PS5 And Xbox Series X Will Likely Be Delayed According To New Report

PS5 And Xbox Series X Will Likely Be Delayed According To New Report

It looks as if impact from the coronavirus pandemic will likely cause delays in the development and production of next-generation game consoles.

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PS5 And Xbox Series X Will Likely Be Delayed According To New Report

According to a new report, it’s very likely that either the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X, or both, will be delayed thanks to the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Recently named a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, the coronavirus has caused the slowdown of, and, in many cases the complete halt of, multiple industries and functions around the globe.

From the closure of Disney theme parks to the dozens of movies and television shows which have stopped production, the effects of the coronavirus has not only endangered the lives of thousands but also caused industry leaders across almost every section of humanity to reexamine the ways they do business, from embracing remote work to planning for multiple months of no profit. The video game industry has been just as susceptible to these adjustments as everyone else, and has recently seen a rash of Esport tournament cancellations thanks to fears surrounding spreading the coronavirus.

Now, a new report from DFC Intelligence (thanks, WCCFTech) has shed some light on how the coronavirus may affect the production and distribution of next-generation game consoles, and it’s not good news. According to the DFC, a video game industry analyst and research firm with over 25 years of experience, both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X have “a strong likelihood one or both systems will not make a 2020 launch.” The information gets even worse for players from there, as the report goes on to state that “If the systems do launch, supply will likely be constrained and initial pricing could be higher than expected.”

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For fans already worried about how much the PS5 and Xbox Series X will cost, this is not good news. Even if the world stops worrying about the dangers of coronavirus tomorrow, the damage may have already been done, as the DFC report also says “Even if the situation clears up in a few weeks, the ability to manufacture and release a high-end new game system has already been severely impacted.” As both systems are planned to release sometime during the Holiday 2020 season, there isn’t much time left for things to go back to normal.

The future of the entire entertainment industry, from movies to video games, as well as the health of thousands of people across the world, is currently uncertain. While some may bemoan the amount of delays, cancellations, and cautionary measures taken by governments and corporations worldwide, hopefully such actions will lead to a quicker, safer, and more stable recovery. Until the virus has run its course, or until a viable cure is found and distributed, everyone can only wash their hands, try not to touch their face, and wait. Video games have never been a better option, and although players may not be getting their hands on a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X as soon as they had hoped, at least there are a ton of good titles available right now to keep them occupied.

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