Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

Sailor Moon: 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See


Sailor Moon fans have always found great appreciation in the franchise’s unique art style. So, here are 10 fan art pictures everyone has got to see.

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Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

Sailor Moon is one of the most famous icons of the ’90s. Along with anime greats such as Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon inspired a generation of fans and is generally considered an icon for women just as much as Wonder Woman. Although known for its amazing cast and great humorous writing, it really hit its stride with its art style which is heavily colorful and elegant. Absolutely great and perfect for the shojo genre. Over time fans all around the world sparked their own interpretations of the dynamic Sailor Moon.

Here are the 10 best Sailor Moon fan arts that look absolutely fabulous.

10 Eternal Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

Starting this list is Honey + Lemon Design’s version of Sailor Moon. It is an interpretation that is very similar to designs from ’90s era Disney cartoons. The bright colors help the design out tremendously with each aspect popping boldly.

However, the best aspect of the fan art is arguably the background the artist chose for her piece. Showing both the symbol of the Sailor as well as leaving petals of ethereal feathers all over it. It also has a nice splatter effect which shows the space motif.

9 Absolute Minimalism

Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

This fan art is designed by Marta Buitrago and it is absolutely phenomenal. Taking a more minimalistic approach, the artist only relies on the colors in order to convey what is there. Comprising of wondrous hues of pink, purple and blues, it really does show the grace of the Sailor Moon character. But what is most striking is that the colors appear to be within a certain gradient, this actually allows the piece to have strong depth without the need for black outlines as most illustrations.

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8 The Moonlight Sailor

A gorgeous piece done by SeerLights, it depicts Sailor Moon wearing a Japanese kimono amidst what appears to be the mountainside. Using white outlines as opposed to the typical black ones, this Sailor Moon piece is absolutely striking as it truly makes her appear like she is a part of the stars in the background.

The best thing about this piece by far is the design of the kimono and how it looks like a background in itself. From stars to her hair acting as the water for the fish to flow into. It’s utterly fantastic.

7 Victorian Era Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

A unique interpretation created by Carol Azevedo, this depicts the Sailor Moon character if she was around during the Victorian era of Britain or revolutionary France. Complete with a more realistic style, this fan art is truly a work of art. Each aspect of her clothes is delivered in supreme detail and is boldly separated by the Sailor Moon colors. Contrast that with Sailor Moon’s hair and face which is surprisingly more simplistic overall. This contrast helps make the piece overall look fantastic. Plus doing texture work on fabric is a feat of itself.

6 Isn’t Space Wonderful?

Taking inspiration from films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey or any form of sci-fi movie, Boneysoups does a tremendous job of creating a different interpretation of Sailor Moon, where she is portrayed as an astronaut. The darker color palette and the fact that Sailor Moon looks upwards in thought creates a much more relaxing and soul-driven take on the character. It is as if the character herself has become deeply immersed in the vastness of space, finding a beauty despite its cold embrace.

5 A Wonderous Painting

Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

A piece done by k-BOSE, this is actually a piece of both Sailor Moon and her team. However, it was so good that it had to be included on this list. Digitally painted to look similar to an oil or acrylic painting, k-BOSE implements elements of abstraction to create the piece presented here. This results in fan art that delivers a lot in both mood and contrast.

Sailor Moon is primarily placed in the night sky while her team remained on the colorful side which represents the earth and the present. It’s a piece of deliberate elegance.

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4 Chibi Sailor

A very cutesy version of Sailor Moon, Cottonsprouts depiction is still quite great. With aspects taken from children books or potentially enhancing the shojo aspects of the character, it is still quite strong with contrast. The hair is a nice shade of gold, while Sailor Moon’s overall outfit is contrasted with white and red. The innocent look on her face combined with the cake she is holding really does highlight the teenager aspects of the character.

3 Shining Like The Moon

Sailor Moon 10 Sailor Moon Fan Art Pictures You Have To See

This incredibly gorgeous piece by Paula Mantymaki is nothing short of extraordinary. Painted digitally, it shows both a mixture of realistic and cartoonish. The former aspect is taken from the deliberate detail and structured anatomy while the cartoonish aspects are shown from the colors to the eyes.

Speaking of the colors, the background absolutely pops, with the shine of Sailor Moon’s powers acting as a nice breakup to everything. The warm pink contrasted by hues of white feathers and the wings behind her broken up in beautiful diamond-like designs.

2 A Modern Classic

This gorgeous illustration of Sailor Moon is remarkably similar to the aspects of Clear Line. Also known as Ligne Claire, the principle behind this style is that rather than using pure shading, the artist uses line work to illustrate everything the viewer needs.

This principle can easily be seen with the linework on her jacket and hair. In terms of the actual colors, it pops and stands out when it has to, with the expression that Sailor Moon has is almost completely serene.

1 A Cute Crossover

Finally, there is the fan art created by the illustrious Yulia Gasnikova. A fun little piece of artwork that crosses over Zootopia, what is wonderful about this version is that it is able to combine both properties’ unique art styles.

Sailor Moon being Judy Hopp allows her to implement some aspects of the latter’s snarkiness. It delivers something that is both funny and classic, becoming essentially a modern classic. Plus the painted style of the piece is absolutely glorious.

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