Haley learns about the sex tape while pregnant, and in an incredibly humiliating public scenario.

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8 Couple Goals: Getting remarried

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

While it was probably a bad idea for Nathan and Haley to get married when they were all of fifteen or sixteen years old, their second marriage two years later finds these two in much wiser (if not much older) positions.

The third season finale wedding is what these young lovers always deserved, with their friends and loved ones present to join in the celebration. And though things go incredibly wrong afterward, this one peaceful moment of romantic bliss is more than earned at that point.

7 Toxic: Nathan cheats in basketball and Haley is injured

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

One Tree Hill is an over the top soap opera in many ways, but at its core, the series is a drama about family, love, and basketball. For Nathan and Haley, those three things intersect in many ways, but they do so in an incredibly painful way in the series’ fourth season.

Nathan gets embroiled in a high school basketball gambling scheme with some very shady characters. When he refuses to throw a game as he has been asked to, Haley (already pregnant) winds up being hit by a car and very seriously injured.

6 Couple Goals: Nathan makes the NBA

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Nathan Scott spends almost his entire young adult life working his way to the NBA. After a debilitating injury left him near paralyzed during his college years, it seemed as though this dream was not meant to be for the young man, no matter how fully Haley supported him in his pursuit.

But by the end of the series’ sixth season, all of that changed when Nathan gleefully informed a stunned and tearful Haley that he had been signed by the Charlotte Bobcats. Their ecstatic embrace more than says it all.

5 Toxic: Jamie almost drowns

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Season five is a difficult time for Nathan and Haley’s relationship, as they spend almost the entire season on the outs in some way or another. But one of the most difficult times comes when, during an already heated argument between the married couple, they realize their young son, Jamie, is drowning in the family pool.

Nathan rushes in to save the young boy, culminating in an incredibly emotionally fraught moment between the family where Haley, beyond overwhelmed and taxed, goes so far as to ask for a divorce.

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4 Couple Goals: Kissing in the rain

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

Kisses in the rain may not be ideal or realistic for many reasons, but more than any other television couple in recent history, Nathan and Haley have the art of the rain kiss down to a science.

The two share a handful of rain kisses throughout the series, ranging from its first season all the way to the series finale. It’s one of their many grand, sweeping romantic signature gestures, and it’s one that stays with fans even after all these years.

3 Toxic: Haley leaves for tour

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

One Tree Hill is hardly a world where characters have realistic lives and career trajectories. That’s made abundantly clear early on when, just midway through the series’ second season, onetime Tutor Girl Haley James becomes a bonafide rockstar and approached with the opportunity to go on tour with Chris Keller and The Wreckers.

Even though Nathan and Haley had just married, and even though Nathan didn’t want her to go, Haley decides to leave anyways, bringing a sudden end to the young lovebirds’ marriage the first time around.

2 Couple Goals: Always and forever

One Tree Hill 5 Times Nathan And Haley Were Couple Goals (& 5 Times They Were Toxic)

As should be abundantly clear by now, the romance between Nathan Scott and Haley James Scott is hardly one of television’s most realistic. It’s not often that high school sweethearts stay together forever, certainly not when they get married during those same high school years.

But from the very beginning, these two shared their vows of always and forever, reaffirming their commitment to each other time and again throughout the series with those same words. And no matter what obstacle came their way, the series never let fans truly doubt them.

1 Toxic: Nanny Carrie

Cheating is all too common in Tree Hill, but it’s never been more toxic than during the poorly thought out and terrifying Nanny Carrie storyline in the series’ fifth season. It’s bad enough that Nathan hid the young nanny’s flirtations with him from Haley, and lied to her about them as they grew more intense.

But it’s even worse as the plot spirals out of control, including a naked Carrie joining an unwilling Nathan in the shower and Carrie kidnapping Jamie, all at the expense of Nathan and Haley’s struggling marriage.

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