Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Scandal: 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)


Scandal saw a lot of its characters developing in a positive way as the series went on. However, some of them just ended up getting worse.

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Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Running for seven seasons, Scandal brought viewers inside the White House for drama amongst the most significant politicians. From the President of the United States and the White House staff to B613, and Olivia Pope and Associates, Scandal covered a lot of ground and perspectives of events. One universal truth throughout the series was that no one was good or evil. Everyone has a light and dark side.

Another was that the closer you come to the Oval Office, the more corrupted by the desire for the power you become. This is most often proved when shown the difference between characters like Huck and Quinn, who never held White House jobs compared to Abby and Olivia, who worked closely with the Oval, and wished to hold power over the President. From beginning to end, every character underwent development, but while some got better as the series continued, others got worse.

10 Better: Huck

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Coming from B613, Huck was wired to enjoy torturing his victims. Once he was out, Huck was the first of Olivia Pope and Associates that Olivia had met and quickly became her most loyal friend. At times, Huck would slip back into old habits, a crack in a door that should be left firmly shut.

At first, only Olivia was capable of closing the door. As time went on, Huck trusted others, albeit more carefully, and developed a close friendship with Quinn, who helped to keep “His Guy” reigned in.

9 Worse: Fitz

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Although Fitz was President of the United States for the majority of Scandal, it was a poorly kept secret in the White House that President Fitzgerald Grant could barely decide for himself. Behind his back, Mellie, Cyrus, and Olivia pulled the strings of his presidency, even to the point of getting him elected.

Also, though Fitz did place importance on the safety of the nation, he spent too much time vying for a relationship with Olivia. During the final season, Fitz took a backseat to nearly everything happening, as Mellie ran the country as President of the United States.

8 Better: Mellie

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Mellie wasn’t necessarily a good person, but Scandal was never a series about good people. Mellie was the prime example of a prisoner stuck in a castle. While Mellie does have almost everything at her disposal, as First Lady, Mellie could not make executive decisions, and instead had to manipulate Fitz.

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As the series dove more in Mellie’s history, the audience grew to understand more what Mellie would always say about giving up everything for Fitz. As time went on, Mellie grasped at more power, determined to be a deserving president.

7 Worse: Abby

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Abby suffers from losing her way after getting a job at the White House. Stepping away from Olivia Pope and Associates to a position of power, Abby loses part of her drive to do what is right in exchange for receiving power. Much of Abby’s arc follows her anger and jealousy toward Fitz and Cyrus, believing and trusting Olivia above Abby.

As a result, Abby wanted to gain power and control to be necessary, always proving herself. Abby wanted to be Olivia so severely that at times Abby could not see how she was an asset rather than a lower level replacement. Only after Abby returned to working for Quinn did she become drop her power-hungry desires.

6 Better: David

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

The only White Hat left by the series finale, David’s only plan was to do right by the justice system. David was not interested in corruption or strived for power, and instead wished for people to be prosecuted to the law. Although David occasionally went outside the rules, he still placed importance on following the law and doing the right thing.

Unfortunately, David would not see his hard work succeed. After living through an encounter with Jake Ballard, it is poison from Cyrus that ends David Rosen’s life. Before his untimely death, David had told Abby how good it felt to stand up to Jake.

5 Worse: Marcus

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Just like Abby, Marcus loses what made him who he was after joining the White House staff. Olivia first met Marcus Walker as an activist, wishing to see justice for the death of an innocent young man that had been killed and his father.

Later, Marcus joins Olivia Pope and Associates, and while the job is not doing the type of good Marcus saw himself doing, Marcus worked there until Abby offered him a position at the White House. Afterward, Marcus ended up losing his voice, speaking on behalf of the President instead of the people that needed one. Marcus even later wondered what had happened to have him so far away from where he had started.

4 Better: Quinn

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

At first, Quinn was an overwhelmed and excited new member of Olivia Pope and Associates. Quinn was amazed at the speed and efficiency of which Olivia portrayed herself. The longer Quinn stayed, she became part of the team. Quinn learned under Huck’s supervision of how to hack and later was interested in the ways of B613.

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From a stammering new addition to the job to the quick-talking, new leader of Olivia Pope and Associates that Quinn became, she undergoes plenty of character development. While Quinn’s interests have dabbled in more dangerous ways, a part of her has clung to a personal moral compass.

3 Worse: Cyrus

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Cyrus never had absolute power, but he indeed came close. Cyrus was part of the group that pulled President Fitzgerald Grant’s strings behind the scenes. A puppeteer, Cyrus knew how to make everyone dance to his tune, creating the opportunities he wanted.

As time went on, though, Cyrus went from verbal manipulations to actions. Cyrus was smart enough not to let a trail lead back to him, but it was implied that Cyrus left the seed that leads to the President Elect’s death. Cyrus was behind several murders of people that would have made things difficult for Fitz’s presidency or himself.

2 Better: Olivia

Scandal 5 Characters Who Got Better As The Show Went On (& 5 That Got Worse)

Olivia Pope was the powerhouse of the series. To think that Olivia would fail was laughable as she and her team could accomplish whatever Olivia wanted them to. Beyond anyone else, Olivia pulled strings and could be in control of anything she wanted. At first, Olivia’s time was spent helping her clients, those who needed her help. As the show went on, a thirst for power went through Olivia in the last seasons of the show.

While Olivia indeed went too far, her decision to come clean and be honest in the end saved her. Knowing how much trouble she could create, Olivia still knew that the right thing to do was to be honest, even if she didn’t reveal absolutely everything she knew. The choice to step away from the White House and power solidified Olivia’s desire to move on.

1 Worse: Jake

Several characters were difficult to tell where their loyalties lied, and Jake was one of them. Having spent years under Rowan’s thumb, Jake’s main desire was to be with Olivia and away from the man who had controlled so much of his life. However, Jake later found himself under Olivia’s thumb as well.

As much as Jake wanted to have control of his own life, he never did as between Olivia and her father, one of them always somehow controlled him. Jake was desperate to be in control of his life, and his wish to step out from under Olivia and Rowan only lead to worse things for Jake.

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