Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Pokémon: 10 Villains Fans Love


The Pokémon anime features a myriad of loveable and compelling characters that quickly become fan-favorites…Some of them are even villains.

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Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

The Pokémon anime features a myriad of loveable and compelling characters that quickly become fan-favorites. Some are Trainers trying to become Pokémon Masters, others are Coordinators on their quest to claim the Top Coordinator Title, and a few others are still figuring things out.

Then there are those characters who have nefarious purposes. They are thieves, crime lords, mad scientists, or even gang members. Their actions are decidedly evil, yet fans can’t seem to hate them. The anime does a great job portraying their personalities and developing them as three-dimensional characters, so much so that audiences actually grow to like them, in some cases more than the heroes themselves!

10 Hunter J

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Hunter J is one of the most despicable characters to ever appear in the anime. She’s a hunter who steals Pokémon and sells them on the black market for high profits. She has no reservations about hurting others, human or Pokémon alike, to get her way and is the closest thing the anime ever comes to portraying a truly ruthless villain.

J is still well-liked, however, because of her elaborate gadgets and the danger she poses for Ash and company. She’s not a comedic villain but a straight-up menace that comes dangerously close to killing Ash more than once. J is also one of the rare villains who die in the anime, although her demise is not explicit.

9 Guzma

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Cold and calculating, Guzma takes a brutal approach to Pokémon battles. He observes and analyzes his opponents, discovering their weaknesses and exploiting them. Despite his reputation as “the Undefeated,” Guzma only battles against weaker opponents and deliberately avoids duels with more experienced Trainers.

Despite his cowardice and rudeness, Guzma is more an overgrown bully than an actual villain. As a child, he never understood the power of Z-Rings, so he didn’t get one. As an adult, he bullies other Trainers and their Pokémon, wanting to feel better about himself.

8 Colress

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Unlike his counterpart in the Generation V games, Colress plays a significant role in the Best Wishes anime. He is a scientist under Team Plasma’s employment, one of the best apparently. He’s overly polite and formal and comes across as emotionally distant and detached.

Colress has no interest in Team Plasma’s goals. Instead, he uses their resources to fund his research, focused on mind manipulation to bring out a Pokémon’s true power. Colress’s intentions may be heinous, but his character is so entertaining that it’s impossible not to enjoy his time on screen.

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7 Faba

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Overly dramatic and mean-spirited, Faba is a hoot to watch. He’s a careless Aether Foundation employee with very particular panache. He’s directly responsible for making Lillie afraid of Pokémon and lives in constant fear of being discovered by the girl’s mother and his boss, Lusamine.

Over time, Faba atones for his mistakes and becomes an ally to Ash and company. Faba is also a big fan of the Masked Royal and goes into a frenzy when he realizes Professor Kukui is behind the mask. By the time Sun & Moon ends, Faba is a fan-favorite character.

6 Lysandre

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Fans appreciated how much better Lysandre’s characterization was in the anime than in the games. In the latter, his motives are vague, his presence isn’t much of a threat, and his overall role as the game’s big villain leaves a bitter aftertaste.

In the anime, however, Lysandre gets more time to shine. He is a dangerous megalomaniac with a deluded sense of self-importance. He has a compelling backstory that audiences sympathize with but is still threatening and comes quite close to realizing his purpose. Fans who were disappointed with Lysanre’s arc in the game finally get redemption with his anime episodes.

5 Lusamine

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Lusamine is one of those characters whose game persona differs sharply from her anime counterpart. In the games, she has a place of honor in the pantheon of terrible mothers. In the anime, she’s an affectionate Pokémon preservationist who cares for others but is too focused on her work.

In both cases, she’s the president of the Aether Foundation and the mother of Lillie and Gladion. Both versions are utterly fascinated with Ultra Beasts. In both the games and the anime, Lusamine fuses with Nihilego to form a bizarre human/Pokémon hybrid, but the circumstances are different. In the former, she does it on purpose to become more powerful. In the latter, she sacrifices herself to the Ultra Beast to protect her children.

4 Giovanni

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Giovanni is a beloved character on reputation and nostalgia alone. As the first antagonist in the franchise, Giovanni holds a place of honor among all other villains. He is Team Rocket’s leader, a crime lord who wants to steal Pokémon and gain power. He has a calm demeanor and has considerable trust in his minions, even the useless ones like Jessie, James, and Meowth.

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Despite his quiet and thoughtful behavior, Giovanni is ruthless and somewhat violent. He is the franchise’s longest-serving villain (not counting the Rocket trio) and makes brief but meaningful appearances in every season of the anime. Giovanni is also the subject of many popular fan theories, with some proposing he is Ash Ketchum’s father.

3 Paul

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Out of all of Ash’s rivals in the anime, none hold a candle to Paul. Debuting in the third episode of Diamond and Pearl, Paul is Veilstone City Trainer with a ruthless approach to Pokémon battling who releases or gives away any Pokémon that fails to meet his expectations. Paul infamously discards a Chimchar, which goes on to become Ash’s Infernape. He also trains his Pokémon shameless brutality, believing they are tools and not partners.

Stoic, callous, and apathetic, Paul goes through an entire journey during his time in the anime. After losing to Pyramid King Brandon, Paul begins to see his Pokémon as real partners. He mellows his training style and praises them for their performance. He still doesn’t show them any affection, but he doesn’t mistreat them either. It takes the entire series, but fans eventually warm up to Paul and still consider him Ash’s best rival.

2 Mewtwo

Pokémon 10 Villains Fans Love

Mewtwo isn’t evil per se. He has a justified grudge against humanity after being experimented on and tortured by Team Rocket’s scientists. Growing in isolation, he began questioning his purpose and sought to find answers in the outside world. Because of his backstory, he views everything in terms of power and strength and doesn’t understand emotions like love or concern.

After the movie’s events, Mewtwo becomes something of a superhero, protecting Pokémon from harm. He travels around the world, still looking for his purpose, encountering Ash several more times, and always learning something new from his experience with the young Trainer.

1 Jessie, James, & Meowth

The Rocket trio is as big a part of the anime as Ash himself. Their obsession with catching Ash’s Pikachu leads them to travel around the Pokémon world chasing after the yellow mouse, failing every time. Their utter ineptitude is both endearing and somewhat baffling, as is the trust their boss, Giovanni, has in them.

Over the years, the Rocket Trio go from simple friends to actual family. They develop a sweet and supportive dynamic, constantly protecting and encouraging each other. Jessie, James, and Meowth might not be the best grunts in the business, but they are three of anime’s most ludicrously charming characters.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/pokemon-best-villains-fans-love/

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