Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

Pirates Of The Caribbean: 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality


Jack Sparrow’s unique personality has resulted in him becoming the most iconic pirate of all time, but even he does things that are out of character.

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Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

The master of improvisation, Captain Jack Sparrow is eccentric, devious, and everyone’s favorite pirate. Johnny Depp’s mastermind portrayal of witty Jack has resulted in his character becoming the most iconic pirate of all time, and his unique personality plays a key role.

Jack Sparrow is at the heart of all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and there is no other character out there that is quite like him. His core character traits were established early on in the franchise, however, some of his actions went against his true personality.

10 Abandoned His Hat

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

When Jack the monkey throws Jack’s hat overboard in Dead Man’s Chest, the crew are stunned when he tells them to leave it. Jack begins searching for a new hat in Tortuga, clearly showing that having a hat means something to him.

Jack’s hat completes him as a character and is a notable effect of his within every movie. Although he is clearly in fear of Davy Jones, his hat is the accessory that means the most to him so it is expected that he would try and retrieve it.

9 Marooned Angelica On An Island

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

In On Stranger Tides, Jack’s protective side is displayed consistently for the first time through his protection of Angelica. Jack’s care for her is most likely because he had genuine feelings for her in the past which isn’t something that hasn’t been shown in any previous movies.

After Jack tricks Angelica into drinking the chalice with the tear, he maroons her on an island. Although it’s clear that he didn’t entirely trust her, this decision goes against his personality because he spent most of the movie protecting her.

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8 Saved Elizabeth From Drowning

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

When Jack is first introduced, his scheming begins as he needs to find a ship big enough to take on Barbossa. Whilst speaking to two members of the Royal Navy, he sees Elizabeth fall into the sea and decides to save her as neither of them wants to do it.

One of Jack’s worst personality traits is that he is self-centered, so the fact that he chooses to save someone he has no loyalties to and do something that most likely won’t benefit him does come as a shock.

7 Made A Deal With Beckett

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

The history between Jack and Cutler Beckett is never fully explained in the movies, however, it is revealed that Beckett was the one who branded a P onto Jack’s skin to mark him as a pirate.

To avoid being handed over to Davy Jones, Jack makes a deal with Beckett and agrees to lead him to Shipwreck Cove. Although Jack clearly has a deep fear of Jones, seeing him make a deal with one of the evilest villains in the Pirates franchise goes against what he normally believes in as the two have a deep hatred for each other.

6 Jumped Off A Cliff So Angelica Didn’t Have To

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

Jack is often a character that will put others in danger if it means he doesn’t need to face his problems. In their search for the Fountain of Youth, the group stumbles upon a cliff that stands between them and retrieving the chalices.

Angelica takes it upon herself to jump, a decision Jack is perfectly happy to accept, but Blackbeard stops her. When she goes to jump again, Jack stops her and jumps himself. Although Jack now knows he won’t die, it’s still unexpected that he would risk his life to protect someone else.

5 Came Back To Fight The Kraken

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

It’s no secret that Jack will always put himself above anyone else. When the giant sea monster the Kraken is overpowering the Black Pearl, it’s hardly a shock when Jack decides to abandon the ship on his own.

Looking back at the Pearl, Jack realizes that getting to land on his own isn’t the thing that he wants most and returns to the ship to help. Although the Pearl is arguably Jack’s most prized possession, his decision to return still goes against his usual personality as Jack’s main priority is normally saving himself.

4 Voted Elizabeth King Of The Brethren Court

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

It’s safe to say that Jack and Elizabeth’s relationship was complicated from the get-go. Although her heart was always with Will, there was often debate about whether she should’ve ended up with Jack and whether he cared for her more deeply than he let on.

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When the pirates gathered at the Brethren Court, there was a stalemate. When it came to Jack’s vote, he voted for Elizabeth to be Pirate King. Doing this meant he handed all control over to Elizabeth, which is surprising as it’s no secret that Jack likes to be in control of his own fate.

3 Didn’t Try And Escape The Gallows

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

Jack is the king of improvisation and often uses this to aid his several escape attempts. As seen early on in Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack will do whatever he can to get out of a difficult situation and avoid being arrested for piracy.

At the end of the movie when Jack realizes his crew has taken the Pearl, he gives up and accepts his fate at the gallows. Although Will came to his rescue and helped him escape, Jack showed no sign of conducting his own escape attempt which is unusual for his character.

2 Gave Away His Compass

Pirates Of The Caribbean 10 Things Jack Sparrow Did That Went Against His Personality

Jack’s compass plays a pivotal role within every POTC movie and was one of his most prized possessions due to its supernatural qualities. Instead of just pointing north, it pointed to what the owner wanted most and was something other characters often wanted from him.

In Dead Men Tell No Tales, Jack hit rock bottom. Drunk and penniless, he decided to trade his compass for a bottle of rum. Jack’s compass is something he normally kept on him at all times so when he decided to sell it, it didn’t fit in with his character nature.

1 Let Will Stab The Heart

The idea of immortality was always engraved in Jack’s mind, so when it came to who was going to stab the heart of Davy Jones, Jack decided he would be the one to do it. When Jones fatally stabbed Will, Jack had a big decision to make.

Jack and Will’s relationship was always a complex one and the two went through a lot together. Whilst it was unlikely that Jack would let Will die, letting Will stab the heart so that he could survive was without a doubt Jack’s most selfless act within the franchise.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pirates-caribbean-jack-sparrow-moments-against-personality/

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