Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Regular Show: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed


Regular Show is filled with a wide array of things to see. Here are 10 hidden details that some fans likely missed!

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Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Created by J.G. Quintel, Regular Show is easily one of Cartoon Network’s most successful shows. Beloved by children and maybe even a little more by adults, it follows the crazy adventures of two average park employees, Mordecai and Rigby.

The show is often filled with over-the-top shenanigans and it is easy to miss some pretty interesting things. Therefore, we have put together ten hidden details that fans may have missed.

10 Five-Fingered Skips

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

As almost everyone knows, many cartoon characters have four fingers instead of five as it is easier to animate. However, over the years there have been some important exceptions to this, and Skips is one of them. He is the only character on the entire show to have five fingers.

Why exactly this is and what it means is pretty much anyone’s guess. On The Simpsons, only God and Jesus have five fingers and Skips may be a reference to that as The Simpsons was one Quintel’s favorite shows growing up. Also, it can be a mark of Skips’ immortality or simply because he is voiced by Mark Hamill.

9 Mordecai And Rigby Are Severely Underpaid

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Like with many minimum-wage jobs, employees are often underpaid and Mordecai and Rigby are no exception. In the episode “Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special”, Mordecai gets offered $100 for his likeness and Mordecai relates that to a month’s wages.

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Therefore, they are earning way less than the monthly minimum age anywhere in the US. It is no wonder that the two are always so broke. However, some fans have noted that the two are probably paying off all their damages to the park.

8 The Ghostly Shadow

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

As even someone with the least bit of paranormal knowledge will tell you, ghosts don’t normally have shadows. However, as with most things on Regular Show, everything is just a little weird.

The very accurately named Hi-Five Ghost does not only have a shadow but often, he is the only character to have one. Again, what this means is anyone’s guess.

7 Eileen’s Design Change

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Sometimes designs work and sometimes they don’t and animated characters are not exempt from this. In Elieen’s debut, she looked a lot different and a little unsettling. This was due to the very weird design of her eyes.

Her eyes were plain black dots rimmed by thin black glasses. In her next episode, her design was changed to the Eileen fans know and love with far larger eyes and red glasses.

6 The Repairing Of Power Tower

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Normally, when fans see an episode it has been through thorough editing. However, the first airing of the season five episode “Power Tower” was most certainly not the case.

The original airing of the episode looked off and was weirdly colored. It turned out that Cartoon Network accidentally aired an unfinished version of the episode and the correct episode was aired a few days later.

5 The Celebrity Guest Voices

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

Kids cartoons are not often known to draw in a large amount of star power, but as the show is very popular with adults, it is no surprise that the show has been able to draw in a range of celebrity voices.

This has included celebrities like Tim Curry as the leader of a sentient and evil hot dog and Katey Sagal as Mordecai’s mom. For those Community fans out there, four actors of the main cast, Joel McHale, Yvette Nicole Brown, Donald Glover, and Gillian Jacobs, all make an appearance throughout the show, some even in the same episode.

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4 The Link Between Sonic The Hedgehog and Thomas

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

In the earlier parts of the show, the workers at the park were the main characters. However, the season four premiere introduced the loveable if not often neglected and abused intern, Thomas.

Eagle-eyed fans would have noticed that Sonic The Hedgehog and Thomas have very similar shoes and this may have to do with the fact that they are both voiced by Roger Craig Smith.

3 The Eggscellent Challenge Is Real

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

The Emmy-Winning episode of Regular Show, “Eggscellent,” has a super weird food-eating challenge where Rigby has to eat a 12-egg omelet to win a hat that says “I’m Eggscellent.”

To many, this may seem like another fictional premise of a very imaginative show but it is actually based on a real challenge from a restaurant in California.

2 The Inhabitants of Lolliland

Regular Show 10 Hidden Details Everyone Completely Missed

The three-part finale of Regular Show is full of references to the development of the show. However, one scene that perhaps snuck under the radar was the other inhabitants of Lolliland.

The inhabitants, Frivola Kranus, Quadravi Kranus, and Weird Mushroom Guy are all earlier drawings of Pops, therefore, it is no wonder that they bare such a striking resemblance to him.

1 The Naive Man From Lolliland

Regular Show was always very self-aware and no episode better illustrates this like “A Regular Epic Final Battle: The Power.” One moment that completely shattered the fourth wall was the introduction of the short clip of The Naive Man from Lolliland, one of the two student films by Quintel that Regular Show is loosely based on.

In the episode, Pops walks through the clip where he sees a sketched version of himself. He tries to interact with the characters but soon realizes that he needs to go back to fight Anti-Pops.

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