PlayStation Eyes Xbox Exclusive Sunset Overdrive After Director Rejoins Insomniac

PlayStation Eyes Xbox Exclusive Sunset Overdrive After Director Rejoins Insomniac

Sony Interactive Entertainment raises eyebrows by registering a trademark for Insomniac Games’ Xbox exclusive title, Sunset Overdrive.

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PlayStation is apparently eyeing Xbox’s Sunset Overdrive after Insomniac Games’ director recently rejoined the studio. Back in February, Drew Murray left Xbox’s The Initiative after working as that studio’s director for just two years. The Initiative recently announced it is working on its first game, a Perfect Dark reboot, but it’s possible Murray’s going back to older Insomniac projects.

Insomniac Games is just a month away from releasing Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart for PlayStation 5. However, it appears that Sony Interactive Entertainment is turning its attention to one of the studios’ more under-the-radar IP, Sunset Overdrive. The third-person action-adventure shooter launched in 2014 as an Xbox One exclusive (though it later came to PC in 2018) and, while game’s reception was largely positive, nothing has been said about a potential follow up at either Insomniac or Microsoft.

That could perhaps be changing, as Twitter sleuth Nibellion reported Tuesday that PlayStation recently registered a trademark for Sunset Overdrive sometime the previous week (thanks, VGC). It is important to note that while Sunset Overdrive only released on Xbox One, Insomniac Games actually still owns the IP, as part of an agreement between the two parties. This means that while Insomniac Games owns all the rights to the game, it would still need a publisher to help make it a reality.

(Please keep in mind that this does not confirm *anything*, just interesting to take note of for now)

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Sony purchased Insomniac Games back in 2019, but the company was open about the fact that a Sunset Overdrive sequel was not a priority of the deal. Since then, Insomniac has most recently released the incredibly successful Spider-Man: Miles Morales and, as mentioned above, is gearing up to launch the next Ratchet and Clank title in June. Beyond that, the studio’s future plans are currently unknown. If the studio isn’t already working on its next project, a Sunset Overdrive sequel exclusive to its new platform-holding owner doesn’t seem too far out of the realm of possibility.

With Sunset Overdrive’s director returning to Insomniac Games, perhaps Sony now has something in mind for the game, such as a first-time PlayStation port or remaster. However, as Nibellion notes in a follow-up tweet, nothing has been confirmed so far. Although, one thing that can be said for sure is that, for Sunset Overdrive fans, it is at least refreshing to see companies like PlayStation are still thinking about the title.

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