Pirates of the Caribbean How Did Barbossa Return After His Black Pearl Death

Pirates of the Caribbean: How Did Barbossa Return After His Black Pearl Death

Hector Barbossa died at the end of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, but was later revived through supernatural means.

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Pirates of the Caribbean How Did Barbossa Return After His Black Pearl Death

Hector Barbossa died at the end of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, but was later revived via supernatural means. Portrayed by Geoffrey Rush, Barbossa is one of the few characters to appear in all five Pirates of the Caribbean films released so far. Cunning and gleefully wicked, Barbossa served as the villain in the first movie, The Curse of the Black Pearl, having previously led a mutiny against the eponymous ship’s original captain, Jack Sparrow, before taking over himself. However, Sparrow’s treacherous first mate got his comeuppance not long after when he and his crew found the treasure of Cortés, only to wind up cursed and transformed into the undead.

By the end of The Curse of the Black Pearl, Will Turner (the son of Sparrow and Barbossa’s former crew-mate, William “Bootstrap Bill” Turner) was able to lift the curse before Barbossa could realize what’d happened, giving Sparrow the chance to finally shoot and kill him. The character was thusly presumed to be gone for good when the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Dead Man’s Chest, picked up a year later in the series’ timeline. As such, it came as no small surprise when Barbossa popped up in the sequel’s final scene, happily chomping on an apple – something he’d been unable to enjoy doing when he was cursed – and asking what had happened to his ship.

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The question of how and why Barbossa was back from the grave wouldn’t be answered until a year later, when Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End hit the scene. As the film explains, Barbossa was resurrected by Tia Dalma, a Caribbean mystic who, unbeknownst to all those around her, was actually the sea goddess Calypso, having been trapped in human form years ago by the pirates of the Brethren Court. Being a member of the court himself, Barbossa was forced to help Calypso in her quest to free herself from this spell, lest she snuff the life out of him once again.

Resurrecting Barbossa is easily one of the best creative choices the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has made. The character was a great antagonist in The Curse of the Black Pearl and an equally perfect foil to the trouble-making Sparrow, both in terms of personality and style. He only continued to evolve in his later appearances, beginning with his transformation into the heroes’ unlikely ally in At World’s End (having been humbled by, well, dying). Barbossa even found himself working on the side of the law in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film, On Stranger Tides, where he served as a privateer to King George II. Death eventually caught up to him (again) in the followup, Dead Men Tell No Tales, but not before Barbossa finished his redemption arc and saved the life of his daughter, Carina Smyth.

It’s probably just as well Barbossa’s been killed off for good (maybe). Disney’s currently in the process of rebooting the Pirates of the Caribbean films after the disappointing response to Dead Men Tell No Tales, with two different versions of Pirates of the Caribbean 6 in active development (and only one of them might – emphasis on might – feature Sparrow or any other returning characters in a supporting capacity). Barbossa became such an important part of the previous films that it could be difficult to continue the same story without him… and yet, to do so would also risk undo the already-satisfying payoff to his personal journey. In that regard, starting from scratch and letting Hector rest at last seems like the smartest move for Pirates of the Caribbean at this stage.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pirates-caribbean-barbossa-return-black-pearl-death-calypso/

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