Original 6 Avengers Get Assigned Infinity Stone Colors In New Funko POP Set

Original 6 Avengers Get Assigned Infinity Stone Colors In New Funko POP Set

Marvel Cinematic Universe’s original Avengers are partnered up with each of the six Infinity Stones in new official Funko POP figures from Amazon.

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Original 6 Avengers Get Assigned Infinity Stone Colors In New Funko POP Set

The original Avengers represent each of the Infinity Stones in new Funko POP figures. It’s been more than two years since the Infinity Saga has ended, and that run of the MCU’s found heroes wrapped up. But despite a string of new characters stepping up to the plate to become the new faces of the franchise, the original six remain fan favorites.

All introduced during MCU’s Phase 1, the original Earth’s Mightiest Heroes first assembled in 2012’s The Avengers as they fought off Loki’s (Tom Hiddleston) attempt at taking over New York. They returned in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron split up in Captain America: Civil War leading to the events of Avengers: Infinity War. But, with a common enemy in Thanos (Josh Brolin) and a shared goal in bringing back those who were dusted from the decimation, the founding six all came together for one last time in Avengers: Endgame. The 2019 film also marked their final outing as a team, with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Captain America (Chris Evans) finishing their respective arcs in the franchise.

Now, the MCU’s original Avengers are immortalized in a new set of Funko POP on Amazon. Its difference from other figures is that each one hero is assigned an Infinity Stone. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is the Power Stone (violet), Captain America is the Space Stone, Black Widow is the Reality Stone (red), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) is the Soul Stone (orange), Hulk is the Time Stone (green), and Iron Man is the Mind Stone (yellow). Check out the images below:

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The item doesn’t offer any explanation for these pairings, although some of them make sense. Thor represents the Power Stone because he’s arguably the most powerful among the team; Steve Rogers’ is the Tesseract since he has had ties with the Space Stone the longest, and Hulk is the Time Stone because not only is he also green, Bruce Banner was also the one tasked to acquire it during Endgame’s time heist. Finally, Tony is the Mind Stone because he’s the figurative brain of the squad. Black Widow and Hawkeye’s respective gems are a bit odd, however. While it can be argued that Clint symbolizes the Soul Stone since he got it in Vormir, it has better personal ties to Nat, who sacrificed her life for it. She also didn’t have any connections to the Reality Stone.

Before the release of Infinity War in 2018, one of the theories about the Infinity Stones was that it was indeed represented by the original Avengers as with this new Funko POP set. Obviously, that wasn’t the case. But, interestingly, it’s insinuated by these figures years after the Infinity Saga has ended. While the Infinity Stones are no longer the center of MCU’s storytelling moving forward, some of them will continue to be part of the franchise. That’s the case with the Tesseract and the Time Stone.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avengers-funko-pop-infinity-stone-color-figures-images/

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