Red Dead Redemption 3s Best Possible Setting Wasnt In RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 3’s Best Possible Setting Wasn’t In RDR2


Red Dead Redemption 2 never allowed players to visit Mexico like the original Red Dead Redemption, but RDR3 could depict a different kind of Western.

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Red Dead Redemption 3s Best Possible Setting Wasnt In RDR2

A large portion of the original Red Dead Redemption map was unlocked by the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption 2, but players still weren’t allowed to go back to Mexico – at least, not without utilizing glitches and hacks to do so. However, when it comes time for Rockstar Games to begin work on Red Dead Redemption 3, it would be nice if players got to go back across the border once again. In fact, Mexico (along with some of the characters introduced in the original Red Dead Redemption) would make for the best possible setting for RDR3.

While Rockstar hasn’t officially said a sequel to RDR2 is coming, players know Red Dead Redemption 3 is almost a certainty. However, since the original Red Dead Redemption took place so close to the end of the Wild West-era, it would make more sense for the developers to either go back to the past (as they did with Red Dead Redemption 2) or find some way to tell another story in roughly the exact same time period. Thankfully there’s a perfect character who RDR3 could follow already established in the world of both games, and he’s one players would likely be very excited to find out more about.

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John Marston first met Landon Ricketts not long after arriving in Mexico. In RDR2, Arthur never met Ricketts himself, although he did collect a cigarette card of him once. There are multiple references to Ricketts’ exploits throughout Red Dead Redemption 2, but players never encounter him themselves. What was he doing during this time? Given that John comes across Ricketts at a poker table in Chuparosa, Mexico, it’s possible the outlaw has been hiding out there for quite a while. If Red Dead Redemption 3 was to act as a tangential story to both the original Red Dead Redemption and RDR2, letting players follow Landon Ricketts as he journeys through Mexico might just be the best possible way to do it.

RDR3’s Main Character Should Be Landon Ricketts

In Red Dead Redemption 3, Landon Ricketts could be on the run from either the law or one of the many gangs which spot Rockstar’s version of the Wild West. An intro mission could show him escaping his pursuers, perhaps family members of The Butcher Brothers (outlaws Ricketts is said to have shot dead, according to his cigarette card in RDR2) or even start at the exact same Blackwater fiasco which kicked off the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 – which, according to Red Dead Redemption lore, Ricketts was also present at, although he wasn’t a member of the Van der Linde gang. However, if the gang’s actions cause Ricketts to be accused of robbery or if he simply got caught up in the crossfire, it would be an interesting way to tie the fates of all Red Dead Redemption characters together.

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No matter the reason for his arrival, once in Mexico Red Dead Redemption 3 could follow Landon Ricketts and his journey across locations players remember from the original Red Dead Redemption, such as Escalera, Casa Madrugaga, and the caves at El Matadero. Being that Ricketts is remembered as one of the most dangerous outlaws in the West by the time of Red Dead Redemption, it would be nice if players got to see and experience these adventures for themselves. Other characters which were only available in the Mexico portion of the original game’s story, like Colonel Agustin Allende, would also make for great supporting characters.

There’s no good reason to move forward in time with the Red Dead Redemption franchise, but there’s no need to go too far in the past, either. RDR3 would be perfect if it acted as a tangential side story to Red Dead Redemption 2, showing how the Van der Linde gang’s actions not only affected their own lives, but the lives of everyone around them – even the most dangerous outlaw in the West.

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