Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Pixar’s Coco: 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)


Pixar’s Coco delves into some pretty mature themes, but when are the emotional highs and lows of the film?

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Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Coco, Pixar’s movie about “Dia de los Muertos”, or “Day of the Dead”, was an instant favorite and very well-received by audiences and critics alike when it was released in November, 2017. Pixar did a wonderful job telling the story of a boy named Miguel, who desperately wants to be a musician, but his family forbids it.

When the film opens, Miguel’s town of Santa Cecilia, Mexico is preparing for their Day of the Dead festival and we quickly learn Miguel’s family history and why music is not welcome there. Miguel can’t seem to take no for an answer, though, and the events that unfold will make you laugh just as hard as they make you cry.

10 Funny: The Family Hates Music

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Miguel’s entire family really, really hates music, which can be somewhat problematic for a large family living in Mexico, constantly surrounded by Mariachi bands and street musicians. It’s even more problematic when one of their own, Miguel, can’t seem to stay away from the noise.

This family hates music so much, they will stop it in its tracks whenever they can. At the beginning of the movie, Miguel’s Abuelita runs out of her house, waving a shoe at a mariachi band as they pass by singing joyous music.

9 Sad: Miguel’s Family Destroys His Music

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Miguel thinks he’s solved a big family secret and that the man who abandoned his family for music was Ernesto de la Cruz, who some would consider to be the greatest musician of all time.

This idea gives Miguel the strength to tell his family that he too, is going to be a musician, but they don’t react well to the news. Miguel’s mom, dad, grandma, and everyone else confronts Miguel and it quickly escalates. Abuelita takes Miguel’s guitar and smashes it to the ground, only making things much, much worse.

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8 Funny: Dante The Stray

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Every Disney Pixar star needs a sidekick, and for Miguel, his sidekick is a stray dog he calls “Dante”. Dante is a bit dopey, to put it mildly. His long tongue doesn’t seem to fit in his mouth, his eyes are a bit googly, and he tends to flop and stumble around, knocking down and breaking anything in his path.

Not only is Dante the biggest dope and provides a lot of the comedic relief throughout the film, but he’s also the most loyal friend to Miguel and reminds us why dog’s really are a human’s best friend.

7 Sad: Hector Tries To Cross The Marigolds

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

In Pixar-land, on Dia de los Muertos, dead family members can cross the marigold bridge to visit their families if their families have placed their photo on la oferenda. The dead family members line up at security, have their faces (or skulls) scanned and that scan is put through a database to search for the matching photo.

If a photo is found to be a match, they get to cross, but if there is no photo to match, like in Hector’s case, they can’t cross-over. Hector makes multiple attempts to trick the system so he can see his family, and each attempt is sadder than the last.

6 Funny: The Afterlife Reacts To Miguel

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Miguel unexpectedly finds himself in the afterlife. He hasn’t died, so no one really knows why he’s there. We know he isn’t dead because he looks like the same little boy from the town in Mexico and when you die, it becomes pretty obvious that you belong in the afterlife because your appearance becomes more skeletal.

To the living, the skeletons in the afterlife look a bit scary, but to the dead, seeing a human in the afterlife is even scarier and Miguel’s human appearance elicits some pretty funny reactions from everyone he sees in the afterlife, especially his own family members.

5 Sad: Miguel’s Family In The Afterlife

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

No matter how happy the reunion, seeing all of your dead relatives that you’ve never met before, but have heard a lot of stories about while you’re growing up, is probably a mix of being overwhelmingly happy and overwhelmingly sad.

Add in the fact that even your family in the afterlife doesn’t want you playing music and still holds resentment for your relative who was a musician, and it seems like there’s no hope left for Miguel. He’s sad, but he chooses to keep going after his dream.

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4 Funny: How Ernesto Dies

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Ernesto de la Cruz was one of the most famous entertainers in Mexico with a popular television show and a ton of hit songs. He’s so popular, that even after his death, his music is still played and his talent is still celebrated.

If you dig a little deeper, you start to see that Ernesto wasn’t the kindest man and was actually pretty egotistical. So, the fact that Ernesto dies, on stage when a very large cathedral bell, hanging over his head, breaks free from it’s base and comes crashing down on Ernest, it seems to be justified and it is also very funny.

3 Sad: Ernesto De La Cruz Is Evil

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

They say never meet your heroes, and Miguel learns this lesson the hard way. While in the afterlife, Miguel finally gets to be his hero, Ernesto de la Cruz, who at this point, he believes to be his great grandfather.

At first, Ernesto is everything Miguel hoped he would be and the two bond over music and Ernesto’s movies, but things quickly change and Miguel learns the truth about Ernesto and that he is responsible for his old friend, and Miguel’s new friend, Hector’s death.

2 Funny: Dante Turns Into A Spirit Guide

Pixars Coco 5 Of The Funniest Moments (& 5 Of The Saddest)

In the afterlife, everyone has a spirit guide. Spirit guides are very colorful, fluorescent animals that keep you our of harm’s way and protect you from harm if it does come to you.

Dante saves Miguel and Hector from Ernesto’s evil plan to destroy them and once he brings Miguel and Hector to safety, his sleek gray coat becomes flooded with colors and he starts to glow. He also now possesses the ability to fly. A brightly-colored Dante, flying through the air, with his tongue flopping out of his mouth is absolutely hysterical.

1 Sad: The Family Learns Who Hector Really Is

Hector is the family member everyone resents because they thought he chose music over them, they never knew that Ernesto killed Hector because Ernesto had covered it up. This whole time, Miguel’s family refused to keep Hector’s picture on the oferenda.

When Miguel returns from the afterlife and plays the song Hector used to sing to his daughter, Coco, Miguel’s great grandmother, the family realizes Miguel is telling the truth about where he was and who he met. More importantly, however, Grandma Coco finally gets the closure she needs to go to the afterlife herself.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pixars-cocofunniest-vs-saddest-moments/

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