Overcooked Fans Shouldnt Overlook Cute CoOp Game KeyWe

Overcooked Fans Shouldn’t Overlook Cute Co-Op Game KeyWe


KeyWe is a great game for fans of the Overcooked! series to try out because of its chaotic co-op gameplay while also being downright adorable.

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Overcooked Fans Shouldnt Overlook Cute CoOp Game KeyWe

Challenging games have been making a comeback in recent years which has manifested in a wide variety of genres in many different ways. Some contemporary challenging games take elements straight from the most popular crushingly difficult series like Dark Souls or Spelunky, but others lean into the many challenges of their individual genres to make for difficult, but enjoyable experiences. The Overcooked! series has established itself as challenging co-op games that are fun for the whole family with its quirky characters and silly gameplay, but as there are only two mainline games along with a handful of smaller DLC releases, many fans are looking to branch out and try new games full of similar co-op madness.

Luckily, Overcooked! fans are able to try out KeyWe, a new couch co-op title that gives off a similar vibe as Overcooked! while also changing up the formula enough to still stand on its own. In KeyWe, players take control of two kiwis, the adorable flightless birds only found in New Zealand, and attempt to run a dysfunctional post office, the keyword there being “attempt.”

The Perfect Mixture of Co-Op and Chaos

Overcooked Fans Shouldnt Overlook Cute CoOp Game KeyWe

KeyWe, like Overcooked! is all about cooperative gameplay that’s constantly being disrupted by various challenges and unforeseen complications. Marketed as a “chaotic postal puzzler,” KeyWe is all about maintaining a post office with a friend while frustratingly getting in one another’s way while also putting out fires as they arise. It’s the perfect style of game that allows players to make plans for how they’re going to complete each task, but the game design is constantly throwing wrenches in those plans. It’s great for lighthearted teamwork or competitive couch co-op as KeyWe allows players to either play completely in sync with each other or to race to finish tasks first.

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While there’s something to be said for more relaxing multiplayer experiences that see players team up to complete satisfying tasks, the complete chaos that KeyWe brings is the type of experience best enjoyed in a video game. The post office is regularly trashed during gameplay which speaks to the joy of making a mess and not needing to clean it up. Although they have completely different settings and tasks, KeyWe resembles a lot of characteristics of Overcooked! by simply invoking a lot of the same chaotic moments that Overcooked! introduces in its gameplay. Unlike Overcooked!, however, the tasks that players are asked to complete in KeyWe vary quite a bit, from typing out letters with kiwi butts to sorting mail while avoiding an angry octopus.

Communication is Key(We)

Fans of Overcooked! know that success in the game is usually tied to how well everyone playing can communicate, especially when tension runs high and things get stressful. KeyWe counts on player communication in a similar way as running the post office requires plenty of coordination and cooperation. In addition to being reminiscent of Overcooked!, KeyWe also feels requires the same level of communication used in games like Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Operation: Tango. Gaming enthusiasts looking for a great way to stress test a relationship, or just engage in some chaotic co-op fun, should really consider giving KeyWe a try, especially if they’re fans of Overcooked! and have run out of dishes to ruin and levels to replay.

Overcooked! is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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