Robin and Superboy Condemned the Justice League to Death

Robin and Superboy Condemned the Justice League to Death

Robin and Superboy, the Super-Sons, are destined to be the next generation of heroes, even greater than their parents – if they don’t kill them first!

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Robin and Superboy Condemned the Justice League to Death

Spoilers for Challenge of the Super-Sons #12 ahead!

Robin and Superboy may have inadvertently condemned the Justice League to death – ironically while trying to save them! Readers can see the Super-Sons’ centuries-long crusade against Felix Faust and Vandal Savage come to a head in the DC Digital First Challenge of the Super Sons #12, but it may end in doom for the Justice League.

When Challenge of the Super-Sons returned late last year, Robin and Superboy found themselves trying to save each member of the Justice League from a rather unique curse: a silent curse that will kill its intended victim earlier than usual if they learn of its existence. The Super-Sons were successful in saving the Flash, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the League, and when the two traced the root of the curse to its source, they found it was the handiwork of the immortal villains Vandal Savage and Felix Faust. The pair traveled back in time to Elizabethan-era London, where Faust and Savage were based, in order to break the curse for good, but readers learn Robin and Superboy’s trip to the past may actually be the reason the curse exists in the first place!

In the story, written by Peter J. Tomasi, with art by Evan Stanley, colors by Luis Guerrero, and letters by Rob Leigh, the Super-Sons have fallen into Faust and Savage’s clutches. Imprisoned in the villains’ lair, Faust has read their memories of the future and, seeing he is foiled time and again by the Justice League, used them to help construct the very curse Robin and Superboy came back in time to stop. Help comes in the form of Rora, Faust’s servant/apprentice, who uses her magic to alter Faust’s enchantments, giving the Super-Sons the edge they need to reverse the curse. She then reveals that telling the curse’s victims about it can potentially undo her spell, explaining the curse’s ability to kill someone earlier than it was meant to. Armed with this knowledge, they return to the present… and right back into Savage and Faust, ready for the final showdown.

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The idea of Robin and Superboy being inadvertently responsible for the deaths of their fathers and their fathers’ colleagues in the Justice League is a powerful one and works beautifully here thanks to the story’s clever time travel mechanics. It also shows Faust and Savage’s ability to play a long game, a helpful trait to have for immortals like them.

The Super-Sons, Robin and Superboy, are destined to be the next generation of heroes, potentially surpassing their parents—that is if they do not kill them first. Challenge of the Super-Sons #12 is for sale now on digital comics platforms.

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