Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Pretty Little Liars: The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character, Ranked


Due to the length of the series, fans got to know the characters of Alison, Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily fairly well.

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Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

The serial drama Pretty Little Liars was a widely popular television show, spanning 7 seasons and 2 spin-off series, Ravenswood and The Perfectionists. Due to the length of the series, fans got to know the characters of Alison, Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily fairly well.

These girls were navigating complex circumstances that often forced them into uncomfortable relationships. And though most of these characters are loved by fans and forgiven for their mistakes, they all have some pretty big character flaws. Here are the worst things about each main character.

10 Hanna: Easily Influenced

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Hanna is incredibly easily to manipulate. This lands her in many challenging circumstances as she is often a target of bullying from her peers, friends, and “A.” Hanna is easily the liar that is most picked on by her peers but it takes a long time before she is able to stand up for herself.

Part of the reason Hanna is easier to manipulate is because she genuinely seems to care about her peers more than the other girls, making her more willing to sacrifice herself to save them.

9 Hanna: Thief

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Hanna has a little shoplifting problem. This problem is most prevalent in the beginning of her story line and is apparently hereditary as her mother also gets into some trouble for theft.

This family did go through some challenging financial times due to Hanna’s father leaving, but most of the things Hanna stole were to improve her image, not out of necessity. It also seems that part of Hanna’s stealing is out of a need to feel some power and control in her life.

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8 Emily: Judgmental

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Emily can be incredibly judgmental when she first meets someone. She often seems to assume the worst of people and is hesitant to give them a chance. While she does eventually come around, her initial reaction to others has led to many uncomfortable scenes.

This trait of Emily’s is most notable due to her first interactions with Toby, who saved her from being assaulted by her boyfriend.

7 Aria: Random Crazy Theories

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

While all of the characters are always trying to figure out who “A” is, Aria’s theories are the most annoying. This is because she seems to randomly accuse almost every character of being “A.”

This is done without any logic, proof, or evidence. She simply comes up with a theory and starts randomly pointing the fingers and screaming at the other girls until they agree with her.

6 Spencer: Blames Others For Her Failures

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Spencer is an extremely intelligent and ambitious character. She can not deal with failure. Instead of taking responsibility for her own shortcomings, Spencer deflects her anger onto someone else.

This is why her and Melissa don’t get along for much of the series as Spencer is jealous of Melissa’s success. She even goes so far as to steal Melissa’s paper and boyfriend while giving her an attitude.

5 Emily: No Backbone

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Sometimes it’s good to be forgiving, but Emily takes this way too far. She consistently defends and supports characters who have been violent and vicious towards her. She enters into relationships with both Ali and Paige, two women who treated her terribly.

Paige made homophobic remarks and even tried to drown Emily, but she dates her in spite of this and doesn’t understand why her friends don’t always support this relationship. Alison used Emily’s attraction to her to manipulate her for most of their relationship and often under-minded Emily’s feelings. Forgiving these two characters after everything they’ve done to her is a negative trait, not a positive one.

4 Aria: Selfish

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Aria only cares about herself. While all of the liars act out of self-interest in times where they feel they are seriously threatened, Aria often puts her own desires above the others. She pursues Ezra in public without caring that their relationship could destroy his life.

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When Spencer is missing and everyone splits up to search for her, Aria instead goes to Ezra’s apartment and then lies about where she has been. And she is willing to allow her mother to think that Spencer is interested in Fitz to protect herself. These are just a few examples of Aria’s most selfish moments, but the list is never-ending.

3 Spencer: Romantic Interests

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Spencer makes some very bad choices in her love-life. She regularly pursues people who are in a relationship with her sister Melissa. Throughout the series, Spencer cheats on several of her boyfriends – something she doesn’t seem to feel too ashamed about.

She also enters into a relationship with Caleb, Hanna’s serious long-term boyfriend after their relationship fails. There is just something that seems incredibly wrong about dating someone with whom your close friend had that strong of a relationship. When Caleb decides to go back to Hanna, Spencer is extremely hurt – but Spencer wouldn’t have hesitated if it were the other way around.

2 Alison: Liar

Pretty Little Liars The Worst Main Thing About Each Main Character Ranked

Alison is the biggest liar on the show. She is constantly keeping things from the girls which ends up being detrimental later in the series (e.g. her relationship with Ezra.)

She also encourages the other girls to lie to each other. She is a collector of their secrets, telling them that their secrets keep them close to each other.

1 Alison: Exploiting Her Friend’s Weaknesses

Alison is a master manipulator. She controls all of the people around her by exploiting their weaknesses for her own gain. First, Ali gains the trust of those she meets.

Once she has something incriminating on them, she bullies them, passive-aggressively mocks them, or flat-out blackmails them. Her toxicity is what sets the entire series in motion and she is to blame for almost everything that goes wrong in the characters’ lives.

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