Oscar Isaac Is Playing Two Marvel Characters At Once

Oscar Isaac Is Playing Two Marvel Characters At Once

Moon Knight will mark Oscar Isaac’s first foray into the MCU, but this will not be his only Marvel-related project in the next few years.

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Oscar Isaac Is Playing Two Marvel Characters At Once

Oscar Isaac is currently in negotiations to play the title role in Disney +’s upcoming series Moon Knight, and if he’s cast he will be actively playing two Marvel characters at once. Isaac briefly appeared in 2018’s Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse and is likely to return in the film’s sequel. Since Disney was not involved in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Moon Knight will be Isaac’s first foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Moon Knight is one of several Marvel Studios series being made for Disney +. Others include WandaVision and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Moon Knight focuses on Marc Spector (the role Isaac would take on), a mercenary turned crime fighter and human avatar of Khonsu, the Egyptian moon god. Spector also has multiple personalities, like cabbie Jake Lockley and billionaire Steve Grant. Intriguingly, he has often been referred to as Marvel’s version of Batman.

While Isaac will take on the role of Moon Knight for the MCU, this will not be his only Marvel-related project during the next few years. His appearance in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse sets him up for a larger role in the sequel. This means that Isaac will be playing two Marvel characters at once: one in the MCU and one in Sony’ Spider-Verse.

Oscar Isaac’s role in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was very small, but it definitely teases larger things to come for his character. He plays Miguel O’Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, and he only appears in Into The Spider-Verse’s after-credits scene. O’Hara is a geneticist whose DNA is re-written with a spider’s after an accident. In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, he has a discussion with his AI assistant Lyla, who reveals that the device they’ve prepared to jump between dimensions is ready. This means that O’Hara can now travel through the multiverse without threatening to destroy the cosmos.

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O’Hara being able to travel between dimensions opens up the Spider-Verse to a number of possibilities, including the heroes of the first film reuniting and the introduction of a plethora of new versions of Spider-Man. O’Hara’s importance to the plot combined with Isaac’s star power ensure that he will play a large role in the Spider-Verse sequel, due in late 2022. It’s highly unlikely that Moon Knight will be released before 2022, so both of Isaac’s Marvel projects could be releasing alongside each other.

Isaac is no stranger to Marvel, having played the villainous Apocalypse in 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse. However, his dual roles in Moon Knight and Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 2 will mark the first time he has played two Marvel characters simultaneously. Isaac is a talented and versatile actor who has taken on a variety of roles in blockbusters and independent movies alike. Even though he will be playing two Marvel characters, expect him to bring different energy to both Moon Knight and Spider-Man 2099 and make them completely distinguishable.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/oscar-isaac-two-marvel-characters-spiderman-moon-knight/

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