PlayStation Sued For Alleged Gender Discrimination

PlayStation Sued For Alleged Gender Discrimination

A former PlayStation employee has filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging gender discrimination and wrongful termination related to gender.

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A lawsuit has been filed against PlayStation for alleged gender discrimination and wrongful termination. This comes just days after Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan reacted to the ongoing Activision Blizzard allegations, expressing “deep concern” in response to a report about Activision CEO Bobby Kotick.

According to Axios, a former IT security analyst at PlayStation is suing the company for gender discrimination and wrongful termination after she expressed concerns about discrimination at work. The former analyst alleges her manager deliberately ignored of her in favor of male coworkers, and claims in the lawsuit include being passed over for promotions. According to the filing, Sony informed the analyst she was being fired because of the closure of an internal department, which she says she was not a member of. She is seeking court approval to make her suit a class action, one that will represent more women who have worked at PlayStation in recent years. If approved, it would open the door for more women to join the lawsuit, rather than filing individual suits of their own.

The lawsuit uses the Equal Pay Act as its basis, stating, “Sony discriminates against female employees, including those who are female and those who identify as female, in compensation and promotion and subjects them to a work culture predominated by men.” At the time of writing, PlayStation has not commented on the lawsuit or any of the allegations contained within.

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A former PlayStation worker is suing the gaming giant, alleging it “discriminates against female employees .. in compensation and promotion” and wrongfully terminated her for speaking up about it.

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