Rick & Morty Producer Talks Serialized Storyline In Seasons 6 and 7

Rick & Morty Producer Talks Serialized Storyline In Seasons 6 and 7

Rick & Morty producer Scott Marder teases an increased emphasis on continuity in the show’s upcoming seasons following the recent season 5 finale.

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Rick & Morty Producer Talks Serialized Storyline In Seasons 6 and 7

Rick & Morty producer Scott Marder has opened up about the possibility of increased continuity in future seasons. The beloved Adult Swim animated series recently wrapped up season 5. Now, the team behind the series is looking ahead to Rick & Morty season 6 and season 7, which are currently in the works.

Historically, Rick & Morty has openly mocked the concept of continuity. Though some recurring characters and concepts have come and gone, the show’s earlier seasons made ample in-jokes out of the fan desire to learn more about Rick’s backstory or tell serialized stories about his battles against The Citadel. The show has continuously mocked the concept of developing strong lore (even devoting entire episodes to lampoon the idea), but the latter half of season 5 showed a slow-but-steady inch towards a deepening of its mythology.

Now, with Rick & Morty’s fifth season in the rearview, the Rick & Morty team seems to be looking ahead to a future with an increased emphasis on continuity. In a recent appearance on the Interdimensional RSS podcast (via Comicbook.com), producer Scott Marder addresses fans’ reactions to the change in approach. He explained that the show has begun evolving in that direction since the beginning of season 5’s development. Marder said:

“We’re towards the end of writing Season 7 right now. We’ve really gotten the show moving, but that’s to say Season 6 is animating, everything’s in the process. We ourselves, even before [Season 5] aired, were like ‘Oh it would be fun to give things a little bit more continuity, make things feel like they’re not so standalone.’ Which feels to me like the big note that … I’m generally getting on Season 5 like, ‘Fun episodes, but we want to feel like A equals B and they’re all kind of moving, and relate to each other and don’t just ignore things from the past.’ Certainly not the goal out of the gates for Season 5.”

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Much of this progression likely has to do with where Rick & Morty leaves its titular duo at the end of season 5. The finale turned out to be one of the series’ most canon-heavy installments yet, going so far as to bring back Evil Morty (first introduced in season 1 in “Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind”) as the architect of the episode’s ultimate scheme. His mission? To escape the Central Finite Curve created by the Ricks and relocate to a universe where Rick is not the smartest being in existence. His success at the end of the episode, coupled with Rick’s acceptance of Morty as his equal, opens up an entirely new world of storytelling that future seasons may capitalize on from here.

There’s a strong case to be made that this is the right direction for Rick & Morty to take its storytelling. Despite the show’s early apparent disdain for continuity and elaborate world-building, the fact remains that fans can (and apparently do) get tired of seeing Rick & Morty reset to the status quo time and time again. With all of the revelations about Rick that came about in season 5, it makes sense that future seasons will push things further. Now it’s a matter of waiting to see what additions to the canon get made when season 6 of Rick & Morty debuts.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/rick-morty-season-6-season-7-storyline-updates/

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