Real Housewives of New York Leah McSweeneys Anti#Metoo Comments & Trump Support Surfaces

Real Housewives of New York: Leah McSweeney’s Anti-#Metoo Comments & Trump Support Surfaces

Leah McSweeney’s old posts have come to light, including anti-#Metoo comments and support for Trump. This shows a different side of the RHONY star.

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Real Housewives of New York Leah McSweeneys Anti#Metoo Comments & Trump Support Surfaces

In the past, Leah McSweeney from The Real Housewives of New York posted anti-#MeToo comments and showed support for Trump. The mother of one’s real-life opinions may be uncomfortable to digest, but they are her truth.

37-year-old McSweeney from The Real Housewives of New York was born and bred in the Big Apple, but never thought she would be at the center of a reality television show. This Real Housewife is a straight shooter and was desperately needed after Bethenny Frankel walked away from the hit franchise. Fans have gotten to know a bit more about the newest housewife and mostly love what they see. She has opened up about her troubled youth, sharing that she was sent to a nunnery because her parents would not allow her to come home. She was inspired to open up her own business after being attacked by the police and suing them. Now, McSweeney runs her own fashion line, Married to the Mob.

Leah has never been one to shy away from giving her opinion on RHONY and in the press. She has already made it known that she feels her co-star Ramona Singer didn’t care about abiding by CDC worldwide pandemic rules. Leah is also a supporter of the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, All About The Tea reports that Leah may have made anti-Metoo comments, and supported Donald Trump in the past.

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Recently. some of the fashion designers’ past comments resurfaced, calling into question what the RHONY star’s views really are. The outlet revealed that some of her comments were not in support of the #MeToo Movement, while others seemed to defend President Trump. For Penthouse, the reality star penned “Can We Talk About Toxic Femininity”. She wrote, “First off, let me say that I can’t believe I even have to write this. I wanted to keep this piece more about facts and less about my personal opinion, but it’s impossible for me to do that. I need to get this sh*t out of my system. Because enough is enough.” The author accused Asia Argento and Rose McGowan of using the movement for their personal benefit. Leah shared that the two women (Argento and McGowan) had used the death of Anthony Bourdain for the wrong reasons, to gain notoriety and opportunities. What did jump out in the article was Leah victim-blaming Rose and Asia in relation to their experiences with disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein, saying: “Calling this ‘rape’ is doing our society, including sexual-assault survivors, a disservice on so many levels.”

As for this RHONY celeb’s take on the president back in 2016, she made it clear that she did not like either candidate, but had a few choice words about Trump, “I think that Donald Trump is lying about being racist. I don’t think that’s a good thing, but he does business with tons of Muslim people. Are you kidding me? With the buildings and all that. He can act anti-Muslim, I know he’s not. He’s smart. He’s saying what the country wants to hear. Like Middle America and sh*t, because he knows that’s how he’s going to get the vote.” Clearly, her views have evolved over time.

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Bravo fans do not believe that the uncovering of Leah’s past opinions will diminish her flame as a housewife. She is outspoken and unconventional and this is what fans love about her. She says what she thinks and leaves it all out on the floor. Hopefully, she learned from her sharp words, but odds are safe that she hasn’t. She’s likely content with what she said.

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