Red Hood Has Officially Been Chosen as Ras al Ghuls Successor

Red Hood Has Officially Been Chosen as Ra’s al Ghul’s Successor

DC Comics just revealed that Jason Todd, the former Robin now known as Red Hood, has been chosen as the successor to villain Ra’s al Ghul.

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Red Hood Has Officially Been Chosen as Ras al Ghuls Successor

Warning: contains spoilers for Truth and Justice #12!

DC Comics has revealed the surprise successor to Batman villain Ra’s al Ghul is Jason Todd, former Robin and current heroic vigilante the Red Hood! Fans learn this shocking revelation in the DC Digital First Truth and Justice #12, on sale now on digital comics platforms. But while the idea that Todd could take over from the long-lived master of the League of Assassins will be a surprise to many fans, the two are bonded more closely than most realize.

Though his time as Robin tragically ended at the hands of the Joker in the classic “Death in the Family” storyline from 1988, Todd returned to life over a decade later during Infinite Crisis. Jason was revived using one of Ra’s al Ghul’s Lazarus Puts, and trained by his daughter Talia, learning techniques Batman would never have allowed. Todd eventually returned to Gotham and began a brutal war against crime, using the name Red Hood. Since his return, he has had a tense relationship with Batman, but there are signs it is thawing. In previous issues of Truth and Justice, the Red Hood has been investigating the death of a childhood friend, and the trail leads him straight to the Scarecrow.

The villain uses his trademark fear gas against Red Hood, giving him intense visions of Batman and the Joker. The visions goad Red Hood, taunting him, but Red Hood fights back. He overpowers Scarecrow, and right before he knocks him out with a rubber bullet, Scarecrow tells Red Hood the attack was not his idea. Later, as the authorities and first responders finish clearing up the scene, an EMT steals away to make a phone call. The EMT informs a mysterious individual that Red Hood was able to fight off the fear toxin easily. Readers then learn the EMT is talking to Talia al Ghul, and that Scarecrow’s attack will be the first of many on the Red Hood. Talia then reveals the attacks are to make him “fearless” because he is to be “the next Ra’s al Ghul.”

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The story, written by Jeff Trammell, with art by Rob Guillory and colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu, ends there, leaving readers with the tantalizing idea of Red Hood heading up the League of Assassins. Ra’s has tried, unsuccessfully, on multiple occasions to recruit Batman to be his heir, and the Dark Knight has refused every time. Batman’s code of ethics will not allow him to take control of an organization as sinister as the League of Assassins, but Red Hood’s morality is more ambiguous.

While he has mellowed considerably since his return, Todd did not hesitate to use lethal force earlier in his career, and it is something he still struggles to resist. Heading up the League of Assassins would give Red Hood the power to reshape the entire world, and all it would cost is some bloodshed. Talia acknowledges he is not quite ready, but she has clearly dedicated her considerable expertise and resources to making sure he gets there. Shocking as it may be, Red Hood isn’t the worst candidate to fill Ra’s al Ghul’s shoes, especially since he doesn’t even know he’s being molded into a fitting replacement.

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